All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Error Summary
Class |
Description |
ABF class.
ABFConstants |
ABFConstants class.
Absent |
An actor that makes its output value absent.
AbsentToken |
A placeholder token that represents the absence of a token.
AbsoluteValue |
Produce an output token on each firing with a value that is
equal to the absolute value of the input.
AbsoluteValue |
A adapter class for
AbsoluteValue |
A adapter class for
AbsoluteValue |
A adapter class for
AbstractActionsAttribute |
A base class for actions with semicolon delimited lists of commands.
AbstractApplication |
An abstract implementation of the Application interface.
AbstractATCDirector |
An air traffic control (ATC) Director.
AbstractBasicGraphModel |
This base class provides some common services for visual notations for
Ptolemy II models.
AbstractBranchController |
This is a base class containing the common code for controllers
that manage branches for performing conditional or
multiway rendezvous within the CSP (Communication Sequential Processes)
AbstractBufferedImageOp |
A convenience class which implements those methods of BufferedImageOp which are rarely changed.
AbstractCalInterpreter |
This class is the base class for actors that interpret CAL source
inside the Ptolemy II framework.
AbstractConnector |
An abstract implementation of Connector.
AbstractConnectorTarget |
An abstract implementation of the ConnectorTarget interface.
AbstractConvertibleToken |
The Token base class provides a very general interface for building
new data types.
AbstractDDI |
AbstractDocument |
An abstract implementation of the Document interface.
AbstractFigure |
AbstractFigure is an abstract superclass implementing
the Figure interface.
AbstractFigureContainer |
AbstractFigureContainer is an abstract class that roots the tree
of figure-containing classes.
AbstractFormBuilder |
An abstract class that minimizes the effort required to implement
non-visual builders that use the FormLayout .
AbstractGlobalLayout |
An abstract implementation of the GlobalLayout interface.
AbstractGraphController |
An abstract implementation of the GraphController interface.
AbstractGraphModel |
An abstract implementation of the GraphModel interface that provides
the basic event notification system
AbstractInitializableAttribute |
An abstract base class for attributes that are preinitialized,
initialized, and wrapped up during execution of a model.
AbstractInitializableParameter |
An abstract base class for parameters that are preinitialized,
initialized, and wrapped up during execution of a model.
AbstractInteractor |
An abstract class that implements Interactor.
AbstractLayoutConfiguration |
An attribute for parameters of automatic layout.
AbstractLayoutConfiguration.InteractionMode |
Available modes of user interaction.
AbstractNotConvertibleToken |
The Token base class provides a very general interface for building
new data types.
AbstractPaintedGraphic |
An abstract implementation of the PaintedGraphic interface.
AbstractParseTreeVisitor |
This class implements a base class visitor for parse trees in the
expression language.
AbstractParticleFilter |
Abstract Particle Filter Base Class.
AbstractParticleFilter.InputType |
Type of user-added input
AbstractPlaceableActor |
Base class for actors that implement the Placeable interface.
AbstractPlaceableJavaSE |
Base class for AWT and Swing implementation of actors the implement
AbstractPredictor |
Abstract Predictor Base Class.
AbstractPtalonEvaluator |
A helper class to store information, like variable scope info, for
the Ptalon compiler.
AbstractReceiver |
An abstract implementation of the Receiver interface.
AbstractSettableAttribute |
This is an abstract base class for attributes that implement the
Settable interface.
AbstractSite |
An abstract implementation of Site.
AbstractSourceStation |
This abstract actor models a source staton which receives a record
AbstractStateSpaceSimulator |
Abstract simulator base class.
AbstractStation |
This abstract actor models a Station.
AbstractStoragePolicy |
It is nice if storage policies suggest good pathnames.
AbstractTextAttribute |
An abstract base class for text annotations.
AbstractTrack |
A model of a track in Train control systems.
AbstractUnitConverter |
An abstract implementation of the UnitConverter interface that
minimizes the effort required to convert font-dependent sizes to pixels.
AbstractUnscentedKalmanFilter |
Abstract Unscented Kalman Filter Base Class.
AbstractUnscentedKalmanFilter.InputType |
AbstractView |
An abstract implementation of the View interface that consists of
mostly empty methods to be filled in by concrete subclasses.
AbstractXmlBuilder |
An abstract implementation of the XmlBuilder interface that gets
and sets a delegate, leaves the build method abstract, and doesn't
support the generate method.
Accelerometer |
This actor uses three output ports to output
the x, y, and z measurements from an accelerometer.
Accelerometer |
An adapter class for
AccessAction |
AccessorCodeGenerator |
Generate a JavaScript Accessor for a model.
AccessorCodeGeneratorAdapter |
Base class for an Accessor code generator adapter.
AccessorIconLoader |
An icon loader for accessors.
AccessorLibrary |
A library of accessors.
AccessorOrchestrator |
Interface for classes that can orchestrate the execution of
AccessorSSHCodeGenerator |
Generate a JavaScript composite accessor for a model and deploy
it to a remote host.
AccessThread |
AccumLUB |
AccumLUB class.
Accumulator |
Output the initial value plus the sum of all the inputs since
the last time a true token was received at the reset port.
Accumulator |
An adapter class for
Accumulator |
A adapter class for
Accumulator |
A adapter class for
Action |
An Action is contained by a Transition in an FSMActor or an Event in an
Actionable |
Interface for objects that have named actions.
ActionGUIProperty |
A GUI property that is associated with an action.
ActionInteractor |
An interactor that fires an Action when a mouse pressed event occurs.
ActionsAttribute |
An attribute associated with Ptera events containing executable actions.
ActiveActorManager |
An active actor manager iterates an active actor until its postfire()
returns false, or the director is requested to stop.
Actor |
An Actor is an executable entity.
ActorCellRenderer |
A renderer that displays getDisplayName() instead of the standard
name in a JList.
ActorConstraintsDefinitionAdapter |
A class that creates a lattice-based ontology adapter from
a model-based actor constraints definition attribute.
ActorConstraintsDefinitionAttribute |
Attribute that defines the lattice ontology solver constraints for an actor.
ActorController |
This class provides interaction with nodes that represent Ptolemy II
ActorController.ListenToActorAction |
An action to listen to debug messages in the actor.
ActorDependencies |
Utilities for data dependencies between actors.
ActorEditorGraphController |
A Graph Controller for the Ptolemy II schematic editor.
ActorEnablingStatus |
A type-safe enumeration of actor enabling status.
ActorExecutionAspect |
An interface for objects that can intervene in the execution of actors.
ActorFiringListener |
A FiringEventListener listens for events that are issued during
AtomicActor's iterations.
ActorGraphFrame |
This is a graph editor frame for ptolemy models.
ActorGraphFrame.InstantiateAttributeAction |
An action to instantiate an attribute given a class name.
ActorGraphFrame.InstantiateEntityAction |
An action to instantiate an entity given a class name.
ActorGraphicalMessageHandler |
A message handler that optionally includes a button that opens the model
that contains the actor that caused the exception.
ActorGraphModel |
This class represents one level of hierarchy of a Ptolemy II model.
ActorGraphModel.IconModel |
The model for an icon that contains ports.
ActorGraphTableau |
This is a graph editor for ptolemy models.
ActorGraphTableau.Factory |
A factory that creates graph editing tableaux for Ptolemy models.
ActorIndex |
Generate actor/demo index files.
ActorInstanceController |
This class provides interaction with nodes that represent Ptolemy II
actor instances (i.e., not classes).
ActorInteractionAddon |
An interface for defining additional gui interaction for specific actor types.
ActorLayoutConfiguration |
ActorModelScope |
A Ptolemy expression language parser scope that refers to a specific actor
and its contained elements.
ActorModuleInitializer |
Initializer of the PtolemyInjector with Java SE specific actor interface to
implementation mappings.
ActorModuleInitializer.Initializer |
Initializer is responsible for initializing the PtolemyInjector with
modules specific to the platform it was developed for.
ActorNameIcon |
An icon that displays the parameter _displayedName.
ActorOrientedClassProvider |
A contract for dynamic providers of actor-oriented classes, i.e.
