Class ParhiMaximumProfitToCostRatioStrategy

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Analyzer, GraphAnalyzer, MaximumProfitToCostRatioAnalyzer

    public class ParhiMaximumProfitToCostRatioStrategy
    extends CachedStrategy
    implements MaximumProfitToCostRatioAnalyzer
    Maximum profit to cost ratio analyzer which uses Parhi's algorithm for iteration bound.

    For details about the algorithm, please refer to:

    K. Ito and K. K. Parhi. Determining the minimum iteration period of an algorithm. Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, 11(3):229-244, December 1995

    Ptolemy II 4.0
    Shahrooz Shahparnia
    See Also:
    Red (ssb)
    Red (shahrooz)
    • Constructor Detail

      • ParhiMaximumProfitToCostRatioStrategy

        public ParhiMaximumProfitToCostRatioStrategy​(Graph graph,
                                                     ToDoubleMapping edgeProfits,
                                                     ToIntMapping edgeCosts)
        Construct an instance of this class.
        graph - The given graph.
        edgeProfits - The profits associated with the edges of the graph.
        edgeCosts - The costs associated with the edges of the graph.
    • Method Detail

      • cycle

        public java.util.List cycle()
        Return the nodes on the cycle that corresponds to the maximum profit to cost ratio.
        Specified by:
        cycle in interface MaximumProfitToCostRatioAnalyzer
        The nodes on the cycle as an ordered list.
      • maximumRatio

        public double maximumRatio()
        Return the maximum profit to cost ratio of the given graph.
        Specified by:
        maximumRatio in interface MaximumProfitToCostRatioAnalyzer
        Return the maximum profit to cost ratio of the given graph.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Return a description of the analyzer.
        Specified by:
        toString in interface Analyzer
        toString in class CachedStrategy
        Return a description of the analyzer..
      • valid

        public boolean valid()
        Check for compatibility between the analysis and the given graph. A graph needs to be an instance of a DirectedGraph and cyclic in order to have a maximum profit to cost ratio. In addition the given object should be the same graph associated with this analyzer.
        Specified by:
        valid in interface Analyzer
        True if the graph is a directed and cyclic graph.
      • _compute

        protected java.lang.Object _compute()
        Description copied from class: CachedStrategy
        Perform the graph analysis and return the resulting value. Upon entry, CachedStrategy.getCachedResult() provides the result of the previous invocation of the analysis; this value can be used, for example, to facilitate incremental analyses. This method just returns null, and will typically be overridden in each derived class to perform the appropriate graph analysis.
        _compute in class CachedStrategy
        The results of the graph analysis. In this base class, null is returned.