Class WholeImageFilter

    • Field Detail

      • transformedSpace

        protected java.awt.Rectangle transformedSpace
        The output image bounds.
      • originalSpace

        protected java.awt.Rectangle originalSpace
        The input image bounds.
    • Constructor Detail

      • WholeImageFilter

        public WholeImageFilter()
        Construct a WholeImageFilter.
    • Method Detail

      • filter

        public java.awt.image.BufferedImage filter​(java.awt.image.BufferedImage src,
                                                   java.awt.image.BufferedImage dst)
      • transformSpace

        protected void transformSpace​(java.awt.Rectangle rect)
        Calculate output bounds for given input bounds.
        rect - input and output rectangle
      • filterPixels

        protected abstract int[] filterPixels​(int width,
                                              int height,
                                              int[] inPixels,
                                              java.awt.Rectangle transformedSpace)
        Actually filter the pixels.
        width - the image width
        height - the image height
        inPixels - the image pixels
        transformedSpace - the output bounds
        the output pixels