ActorProductLatticeConstraintsDefinitionAdapter |
A class that creates a product lattice-based ontology adapter from
a model-based actor constraints definition attribute.
ActorRecursion |
This actor performs actor recursion dynamically during execution.
ActorToken |
A token that contains an actor.
ActorType |
The base type of matrix token classes.
ActorTypeUtil |
This class includes a number of utility methods and classes that
simplify the generation of type constraints.
ActorViewerGraphController |
A graph controller for the Ptolemy II schematic viewer.
ActorWithPortNameProblem |
An actor that has spaces in the port name.
ActorWithPrivateParameter |
An actor with a private parameter, used to test AutoAdapter.
ActuationDevice |
Deprecated. |
ActuatorSetup |
A code generation adapter class for
ActuatorSetup |
A code generation adapter class for
ActuatorSetup |
A code generation adapter class for
ActuatorSetup |
Deprecated. |
AdaptiveMedian |
This actor performs adaptive median filtering on an image.
AddComposite |
AddConceptFunctionDefinition |
Concept function definition attribute specifically for arithmetic addition.
AddEditorFactory |
AddIcon |
Certain actors have specialized icons that display the value of
one of the parameters.
AddMissingParameter |
Add a missing parameter.
AddSubtract |
A polymorphic adder/subtractor.
AddSubtract |
Produce an output token on each firing with a FixPoint value that is
equal to the sum of all the inputs at the plus port minus the inputs at the
minus port.
AddSubtract |
An adapter class for
AddSubtract |
A adapter class for
AddSubtract |
A adapter class for
AddSubtract |
The default adapter class for
AddSubtractAll |
Add/subtract the values of all tokens present on the input channels
(in contrast to one token per channel in the AddSubtract class).
Advanceable |
Interface for actors and directors that, unlike native Ptolemy II actors, do not
proactively notify their director (using fireAt()) of events in the
future that they might produce, but which may, nevertheless, require
execution at some future time.
AFDXESs.AFDXESsAttributes |
The attributes configured per port which is mediated by a
AFDXSwitch |
AFDXSwitch.AfdxSwitchAttributes |
The attributes configured per port which is mediated by a
AFDXVlink |
This java object implements a virtual-link which belongs to the end-system
of an AFDX Network.
AFTEDiscriminant |
This actor calculates the Auditory Filterbank Temporal Envelope (AFTE)
features of a given audio signal.
AFTEFast |
This actor calculates the Auditory Filterbank Temporal Envelope (AFTE)
features of a given audio signal.
Airport |
This actor receives a record token which shows an airplane decides to fly.
AlgebraicLoopDirector |
A director for solving algebraic loops.
AlgebraicLoopReceiver |
The receiver for use with AlgebraicLoopDirector or any of its subclasses.
AlgebraicLoopScheduler |
A scheduler for the AlgebraicLoopDirector.
Algorithms |
Algorithms class.
AlgorithmsTest |
AlgorithmsTest class.
AliasAnalysis |
An analysis that maps each local and field to the set of locals and
fields that alias that value.
Align |
All |
All the tests in this directory.
All |
All the tests in this directory.
All |
All the tests in this directory.
AllEdgeSingleSourceLongestPathStrategy |
An analyzer used to find the longest path from a single source.
AllMatchingTestHelper |
A helper for testing the graph matching.
Alloc |
An actor that allocates room for Tokens in a (shared) memory.
AllPairShortestPathAnalysis |
An analysis to compute of the all pair shortest path of a directed graph.
AllPairShortestPathAnalyzer |
An interface for all the analyzers that compute the all pair shortest path of
a directed graph.
AlphabetizeOperation |
A utility class for alphabetizing code blocks in a code template file.
AlternatingSimulation |
Compute the alternating simulation of two interface automata.
Analysis |
A base class for analyses on graphs.
AnalysisException |
Base exception for non-checked exceptions in the analyses package.
AnalyzeExceptionAttribute |
An extension of CatchExceptionAttribute, this attribute catches exceptions and
offers ontology analysis.
