Class DerivedDimensionRepresentativeConcept

    • Field Detail

      • dimensionArray

        public Parameter dimensionArray
        An array of records that specifies the dimensions and exponents that comprise this dimension.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DerivedDimensionRepresentativeConcept

        public DerivedDimensionRepresentativeConcept​(CompositeEntity ontology,
                                                     java.lang.String name)
                                              throws NameDuplicationException,
        Create a new DerivedUnitRepresentativeConcept with the specified name and ontology.
        ontology - The specified ontology where this concept resides.
        name - The specified name for the concept.
        NameDuplicationException - If the ontology already contains a concept with the specified name.
        IllegalActionException - If the base class throws it.
    • Method Detail

      • getComponentBaseDimensions

        public java.util.Map<BaseDimensionRepresentativeConcept,​java.lang.Integer> getComponentBaseDimensions()
                                                                                                             throws IllegalActionException
        Return the component base dimensions map for this derived unit dimension.
        The map of component base dimensions and their exponents for this derived dimension.
        IllegalActionException - Thrown if there is a problem getting the component base dimensions map.
      • getComponentDimensions

        public java.util.Map<DimensionRepresentativeConcept,​java.lang.Integer> getComponentDimensions()
                                                                                                     throws IllegalActionException
        Return the component dimensions map for this derived unit dimension.
        The map of component dimensions and their exponents for this derived dimension.
        IllegalActionException - Thrown if there is a problem getting the component dimensions map.
      • deriveComponentBaseDimensionsMap

        public static java.util.Map<BaseDimensionRepresentativeConcept,​java.lang.Integer> deriveComponentBaseDimensionsMap​(java.util.Map<DimensionRepresentativeConcept,​java.lang.Integer> dimensionMap)
                                                                                                                          throws IllegalActionException
        Derive a map of base dimensions to exponents that represents the given dimension map.
        dimensionMap - The map of dimensions to exponents from which base dimension map will be derived
        The map of base dimensions to exponents that composes the given dimension map.
        IllegalActionException - Thrown if an invalid dimension concept is found.
      • getReferenceNameByDimensionName

        public java.lang.String getReferenceNameByDimensionName​(java.lang.String dimensionName)
        Return the reference name used by the unit specifications in this concept for the given dimension name. The reference name allows us to specify derived dimension representative concepts in MoML that may depend on other dimension concepts without have to specify those dependencies until after the ontology model is created.
        dimensionName - The name of the dimension being referenced.
        The reference name used in the unit specifications to refer to the given dimension.
      • _createInfiniteConceptInstance

        protected DerivedUnitConcept _createInfiniteConceptInstance​(java.lang.String infiniteConceptString)
                                                             throws IllegalActionException
        Return a BaseUnitConcept instance from the given concept string representation. The string must represent one of the units specified for this physical dimension.
        Specified by:
        _createInfiniteConceptInstance in class DimensionRepresentativeConcept
        infiniteConceptString - The string that represents the unit concept to be returned.
        The BaseUnitConcept represented by the given string.
        IllegalActionException - Thrown if there is a problem creating the unit concept.