Class MetroIIPtidesDirector

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.lang.Cloneable, Executable, Initializable, SuperdenseTimeDirector, GetFirable, Changeable, Debuggable, DebugListener, Derivable, ModelErrorHandler, MoMLExportable, Moveable, Nameable

    public class MetroIIPtidesDirector
    extends MetroIIDEDirectorForPtides
    MetroIIPtidesDirector adapts Ptides programming model to MetroII semantics. Instead of firing actors sequentially, MetroIIPtides simultaneously fires actors by calling startOrResume(MetroII event list) (@see StartOrResumable). This implies that each firing is a process that executes and blocks to propose MetroII events. The proposed events from actors will be passed to upper level directors and ultimately passed to MetroIIDirector (@see MetroIIDirector), where the states of the MetroII events are updated based on constraint resolution and architectural models. In other words, the order of firing may be affected by the architectural model. But causality should not be violated because the actors ready to fire simultaneously are obtained by causality analysis, see isCausallyAffected(Collection, PtidesEvent).

    Most methods are identical to PtidesDirector except directors are mapped to MetroIIPtidesdirector instead of PtidesDirector.

    Ptolemy II 11.0
    Patricia Derler, Edward A. Lee, Slobodan Matic, Mike Zimmer, Jia Zou, Liangpeng Guo
    Red (derler)
    Red (derler)
    • Field Detail

      • clockSynchronizationErrorBound

        public SharedParameter clockSynchronizationErrorBound
        Bounds on clock synchronization error across all platforms. FIXME: eventually set parameter per platform or for some platforms.
      • _inputPorts

        protected java.util.List<TypedIOPort> _inputPorts
        List of all input ports in the model (actuator and network transmitter ports are also considered input ports).
      • _inputPortGroups

        protected java.util.Map<TypedIOPort,​java.util.Set<TypedIOPort>> _inputPortGroups
        Map an input port to a set which is its input port group.
      • _nextFireTime

        protected Time _nextFireTime
        The earliest time this director should be refired.
      • _superdenseDependencyPair

        protected java.util.Map<IOPort,​java.util.Map<IOPort,​SuperdenseDependency>> _superdenseDependencyPair
        Store the superdense dependency between pairs of input ports using nested Maps. Providing the source input as a key will return a Map value, where the destination input port can be used as a key to return the superdense dependency.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MetroIIPtidesDirector

        public MetroIIPtidesDirector​(CompositeEntity container,
                                     java.lang.String name)
                              throws IllegalActionException,
        Construct a director in the given container with the given name. The container argument must not be null, or a NullPointerException will be thrown. If the name argument is null, then the name is set to the empty string. Increment the version number of the workspace.
        container - The container of the director.
        name - The name of this director.
        IllegalActionException - If the director is not compatible with the specified container.
        NameDuplicationException - If the container not a CompositeActor and the name collides with an entity in the container.
    • Method Detail

      • addInputEvent

        public void addInputEvent​(MetroIIPtidesPort sourcePort,
                                  PtidesEvent event,
                                  double deviceDelay)
                           throws IllegalActionException
        Add a new event to the input queue. Compute the time when this input can be consumed and store in queue. The time depends on the device delay.
        sourcePort - the source port.
        event - New input event.
        deviceDelay - The device delay.
        IllegalActionException - If device delay parameter cannot be computed.
      • fire

        public void fire()
                  throws IllegalActionException
        Before is called, transfer all input events that are ready are transferred. After is called, transfer all output events that are ready are transferred.
        Specified by:
        fire in interface Executable
        fire in class DEDirector
        IllegalActionException - If we couldn't process an event or if an event of smaller timestamp is found within the event queue.
        See Also:
      • getCurrentSourceTimestamp

        public Time getCurrentSourceTimestamp()
        Return the source timestamp of the event that is currently being processed. If no event is being processed, (i.e. event is analyzed for safe to process, actor is fired, ...) this method can return null or the timestamp of the previous event. This method should not be called if no event is currently being processed.
        The current source timestamp.
      • getModelTime

        public Time getModelTime()
        Return the local time or, (i) if an actor is executing or (ii) an input token is read, (i) the timestamp of the event that caused the actor execution or (ii) the timestamp of the input event.
        getModelTime in class Director
        The local time or the semantic
        See Also:
      • minDelayBetween

        public double minDelayBetween​(java.util.Collection<IOPort> ports1,
                                      java.util.Collection<IOPort> ports2)
        Calculate the minimal delay in logical time between two ports.
        ports1 - The source port.
        ports2 - The sink port.
        The minimal delay between the two ports.
      • causallyAffect

        public boolean causallyAffect​(PtidesEvent e1,
                                      PtidesEvent e2)
                               throws IllegalActionException
        Calculate whether Ptides event e1 could possibly affect Ptides event e2.
        e1 - The first Ptides event.
        e2 - The second Ptides event.
        True if e1 could causally affect e2; false otherwise.
        IllegalActionException - Thrown if causality interface cannot be computed.
      • isCausallyAffected

        public boolean isCausallyAffected​(java.util.Collection<PtidesEvent> eventArray,
                                          PtidesEvent event)
                                   throws IllegalActionException
        Calculate whether any Ptides event in eventArray could causally affect event.
        eventArray - A collection of Ptides event
        event - An event
        True if any event in eventArray could causally affect event; false otherwise.
        IllegalActionException - If the causality interface cannot be computed.
      • isFiringEventCausallyAffect