Analyzer |
A base interface for all the analyzers.
AnimationRenderer |
An implementation of a selection renderer that is used for animation.
AnnotateFilter |
An image filter that overlays SVG graphics.
AnnotationEditorFactory |
AnythingToDouble |
AppContext |
A context for either an application or an applet
that wants to use the diva.gui infrastructure.
AppContextDelegate |
This class provides basic support for an instance of AppContext which
delegates its operation to one of the basic AppContexts (usually an
AppContext or an ApplicationContext.) This is similar to an interface
adapter, except the default implementation of each method is to
call the identical method on the delegate context.
AppletContext |
A context for an applet in the diva.gui infrastructure.
AppletTutorial |
A graph editor that runs as an applet.
Application |
Application is an interface that captures the notion of a graphical
ApplicationConfigurer |
A marker interface indicating that a class is used to configure
a Ptolemy IIapplication.
ApplicationContext |
A context for an application in the diva.gui infrastructure.
ApplicationExceptionHandler |
This class makes it easy for an application to trap exceptions in AWT
event handlers.
ApplicationResources |
ApplicationTutorial |
A simple text editor.
ApplyBinaryFunctionToMultipleArguments |
A concept function that applies a binary concept function to multiple
arguments in sequence.
ApplyFilterOverArray |
This is an atomic actor that filters an array received at its
inputArray input port via applying a model specified by a
file or URL.
ApplyFunction |
This actor applies a function to its inputs and outputs the
ApplyFunctionOverSequence |
ApplyLayoutRequest |
A change request specialized for application of automatically computed layout.
ApplyMaskFilter |
A filter which uses the alpha channel of a "mask" image to interpolate between a source and destination image.
Arc |
ArcAttribute |
This is an attribute that is rendered as an ellipse.
ArcConnector |
A Connector that draws itself in an arc.
ArcInteractor |
An interactor for dragging either end of an arc connector and for
for altering the shape of the arc by dragging a midpoint grab handle.
ArcManipulator |
A manipulator for arc connectors.
ArcMidpointSite |
A concrete implementation of Site that is located in the
center of the bounding box of a figure.
ArcRenderer |
An EdgeRenderer that draws arcs.
ArcTutorial |
This tutorial shows how to use "arc" connectors.
ArcTutorial.SelfPTarget |
SelfPTarget is used to find target sites.
AreaEventType |
A parameter used to specify the event type actions associated
with an area in an HTML image map.
ArrayAccumulate |
An actor that accumulates input arrays into a growing array that
includes the contents of all input arrays.
ArrayAppend |
An actor that appends ArrayTokens together.
ArrayAverage |
Compute the average of the elements in an array.
ArrayColormap |
A colormap implemented with an array of colors.
ArrayContains |
Determine whether an element is contained in an array.
ArrayElement |
Extract an element from an array.
ArrayElementAsMatrix |
Extract an element from an array by accessing the array as a matrix.
ArrayElementTypeFunction |
This class implements a monotonic function that returns the element
type of its argument, if the argument is an array type.
ArrayExtract |
Extract a subarray from an array.
ArrayFIFOQueue |
A first-in, first-out (FIFO) queue with variable capacity and optional
ArrayIndex |
This class defines an associative array and methods to store and
retrieve data in the array.
ArrayIterator |
An iterator over a given array.
ArrayLength |
Output the length of an array.
ArrayLevelCrossing |
Search an array from the specified starting index and report the
index of the first item in the array that is below or above the
specified threshold.
ArrayMaximum |
Extract the maximum element from an array.
ArrayMinimum |
Extract the minimum element from an array.
ArrayOfRecordsConfigureFactory |
If this class is contained by an actor, then double clicking on that
actor will display a table that shows the value of an
array of tokens contained by a parameter contained by the
same container as this factory.
ArrayOfRecordsExporter |
Export an array of tokens to a file.
ArrayOfRecordsPane |
A graphical component that displays the values in an array of records.
ArrayOfRecordsPane.ArrayAsTable |
This class provides an implementation of the
TableModel interface for viewing an array of records.
