Installing Ptolemy II
Installers for various platforms
Clone and build the source code
This method is preferred because then you can update to the latest version at any time. Install Java 1.8 or newer, install git and then run:
git clone --depth=50 --branch=master --single-branch
cd ptII
export PTII=`pwd`
The last line starts vergil, the Ptolemy II GUI. You may want to export the PTII environment variable in bash profile (or profile for whatever shell you use) and include $PTII/bin in your PATH variable. To update to the current version in the repository after installing as above:
cd $PTII
Resources and documentation
- Book on Ptolemy II (free download)
- Github source repository
- Ptolemy II project main page
- Javadoc documentation for Ptolemy II Java classes
- JsDoc documentation for JavaScript components
- Contributing
- Nightly build (using Travis)
See also
The above two instructions are in the Ptolemy II tree, pulled from the repository via RawGit. For example, the Eclipse instructions are in the tree at $PTII/doc/eclipse/index.htm translate to URL
Windows users, Eclipse is the preferred installation method. If you want to build with Cygwin, see: