Class Refinement

    • Field Detail

      • _mirrorDisable

        protected boolean _mirrorDisable
        Indicator that we are processing a newPort request.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Refinement

        public Refinement​(Workspace workspace)
        Construct a Refinement in the specified workspace with no container and an empty string as a name. You can then change the name with setName(). If the workspace argument is null, then use the default workspace.
        workspace - The workspace that will list the refinement.
    • Method Detail

      • newPort

        public Port newPort​(java.lang.String name)
                     throws NameDuplicationException
        Create a new port with the specified name in the container of this refinement, which in turn creates a port in this refinement all other refinements, and the controller. This method is write-synchronized on the workspace.
        newPort in class TypedCompositeActor
        name - The name to assign to the newly created port.
        The new port.
        NameDuplicationException - If the entity already has a port with the specified name.
      • setMirrorDisable

        public void setMirrorDisable​(boolean disable)
        Control whether adding a port should be mirrored in the modal model and the mode controller. This is added to allow control by the UI.
        disable - True if mirroring should not occur.
      • _checkContainer

        protected void _checkContainer​(Entity container)
                                throws IllegalActionException
        Override the base class to ensure that the proposed container is a MultiCompositeActor or null.
        container - The proposed container.
        IllegalActionException - If the proposed container is not a TypedActor, or if the base class throws it.