ArrayOfRecordsRecorder |
An actor that displays an array of records that arrives on its input port.
ArrayOfTypesFunction |
This class implements a monotonic function that returns an array type
with the element type equal to its argument.
ArrayPeakSearch |
This actor outputs the indices and values of peaks in an input array.
ArrayPlotter |
A plotter that plots a sequence of arrays of doubles.
ArrayPlotterXY |
A plotter that plots a sequence of pairs of arrays of doubles
as an XY plot.
ArrayRemoveElement |
Remove occurrences of a specified element from an array.
ArraySort |
Sort the elements of an input array.
ArraySum |
Compute the sum of the elements in an array.
ArrayToElements |
An actor that disassembles an ArrayToken to a multiport output.
ArrayToken |
A token that contains an array of tokens.
ArrayToMatrix |
Convert an array to a row or column vector encoded as a matrix token.
ArrayToSequence |
This actor reads an array at the input and writes the array elements
as a sequence to the output.
ArrayType |
A class representing the type of an ArrayToken.
ArrayUpdate |
Replace an element in an array with a new value.
ArrowAttribute |
An attribute shown as an arrow.
Arrowhead |
An arrowhead that is drawn on the end of a connector.
ArrowKeyProbe |
Detect when the user presses or releases an arrow key and produce an
integer on the corresponding output.
ArrowKeySensor |
Detect when the user presses or releases an arrow key and produce an
integer on the corresponding output.
Assert |
Check that an assertion predicate is satisfied, and throw an exception if not.
Assert.AssertPort |
Class for ports created by the user for this actor.
AssociativeType |
This class represents structures that store (key, value) pairs.
ASTPtArrayConstructNode |
The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a
hierarchy of node objects.
ASTPtAssignmentNode |
ASTPtBitwiseNode |
The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a
hierarchy of node objects.
ASTPtFunctionalIfNode |
The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a
hierarchy of node objects.
ASTPtFunctionalIfNode |
Adapter for FunctionalIfNodes in the monotonicity analysis.
ASTPtFunctionApplicationNode |
This class represents an expression that is the application of a
function in the parse tree.
ASTPtFunctionDefinitionNode |
The parse tree created from function definitions of the form:
ASTPtLeafNode |
The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a
hierarchy of node objects.
ASTPtLeafNode |
The adapter class for for the
abstractInterpretation ontology.
ASTPtLeafNode |
The adapter class for for constAbsIntObservable ontology.
ASTPtLeafNode |
The adapter class for for constAbstractInterpretation ontology.
ASTPtLeafNode |
The adapter class for for the constPropagation ontology.
ASTPtLeafNode |
The adapter class for for constPropagationAbsInt ontology.
ASTPtLeafNode |
Adapter for RelationalNodes in the monotonicity analysis.
ASTPtLogicalNode |
The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a
hierarchy of node objects.
ASTPtMatrixConstructNode |
The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a
hierarchy of node objects.
ASTPtMethodCallNode |
The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a
hierarchy of node objects.
ASTPtOrderedRecordConstructNode |
The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a
hierarchy of node objects.
ASTPtPowerNode |
The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a
hierarchy of node objects.
ASTPtProductNode |
The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a
hierarchy of node objects.
ASTPtProductNode |
The default adapter class for
ASTPtRecordConstructNode |
The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a
hierarchy of node objects.
ASTPtRelationalNode |
The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a
hierarchy of node objects.
ASTPtRelationalNode |
Adapter for RelationalNodes in the monotonicity analysis.
ASTPtRootNode |
The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a
hierarchy of node objects, each of which is an instance of a class
derived from this class.
ASTPtShiftNode |
The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a
hierarchy of node objects.
ASTPtSumNode |
The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a
hierarchy of node objects.
ASTPtSumNode |
The default adapter class for
ASTPtUnaryNode |
The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a
hierarchy of node objects.
ASTPtUnaryNode |
The default adapter class for
ASTPtUnionConstructNode |
The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a
hierarchy of node objects.
ATCDirector |
A director for modeling air traffic control systems.
ATCDirector |
A director for modeling air traffic control systems.
