Class CPort

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.lang.Cloneable, HasTypeConstraints, Typeable, Changeable, Debuggable, DebugListener, Derivable, ModelErrorHandler, MoMLExportable, Moveable, Nameable

    public class CPort
    extends TypedIOPort
    This port class is used with actors that are instances of CActor. It features additional parameters specific to the Giotto domain. If the port is specified as an output port, then it has two parameters specified by default.
    • The parameter initialOutputValue which specifies the value of the port until the container has fired and assigned it a value. The default value of this parameter is 0. It is constrained to have the same type as this port.
    • The parameter arrayLength, which is used only if the type is an array. This specifies the length of the array. The default value of this parameter is 1.
    Ptolemy II 11.0
    N.Vinay Krishnan, Edward A. Lee
    Red (cxh)
    Red (vkris)
    • Field Detail

      • initialOutputValue

        public Parameter initialOutputValue
        The initial value of the port.
      • arrayLength

        public Parameter arrayLength
        The length of the array if the type is an array.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CPort

        public CPort​(ComponentEntity container,
                     java.lang.String name)
              throws IllegalActionException,
        Construct a CPort with a containing actor and a name that is neither an input nor an output. The specified container must be an instance of CActor, or an exception will be thrown.
        container - The container actor.
        name - The name of the port.
        IllegalActionException - If the port is not of an acceptable class for the container, or if the container is not an instance of CActor.
        NameDuplicationException - If the name coincides with a port already in the container.
      • CPort

        public CPort​(ComponentEntity container,
                     java.lang.String name,
                     boolean isInput,
                     boolean isOutput)
              throws IllegalActionException,
        Construct a CPort with a container and a name that is either an input, an output, or both, depending on the third and fourth arguments. The specified container must be an instance of CActor, or an exception will be thrown.
        container - The container actor.
        name - The name of the port.
        isInput - True if this is to be an input port.
        isOutput - True if this is to be an output port.
        IllegalActionException - If the port is not of an acceptable class for the container, or if the container is not an instance of CActor.
        NameDuplicationException - If the name coincides with a port already in the container.
    • Method Detail

      • setOutput

        public void setOutput​(boolean isOutput)
                       throws IllegalActionException
        Override the base class to add the functionality that if the port if made an output port, then make visible the two parameters initialOutputValue and arrayLength.
        setOutput in class IOPort
        isOutput - True to make the port an output.
        IllegalActionException - If changing the port status is not permitted (not thrown in this base class).