Class FixTransformer

    • Field Detail

      • output

        public QueuedTypedIOPort output
        Queued output to simulate pipelined add. The output is fix point type.
    • Method Detail

      • getPortPrecision

        public java.lang.String getPortPrecision​(IOPort port)
                                          throws IllegalActionException
        Return the precision string of the given port.
        port - The given port.
        The precision string.
        IllegalActionException - Thrown if there is no precision parameter for the given port.
      • sendOutput

        public void sendOutput​(TypedIOPort port,
                               int channel,
                               Token token)
                        throws NoRoomException,
        Send the quantized output token according the output precision, overflow and rounding parameters of the output port.
        channel - The given channel to send the output token.
        port - The given output port.
        token - The given output token.
        IllegalActionException - If the token to be sent cannot be converted to the type of this port, or if the token is null.
        NoRoomException - If there is no room in the receiver.
      • newFixOutputPort

        public QueuedTypedIOPort newFixOutputPort​(java.lang.String name)
                                           throws IllegalActionException,
        Create a new fix point type output port with given the name. The container of the created port is this actor. This also create a new precision parameter associated with this port.
        name - The given name of the port.
        The new output port.
        IllegalActionException - If parameters cannot be created.
        NameDuplicationException - If a parameter with the same name already exists.
      • _checkFixTokenWidth

        protected void _checkFixTokenWidth​(FixToken token,
                                           int width)
                                    throws IllegalActionException
        Verify that the bit width of the given FixToken is equal to the given width. If not, an IllegalActionException is thrown.
        token - The given fix-point token.
        width - The given width.
        IllegalActionException - Thrown If the bit width of the given fix token is not equal to given width.
      • _checkFixMaxValue

        protected void _checkFixMaxValue​(FixToken token,
                                         int max)
                                  throws IllegalActionException
        Verify that the bit width of the given fix-point token is equal to the minimum bit width that is required to represent the given value.
        token - The given token.
        max - The given value.
        IllegalActionException - Thrown if _checkFixToken(FixToken, in) throws it.
      • _setAndHideQuantizationParameters

        protected void _setAndHideQuantizationParameters​(java.lang.String precisionString,
                                                         java.lang.String overflowString,
                                                         java.lang.String roundingString)
        Set quantization parameters of the output port with the given parameter expression strings. Hide the parameters in the configure dialog.
        precisionString - The given expression for the precision parameter.
        overflowString - The given expression for the overflow parameter.
        roundingString - The given expression for the rounding parameter.
      • _showQuantizationParameters

        protected void _showQuantizationParameters​(boolean showPrecision,
                                                   boolean showOverflow,
                                                   boolean showRounding)
        Set the visibility of the precision, overflow and rounding parameters.
        showPrecision - The visibility of the precision parameter.
        showOverflow - The visibility of the overflow parameter.
        showRounding - The visibility of the precision parameter.
      • _setQuantizationParameters

        protected void _setQuantizationParameters​(java.lang.String precisionString,
                                                  java.lang.String overflowString,
                                                  java.lang.String roundingString)
        Set quantization parameters for the output port.
        precisionString - The given precision expression.
        overflowString - The given overflow expression.
        roundingString - The given rounding expression.