Class AttributeMatcher

    • Method Detail

      • getCriteriaAttribute

        public GTIngredientsAttribute getCriteriaAttribute()
        Return the attribute that stores all the criteria for this matcher.
        Specified by:
        getCriteriaAttribute in interface GTEntity
        The attribute that stores all the criteria.
      • getDefaultIconDescription

        public java.lang.String getDefaultIconDescription()
        Return a string that contains the SVG icon description ("<svg>...</svg>") for this matcher. This icon description is the default icon for the matcher, which may be changed by the criteria.
        Specified by:
        getDefaultIconDescription in interface GTEntity
        The icon description.
      • getOperationsAttribute

        public GTIngredientsAttribute getOperationsAttribute()
        Return the attribute that stores all the operations for this matcher.
        Specified by:
        getOperationsAttribute in interface GTEntity
        The attribute that stores all the operations.
      • getPatternObjectAttribute

        public PatternObjectAttribute getPatternObjectAttribute()
        Return the attribute that stores the name of the corresponding entity in the pattern of the same TransformationRule, if this entity is in the replacement, or null otherwise.
        Specified by:
        getPatternObjectAttribute in interface GTEntity
        The attribute that stores the name of the corresponding entity.
        See Also:
      • labelSet

        public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> labelSet()
        Return the set of names of ingredients contained in this entity that can be resolved.
        Specified by:
        labelSet in interface GTEntity
        The set of names.
      • match

        public boolean match​(NamedObj object)
        Test whether this AtomicActorMatcher can match the given object. The matching is shallow in the sense that objects contained by this matcher need not match the corresponding objects in the given object for the return result to be true. The return result is true if and only if the given object is an instance of ComponentEntity.
        Specified by:
        match in interface GTEntity
        object - The NamedObj.
        Whether this AtomicActorMatcher can match the given object.
      • updateAppearance

        public void updateAppearance​(GTIngredientsAttribute attribute)
        Do nothing. The appearance of an AttributeMatcher is not updated with change of the criteria or operations.
        Specified by:
        updateAppearance in interface GTEntity
        attribute - The attribute containing ingredients of this entity.