Class BoundsManipulator

    • Constructor Detail

      • BoundsManipulator

        public BoundsManipulator()
        Construct a new manipulator that uses rectangular grab-handles.
      • BoundsManipulator

        public BoundsManipulator​(GrabHandleFactory f)
        Construct a new manipulator using the given grab-handle factory.
    • Method Detail

      • getDragInteractor

        public Interactor getDragInteractor()
        Return the interactor that is attached to a move handle.
      • getGeometry

        public BoundsGeometry getGeometry()
        Return the geometry of this manipulator
      • mouseReleased

        public void mouseReleased​(LayerEvent e)
        Do nothing. This method is called when the resizer gets a mouse released event, indicating that resizing is complete. Subclasses may wish to override this to, for example, make a persistent record of the new size (which can be obtained by calling getChild().getBounds()).
        e - The mouse event.
      • mousePressed

        public void mousePressed​(LayerEvent e)
        Do nothing. This method is called when the resizer gets a mouse pressed event, indicating that resizing may be starting. Subclasses may wish to override this to, for example, make a record of the size before resizing (which can be obtained by calling getChild().getBounds()).
        e - The mouse event.
      • newInstance

        public FigureDecorator newInstance​(Figure f)
        Create a new instance of this manipulator. The new instance will have the same grab handle, and interactor for grab-handles.
        Specified by:
        newInstance in class FigureDecorator
        f - The figure
        The new instance of the figure decorator.
      • refresh

        public void refresh()
        Refresh the geometry. This adjusts the bounds of the geometry to match the bounds of the child figure.
        Specified by:
        refresh in class Manipulator
      • setChild

        public void setChild​(Figure child)
        Set the child figure. If we have any grab-handles, lose them. Then get a rectangle geometry object and create grab-handles on its sites.
        setChild in class FigureDecorator
        child - The child figure.
      • setDragInteractor

        public void setDragInteractor​(Interactor dragger)
        Set the drag interactor for figures wrapped by this manipulator. If set, the manipulator displays an additional handle that can be used to drag the figure. This is useful for certain types of figure that are outlines only.