Class FSMGraphModel

    • Constructor Detail

      • FSMGraphModel

        public FSMGraphModel​(CompositeEntity composite)
        Construct a new graph model whose root is the given composite entity.
        composite - The top-level composite entity for the model.
    • Method Detail

      • disconnectEdge

        public void disconnectEdge​(java.lang.Object eventSource,
                                   java.lang.Object edge)
        Disconnect an edge from its two endpoints and notify graph listeners with an EDGE_HEAD_CHANGED and an EDGE_TAIL_CHANGED event whose source is the given source.
        Specified by:
        disconnectEdge in class AbstractBasicGraphModel
        eventSource - The source of the event that will be dispatched, e.g. the view that made this call.
        edge - The edge.
      • getDeleteEdgeMoML

        public java.lang.String getDeleteEdgeMoML​(java.lang.Object edge)
        Return a MoML String that will delete the given edge from the Ptolemy model.
        Specified by:
        getDeleteEdgeMoML in class AbstractBasicGraphModel
        edge - The edge.
        A valid MoML string.
      • getDeleteNodeMoML

        public java.lang.String getDeleteNodeMoML​(java.lang.Object node)
        Return a MoML String that will delete the given node from the Ptolemy model.
        Specified by:
        getDeleteNodeMoML in class AbstractBasicGraphModel
        node - The node.
        A valid MoML string.
      • getEdgeModel

        public EdgeModel getEdgeModel​(java.lang.Object edge)
        Return the model for the given edge object. If the object is not an edge, then return null.
        Specified by:
        getEdgeModel in class ModularGraphModel
        edge - An object which is assumed to be in this graph model.
        An instance of ArcModel if the object is an Arc. Otherwise return null.
      • getNodeModel

        public NodeModel getNodeModel​(java.lang.Object node)
        Return the node model for the given object. If the object is not a node, then return null.
        getNodeModel in class AbstractBasicGraphModel
        node - An object which is assumed to be in this graph model.
        The node model for the specified node, or null if there is none.
      • getSemanticObject

        public java.lang.Object getSemanticObject​(java.lang.Object element)
        Return the semantic object corresponding to the given node, edge, or composite. A "semantic object" is an object associated with a node in the graph. In this case, if the node is icon, the semantic object is the entity containing the icon. If it is an arc, then the semantic object is the arc's relation.
        Specified by:
        getSemanticObject in interface GraphModel
        getSemanticObject in class AbstractBasicGraphModel
        element - A graph element.
        The semantic object associated with this element, or null if the object is not recognized.
        See Also:
        AbstractBasicGraphModel.setSemanticObject(Object, Object)
      • removeNode

        public void removeNode​(java.lang.Object eventSource,
                               java.lang.Object node)
        Delete a node from its parent graph and notify graph listeners with a NODE_REMOVED event.
        Specified by:
        removeNode in class AbstractBasicGraphModel
        eventSource - The source of the event that will be dispatched, e.g. the view that made this call.
        node - The node to be removed.
      • _update

        protected boolean _update()
        Update the graph model. This is called whenever a change request is executed. In this class the internal set of link objects is verified to be correct.
        _update in class AbstractBasicGraphModel
        True if the graph model changes (always true in this base class).