Class FlatScalarTokenRepresentativeConcept

    • Field Detail

      • leftEndPoint

        public Parameter leftEndPoint
        The value of the left endpoint of the scalar interval.
      • leftIntervalClosed

        public Parameter leftIntervalClosed
        Indicates whether or not the interval is closed on its left endpoint.
      • rightEndPoint

        public Parameter rightEndPoint
        The value of the right endpoint of the scalar interval.
      • rightIntervalClosed

        public Parameter rightIntervalClosed
        Indicates whether or not the interval is closed on its right endpoint.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FlatScalarTokenRepresentativeConcept

        public FlatScalarTokenRepresentativeConcept​(CompositeEntity ontology,
                                                    java.lang.String name)
                                             throws NameDuplicationException,
        Create a new FlatScalarTokenRepresentativeConcept with the specified name and ontology.
        ontology - The specified ontology where this concept resides.
        name - The specified name for the concept.
        NameDuplicationException - If the ontology already contains a concept with the specified name.
        IllegalActionException - If the base class throws it.
    • Method Detail

      • attributeChanged

        public void attributeChanged​(Attribute attribute)
                              throws IllegalActionException
        React to a change in an attribute. If there is a change to the parameters that specify the endpoints of the interval for the scalar infinite concepts represented by this concept, change the interval endpoint values or the flags that determine whether each endpoint is closed or open.
        attributeChanged in class NamedObj
        attribute - The attribute that has changed in this concept.
        IllegalActionException - Thrown if the interval is invalid (the specified left endpoint is greater than the right endpoint, or vice versa).
      • withinInterval

        public boolean withinInterval​(ScalarToken value)
                               throws IllegalActionException
        Determine whether or not the specified ScalarToken is within the interval specified by this representative concept.
        value - The specified ScalarToken to be tested.
        True if the ScalarToken value is within the interval, false otherwise.
        IllegalActionException - Thrown if the interval endpoints have not been specified.