        public boolean isFiringEventCausallyAffect​(PtidesEvent event)
                                            throws IllegalActionException
        Calculate whether any Ptides event currently being processed could causally affect event.
        event - An event
        True if any event currently being processed could causally affect event; false otherwise.
        IllegalActionException - If the causality interface cannot be computed.
      • isPendingEventCausallyAffect

        public boolean isPendingEventCausallyAffect​(PtidesEvent event)
                                             throws IllegalActionException
        Calculates whether any Ptides event pending could causally affect event.
        event - A Ptides event
        True if any pending Ptides event could causally affect event; false otherwise.
        IllegalActionException - Thrown if causality interface cannot be computed.
      • getfire

        public void getfire​(net.jimblackler.Utils.ResultHandler<java.lang.Iterable<metroIIcomm.Event.Builder>> resultHandler)
                     throws net.jimblackler.Utils.CollectionAbortedException,
        Before super.getfire() is called, transfer all input events that are ready are transferred. After super.getfire() is called, transfer all output events that are ready are transferred.
        Specified by:
        getfire in interface GetFirable
        getfire in class MetroIIDEDirectorForPtides
        resultHandler - iterable of events 'yield returned'.
        IllegalActionException - If any called method of one of the associated actors throws it.
        net.jimblackler.Utils.CollectionAbortedException - If any called method of one of the associated actors throws it.
      • postfire

        public boolean postfire()
                         throws IllegalActionException
        Return false if there are no more actors to be fired or the stop() method has been called.
        Specified by:
        postfire in interface Executable
        postfire in class DEDirector
        True If this director will be fired again.
        IllegalActionException - If the stopWhenQueueIsEmpty parameter does not contain a valid token, or refiring can not be requested.
      • prefire

        public boolean prefire()
                        throws IllegalActionException
        Override the base class to not set model time to that of the enclosing director. This method always returns true, deferring the decision about whether to fire an actor to the fire() method.
        Specified by:
        prefire in interface Executable
        prefire in class DEDirector
        IllegalActionException - If thrown while getting the local time.
      • preinitialize

        public void preinitialize()
                           throws IllegalActionException
        Calls the preinitialize of the super class and create new event Queue.
        Specified by:
        preinitialize in interface Initializable
        preinitialize in class DEDirector
        IllegalActionException - If the preinitialize() method of the container or one of the deeply contained actors throws it, or the parameters, minBinCount, binCountFactor, and isCQAdaptive, do not have valid tokens.
      • _checkForNextEvent

        protected boolean _checkForNextEvent()
        Model time is only used for correct execution of actors and the scheduler will determine whether another event can be fired in the current firing of the platform, so this method isn't needed. By always returning true, _getNextActorToFire() will be called which runs the scheduler.
        _checkForNextEvent in class DEDirector
        true Always.
      • _enqueueTriggerEvent

        protected void _enqueueTriggerEvent​(IOPort ioPort,
                                            Token token,
                                            Receiver receiver)
                                     throws IllegalActionException
        Put a trigger event into the event queue.

        The trigger event has the same timestamp as that of the director. The microstep of this event is always equal to the current microstep of this director. The depth for the queued event is the depth of the destination IO port. Finally, the token and the destination receiver are also stored in the event.

        If the event queue is not ready or the actor that contains the destination port is disabled, do nothing.

        ioPort - The destination IO port.
        token - The token associated with this event.
        receiver - The destination receiver.
        IllegalActionException - If the time argument is not the current time, or the depth of the given IO port has not be calculated, or the new event can not be enqueued.
      • _getDeadline

        protected double _getDeadline​(Actor actor,
                                      Time timestamp)
                               throws IllegalActionException
        Compute the deadline for an actor that requests a firing at time timestamp.
        actor - The actor that requests firing.
        timestamp - The time when the actor wants to be fired.
        The deadline for the actor.
        IllegalActionException - If time objects cannot be created.
      • _getDoubleParameterValue

        protected static java.lang.Double _getDoubleParameterValue​(NamedObj object,
                                                                   java.lang.String parameterName)
                                                            throws IllegalActionException
        Return the value stored in a parameter associated with the NamedObj.
        object - The object that has the parameter.
        parameterName - The name of the parameter to be retrieved.
        the value of the named parameter if the parameter is not null. Otherwise return null.
        IllegalActionException - If thrown while getting the value of the parameter.
      • _getIntParameterValue

        protected static java.lang.Integer _getIntParameterValue​(NamedObj object,
                                                                 java.lang.String parameterName)
                                                          throws IllegalActionException
        Return the value stored in a parameter associated with the NamedObj.
        object - The object that has the parameter.
        parameterName - The name of the parameter to be retrieved.
        the value of the named parameter if the parameter is not null. Otherwise return null.
        IllegalActionException - If thrown while getting the value of the parameter.
      • _getNextEventToFire

        protected PtidesEvent _getNextEventToFire()
                                           throws IllegalActionException
        Returns the actor to fire in this iteration, or null if no actor should be fired. Since _checkForNextEvent() always returns true, this method will keep being called until it returns null.
        Specified by:
        _getNextEventToFire in class MetroIIDEDirectorForPtides
        Ptides event that is safe to process
        IllegalActionException - If thrown while getting the next event from either the pure Events or the eventQueue.
      • _getNextActorToFire

        protected Actor _getNextActorToFire()
                                     throws IllegalActionException
        Return the actor to fire in this iteration, or null if no actor should be fired. Since _checkForNextEvent() always returns true, this method will keep being called until it returns null.
        _getNextActorToFire in class DEDirector
        The next actor to be fired, which can be null.
        IllegalActionException - If thrown while getting the next event to fire.