ATCReceiver |
A receiver for modeling air traffic control systems.
AtomicActor<T extends IOPort> |
An AtomicActor is an executable entity that cannot itself contain
other actors.
AtomicActorMatcher |
A matcher to match any AtomicActor or CompositeActor that is considered as a
AtomicCommunicationAspect |
This abstract class implements functionality of an atomic
communication aspect.
AtomicComponent |
A component with functionality given in Java.
AtomicContinuationActor |
AtomicExecutionAspect |
This is a base class for resource schedulers.
AtomicWirelessChannel |
The base class for communication channels in the wireless domain.
Attribute |
Attribute is a base class for attributes to be attached to instances
of NamedObj.
AttributeBoundsManipulator |
This is a bounds manipulator supporting resizable icons.
AttributeChanged |
Test class that checks to see whether it is ok to cache parameter values.
AttributeController |
This class provides interaction with nodes that represent Ptolemy II
AttributeController.Access |
A static enumerator for constructor arguments.
AttributeCriterion |
A criterion to constrain an attribute of an object in the host model.
AttributeExpressionAttribute |
This is a text attribute whose text string is derived from the
expression of a parameter.
AttributeInOntologyController |
The node controller for icons of attributes in ontology models and
ontology solver models.
AttributeMatcher |
A matcher to match any attribute.
AttributeNodeModel |
A model for an attribute as a diva graph node.
AttributeOperation |
An operation to add or change an attribute.
AttributeValueAttribute |
This is a text attribute whose text string shows the
value of a parameter.
AttributeValueIcon |
An icon that displays the value of an attribute of the container
or of some other entity contained by the container.
AttributeWithIconController |
This class provides interaction with nodes that represent that can have
custom icons.
Audio |
Instances of this class represent audio data equivalent to that
contained by a Sun/NeXT audio file (.au file).
AudioCapture |
This actor sequentially outputs audio samples that are captured
from the audio input port of the computer.
AudioPlayer |
This actor reads audio samples and plays them.
AudioPlayer |
This actor accepts an ObjectToken that contains a DataSource.
AudioReadBuffer |
This actor reads a sound file into a buffer and outputs the the
sample value at the specified buffer element.
AudioReader |
This actor outputs samples from a sound file as doubles in
the range [-1.0, 1.0].
AudioWriteBuffer |
This actor writes audio samples to a buffer and saves the buffer
to a sound file on wrapup.
AudioWriter |
This actor reads audio samples from the input port and writes
the samples to the specified sound file.
AuthManager |
Download, build, start and stop the local authorization entity, Auth.
Auto32Tests |
Run the Ptolemy model tests in the auto/ directory using JUnit.
AutoAdapter |
A code generator adapter that is auto generated and calls actor code.
AutoCGCInlineTests |
Run the Ptolemy model tests in the auto/ directory using cg code generation
under JUnit with inlining.
AutoCGCKnownFailedTests |
Run the Ptolemy model tests in the auto/knownFailedTests directory
using cg C language code generation under JUnit.
AutoCGCNoInlineArduinoTests |
Run the Ptolemy model tests in the auto/ directory using cg code generation
under JUnit without inlining for the Arduino target
AutoCGCNoInlineDuktapeTests |
Run the Ptolemy model tests in the auto/ directory using cg code generation
under JUnit without inlining for the Duktape target.
AutoCGCNoInlineTests |
Run the Ptolemy model tests in the auto/ directory using cg code generation
under JUnit without inlining.
AutoCGCTests |
Run the Ptolemy model tests in the auto/ directory using cg code generation
under JUnit.
AutoCGFMIMAKnownFailedTests |
Run the Ptolemy model tests in the auto/knownFailedTests/ directory
using Functional Mock-up Interface Master Algorithm (FMIMA) code
generation under JUnit.
AutoCGFMIMANoInlineTests |
Run the Ptolemy model tests in the auto/ directory using Functional
Mock-up Interface Master Algorithm (FMIMA) code generation under
AutoCGJavaKnownFailedTests |
Run the Ptolemy model tests in the auto/knownFailedTests directory
using cg Java language code generation under JUnit.
