Packages for manipulating data that passes between actors.
- Since:
- Ptolemy II 0.2
Interface Summary Interface Description BitwiseOperationToken The operations that can be performed on tokens that have bitwise operations.Function The interface for functions contained by function tokens.Numerical A marker interface used for representing the Numerical type in the type hierarchy.PartiallyOrderedToken An interface for tokens that can be partially ordered. -
Class Summary Class Description AbsentToken A placeholder token that represents the absence of a token.AbstractConvertibleToken The Token base class provides a very general interface for building new data types.AbstractNotConvertibleToken The Token base class provides a very general interface for building new data types.ActorToken A token that contains an actor.ArrayToken A token that contains an array of tokens.AWTImageToken A token that contains a java.awt.Image.BooleanMatrixToken A token that contains a 2-D boolean matrix.BooleanToken A token that contains a boolean variable.ComplexMatrixToken A token that contains a 2-D Complex matrix.ComplexToken A token that contains a Complex number represented by a 64-bit double-precision floating point real and imaginary parts.DateToken A token that contains a date.DoubleMatrixToken A token that contains a 2-D double matrix.DoubleToken A token that contains a 64-bit signed mantissa, signed exponent double precision floating-point number (IEEE 754).EventToken A token representing a pure event.FixMatrixToken A token that contains a 2-D FixToken matrix.FixToken A token that contains an instance of FixPoint.FloatToken A token that contains a 32-bit signed mantissa, signed exponent single precision floating-point number (IEEE 754).FunctionToken A token that contains a function.ImageToken An abstract class that all tokens which encapsulate images should extend.IntMatrixToken A token that contains a 2-D int matrix.IntToken A token that contains a signed 32-bit integer number.LongMatrixToken A token that contains a 2-D long matrix.LongToken A token that contains a signed 64-bit long integer.MatrixToken Abstract base class for tokens that contain a 2-D matrix.ObjectToken A token that contains a reference to an arbitrary object.OrderedRecordToken A token that contains a set of label/token pairs.PetiteToken A token that contains a number which is essentially a simulation equivalent for fixed point numbers in embedded processors.RecordToken A token that contains a set of label/token pairs.ScalarToken Abstract base class for tokens that contain a scalar.ShortToken A token that contains a signed 16-bit integer number.SmoothToken A double-valued token that contains zero or more derivatives, representing the value of a function of time at a particular time.StringToken A token that contains a string, or more specifically, a reference to an instance of String.Token Token is the base class for data capsules.TokenUtilities Various methods and fields that are used from within the various token classes.TupleToken A token that contains an ordered set of tokens.UnionToken A token that contains a label/token pairs.UnsignedByteToken A token that contains a byte number in the range 0 through 255.UnsizedArrayToken A token that represents an array.UnsizedFixToken A token that contains an instance of FixPoint.UpdatedArrayToken A token that contains an array of tokens that is equal to another specified ArrayToken except at one location, where it has a new value.XMLToken A token that contains a xml document.