Class ChangeRequestTest

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ChangeRequestTest
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements ChangeListener
    Test for ChangeRequest. This test is in the system directory because it uses packages outside of kernel.util.
    Ptolemy II 10.0
    Edward A. Lee, Contributor: Christopher Hylands
    See Also:
    Red (reviewmoderator)
    Red (eal)
    • Field Detail

      • changeRequest

        public ChangeRequest changeRequest
        ChangeRequest that modifies the system.
    • Method Detail

      • changeExecuted

        public void changeExecuted​(ChangeRequest change)
        React to a change request has been successfully executed by doing nothing. This method is called after a change request has been executed successfully. In this class, we do nothing.
        Specified by:
        changeExecuted in interface ChangeListener
        change - The change that has been executed, or null if the change was not done via a ChangeRequest.
      • changeFailed

        public void changeFailed​(ChangeRequest change,
                                 java.lang.Exception exception)
        React to a change request that has resulted in an exception. This method is called after a change request was executed, but during the execution in an exception was thrown. This method throws a runtime exception with a description of the original exception.
        Specified by:
        changeFailed in interface ChangeListener
        change - The change that was attempted or null if the change was not done via a ChangeRequest.
        exception - The exception that resulted.
      • insertFeedback

        public void insertFeedback()
        Insert a feedback loop.
      • mutate

        public void mutate()
      • waitForCompletionTask

        public void waitForCompletionTask()
      • mutateBadChangeRequest

        public ChangeRequest mutateBadChangeRequest()
        Create a change request that always throws an exception.
      • mutateConst2ChangeRequest

        public ChangeRequest mutateConst2ChangeRequest()
        Create a change request that sets const to 2.0.