Actors that convert between different types.
- Since:
- Ptolemy II 0.2
Class Summary Class Description AnythingToDouble Deprecated. Use or StringToDouble.BooleanToAnything This actor converts a boolean input token into any data type.CartesianToComplex Convert a Cartesian pair (represented as two double tokens) to a single complex token.CartesianToPolar Convert a Cartesian pair, which is represented by two double tokens (x and y), to a polar form, which is also represented by two double tokens (magnitude and angle).ComplexToCartesian Read a complex token and output double tokens that represent the real and imaginary parts to two different output ports.ComplexToPolar Convert a complex token to polar coordinates, which are represented by two double tokens (magnitude and angle).Converter This actor is a base class for converters.DateToString Convert a date to a string.DoubleToFix This actor converts a DoubleToken to a FixToken with a specified precision.ExpressionToToken This actor reads a string expression from the input port and outputs the token resulting from the evaluation.FixToDouble This actor converts a FixToken into a DoubleToken.FixToFix This actor converts a FixToken into another FixToken with a specified precision.ImageToString Convert an AWT Image to a base-64 String.IntArrayToString Convert an integer-array into a string.InUnitsOf An actor that converts input tokens to specified units by dividing the input by the value of the units parameter.LongToDate Convert a long to a date.LongToDouble This actor converts a LongToken into a DoubleToken.PolarToCartesian This actor reads two double tokens (magnitude and angle) and outputs two new double tokens (x and y).PolarToComplex This actor reads two double tokens (magnitude and angle) and outputs a single complex token.Round Produce an output token on each firing with a value that is equal to the specified rounded value of the input.SmoothToDouble Convert aSmoothToken
(one that has a double value and an array of derivatives) to a DoubleToken, discarding the derivative information.StringToBoolean Convert a string to a boolean.StringToDate Convert a string to a double.StringToDouble Convert a string to a double.StringToInt Convert a StringToken to an IntToken.StringToIntArray Convert a string to an integer-array.StringToUnsignedByteArray Convert a string to an array of unsigned byte.StringToXML Convert a string token to an xml token.TokenToExpression This actor reads a token from the input port and outputs a string token whose value is an expression that can be parsed to yield the input token.UnsignedByteArrayToString Convert an array of bytes into a string.