AutoCGJavaTests |
Run the Ptolemy model tests in the auto/ directory using cg code generation
under JUnit.
AutoCGKnownFailedTests |
Run the Ptolemy model tests in the auto/knownFailedTests/ directory using cg code generation
under JUnit.
AutoCGNoInlineAccessorTests |
Run the Ptolemy model tests in the auto/ directory using cg code generation
under JUnit without inlining for the Accessor target.
AutoCGTests |
Run the Ptolemy model tests in the auto/ directory using cg code generation
under JUnit.
Autocorrelation |
This actor calculates the autocorrelation of a sequence of input tokens.
AutoKnownFailedTests |
Run the Ptolemy model tests in the auto/knownFailedTest/ directory using
AutomaticSimulation |
Implement an automatic simulation of any model chosen by the user.
AutoNameArchTests |
Run the Ptolemy model tests in the auto/ directory
using JUnit.
AutonomousSite |
A site that is not attached to a figure.
AutoTests |
Run the Ptolemy model tests in the auto/ directory using JUnit.
Average |
Output the average of the inputs after the last time a true token is
received at the reset port.
AverageComposite |
AverageFilter |
A filter which averages the 3x3 neighbourhood of each pixel, providing a simple blur.
AverageOverTime |
An actor to compute the average of the input values received so far over model
AWTContainer |
The portable container that wraps java.awt.Container.
AWTImageToken |
A token that contains a java.awt.Image.
AxisAngle4f |
Vector math package, converted to look similar to javax.vecmath.
BackDropQueue |
an push-pull FIFO queue.
Backoff |
This actor does the back off after a frame transmission.
BackwardCompatibility |
Return a list where each element is a backward compatibility filter
to be applied by the MoMLParser.
BandlimitedNoise |
This actor generates continuous-time noise with a Gaussian distribution
and controlled bandwidth.
BarGraph |
A bar graph plotter.
Barrier |
This actor implements multiway rendezvous on all channels
of the input port, collects the tokens, and then performs
a multiway rendezvous on all channels of the output port,
sending the collected data.
Barrier |
This actor implements multiway rendezvous on all channels
of the input port.
BarrierMethod |
BaseDimensionRepresentativeConcept |
A representative concept in the unitSystem ontology for a set of units for
a specific physical dimension that is one of the 7 base dimensions.
BaseMultipleMethodsActor |
Base class for sequenced actors with multiple fire methods.
BaseSDFScheduler |
This class factors code out of the SDF domain, for use in different
schedulers, so that they can be implemented in a consistent fashion.
BaseType |
The type of base token classes.
BaseType.ArrayBottomType |
The bottom element of the array type lattice.
BaseType.BooleanType |
The boolean data type.
BaseType.ComplexType |
The complex data type.
BaseType.DateType |
The date data type.
BaseType.DoubleType |
The double data type.
BaseType.EventType |
The event data type.
BaseType.FloatType |
The float data type.
BaseType.GeneralType |
The general data type: The top of the lattice.
BaseType.IntType |
The integer data type.
BaseType.LongType |
The long integer data type.
BaseType.NilType |
The nil data type.
BaseType.PetiteType |
The petite data type.
BaseType.ScalarType |
The scalar data type: The least upper bound of all the scalar types.
BaseType.ShortType |
The short integer data type.
BaseType.StringType |
The string data type.
BaseType.UnknownType |
The bottom element of the data type lattice.
BaseType.UnsignedByteType |
The unsigned byte data type.
BaseType.UnsizedFixType |
The fix data type.
BaseType.XmlTokenType |
The XmlToken data type.
BaseUnit |
The base unit of a unit category.
BaseUnitConcept |
A concept in the unitSystem ontology for a specific unit for
a specific physical dimension.
BasicCanvasPane |
A basic implementation of a canvas pane, provided for simple
BasicController |
A basic controller implementation.
BasicEdgeController |
A basic implementation of EdgeController, which works with
graphs that have edges connecting simple nodes.
BasicEdgeHighlighter |
A decorator figure that displays a highlight behind an edge.
