Class Plotter

    • Field Detail

      • startingDataset

        public Parameter startingDataset
        The starting dataset number to which data is plotted. This parameter has type IntToken, with default value 0. Its value must be non-negative.
    • Method Detail

      • attributeChanged

        public void attributeChanged​(Attribute attribute)
                              throws IllegalActionException
        If the attribute is startingDataset, then check its validity.
        attributeChanged in class PlotterBase
        attribute - The attribute that changed.
        IllegalActionException - If the specified attribute is startingDataset and its value is negative, or if the superclass throws it.
      • initialize

        public void initialize()
                        throws IllegalActionException
        If the plot has not already been created, create it. If configurations specified by a call to configure() have not yet been processed, process them. Clear the data sets that this actor is responsible for (starting with the one indexed by startingDataset, up to startingDataset + width - 1, where width is the width of the input port.
        Specified by:
        initialize in interface Initializable
        initialize in class AtomicActor<TypedIOPort>
        IllegalActionException - If the parent class throws it.