Class TextEditorTableauFactory

    • Field Detail

      • attributeName

        public StringAttribute attributeName
        The name of the string attribute that is to be edited.
      • columnsDisplayed

        public Parameter columnsDisplayed
        The horizontal size of the display, in columns. This contains an integer, and defaults to 80.
      • rowsDisplayed

        public Parameter rowsDisplayed
        The vertical size of the display, in rows. This contains an integer, and defaults to 40.
      • syntaxStyle

        public StringAttribute syntaxStyle
        The style of the text to be edited. This may or may not be supported. If the package "org.fife.ui.rsyntaxtextarea" is found in the classpath, then the supported styles include "text/plain", "text/c", "text/clojure", "text/cpp", "text/cs", "text/css", "text/dtd", "text/fortran", "text/groovy", "text/html", "text/java", "text/javascript", "text/json", "text/jsp", "text/latex", "text/makefile", "text/perl", "text/php", "text/properties", "text/python", "text/ruby", "text/sas", "text/scala", "text/sql", "text/tcl", "text/unix", "text/vb", "text/bat", and "text/xml".
    • Method Detail

      • clear

        public void clear()
        Remove any editor that may have been associated with this object by a previous call to createEditor().
        Specified by:
        clear in interface TextEditorFactory
      • createTableau

        public Tableau createTableau​(Effigy effigy)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
        Create a tableau for the specified effigy. The tableau will be created with a new unique name with the specified effigy as its container. If this factory cannot create a tableau for the given effigy (it is not an instance of PtolemyEffigy), then return null.
        createTableau in class TableauFactory
        effigy - The component effigy.
        A tableau for the effigy, or null if one cannot be created.
        java.lang.Exception - If the factory should be able to create a Tableau for the effigy, but something goes wrong.
      • getText

        public java.lang.String getText()
        Return the current text of the text editor.
        Specified by:
        getText in interface TextEditorFactory
        The current text of the text editor, or null if there is none.
      • getTextToEdit

        public static java.lang.String getTextToEdit​(Attribute attributeToEdit)
        Return the text value of the specified attribute.
        attributeToEdit - The attribute.
        The text contained by this attribute, or an error message if the attribute does not contain text.
      • _newTextEffigy

        protected TextEffigy _newTextEffigy​(Effigy effigy,
                                            java.lang.String text)
                                     throws java.lang.Exception
        Create a text effigy to be contained by the specified host effigy for the specified text.
        effigy - The host effigy.
        text - The text.
        the TextEffigy.
        java.lang.Exception - If the text effigy cannot be contained by the specified container, or if the specified text cannot be inserted into the document.