Class VQDecode

    • Field Detail

      • codeBook

        public Parameter codeBook
        A Parameter of type String, giving the location of the codebook data file relative to the root classpath.
      • blockCount

        public Parameter blockCount
        The number of blocks to be decoded during each firing. The default value is one, which will always work, but using a higher number (such as the number of blocks in a frame) will speed things up. This should contain an integer.
      • blockWidth

        public Parameter blockWidth
        The width, in integer pixels, of the block to decode.
      • blockHeight

        public Parameter blockHeight
        The width, in integer pixels, of the block to decode.
      • input_tokenConsumptionRate

        public Parameter input_tokenConsumptionRate
        The input rate.
      • output_tokenProductionRate

        public Parameter output_tokenProductionRate
        The output rate.
    • Method Detail

      • fire

        public void fire()
                  throws IllegalActionException
        Fire this actor. Consume a number of tokens on the input port, each representing a VQ codeword. Index into the appropriate codebook given by the blockWidth and blockHeight parameters to find the decoded vector for each codeword. Output an IntMatrixToken representing each decoded vector on the output port.
        Specified by:
        fire in interface Executable
        fire in class AtomicActor<TypedIOPort>
        IllegalActionException - If the input or output are not connected
        java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - If the input codewords are not between 0 and 255.