BasicEdgeRenderer |
A basic implementation of the EdgeRenderer interface.
BasicEllipse |
A figure that displays as an ellipse.
BasicFigure |
A BasicFigure is one that contains a single instance of Shape.
BasicFrame |
BasicFrame is a very simple application context that is used
to display tutorial examples.
BasicGrabHandle |
A basic rectangle grab-handle implementation.
BasicGrabHandleFactory |
A factory that creates basic grab-handles.
BasicGraphController |
A basic implementation of GraphController, which works with
simple graphs that have edges connecting simple nodes.
BasicGraphController |
A base class for Ptolemy II graph controllers.
BasicGraphController.SchematicContextMenuFactory |
Factory for context menus.
BasicGraphDemo |
The graph demo demonstrates basic graph editing and layout
functionality, illustrates the key points of the graph
BasicGraphDemoApplet |
An applet version of the graph demo.
BasicGraphFrame |
A simple graph view for ptolemy models.
BasicGraphFrame.FolderFileFilter |
Accept only folders in a file browser.
BasicGraphFrame.MousePressedLayerAdapter |
A Layer Adapter to handle the mousePressed layer event.
BasicGraphFrameExtension |
This class provides default extensions points which are overridden in the
Kepler Comad module.
BasicGraphModel |
A basic implementation of a mutable graph model that stores its
graph structure as a collection of nodes and edges (as opposed to
an adjacency matrix).
BasicGraphModelTest |
A test suite for the BasicGraphModel class.
BasicGraphModelTest.BasicGraphModelFactory |
The factory for the BasicGraphModel class.
BasicGraphModelTest.GraphFactory |
The graph factory interface.
BasicGraphPane |
A simple graph pane that has an associated Ptolemy model and handles
getting the background color from the preferences.
BasicHighlighter |
A decorator figure that displays a highlight behind the
BasicJApplet |
Base class for swing applets.
BasicLayoutTarget |
The basic set of information necessary to layout a graph: a mapping
the graph data structure to aspects of its visual representation, a
viewport to layout in, and some manipulation routines including
pick, place, and route.
BasicManhattanRouter |
A basic manhattan router.
BasicModelErrorHandler |
Default model error handler.
BasicModularGraphModel |
A modular implementation of the graph model, whereby users with
heterogeneous graphs can implement the graph model interface by
implementing the simple interfaces of Graph, Node, CompositeNode,
and Edge.
BasicModularGraphModel.BasicEdgeModel |
BasicModularGraphModel.BasicNodeModel |
BasicNodeController |
A basic node controller implementation, intended for use
as a controller for graphs containing only one node type.
BasicNodeRenderer |
A factory which creates and returns a NodeFigure given a node input
to render.
BasicPage |
A simple concrete implementation of the Page interface.
BasicPropertyContainer |
An object that can be annotated with arbitrary
objects whose keys are strings.
BasicRectangle |
A figure that displays as a rectangle.
BasicSelectionModel |
A basic implementation of the SelectionModel interface.
BasicSelectionRenderer |
A basic implementation of a selection renderer.
BasicStoragePolicy |
A StoragePolicy that doesn't really check for correct operation.
BasicSwitch |
BasicSwitch.BasicSwitchAttributes |
The attributes configured per port which is mediated by a
BasicZList |
A basic implementation of the figure z-list, provided for
initial implementations of figure containers.
BCVTBApplication |
Wrapper class to start up the Building Controls Virtual Test Bench (BCVTB).
Bernoulli |
Produce a random sequence of booleans.
Bernoulli |
An adapter class for
Bernoulli |
An adapter class for
Bernoulli |
An adapter class for
BicubicScaleFilter |
Scales an image using bi-cubic interpolation, which can't be done with AffineTransformOp.
BinaryFilter |
The superclass for some of the filters which work on binary images.
BinaryFunction |
BinaryNonStrictLogicGate |
A nonstrict actor that performs a specified logic operation on two inputs.
BinaryOperationMonotonicFunctionDefinition |
Concept function definition attribute for any binary operation.
BinarySwitch |
An actor that calls Thread.sleep() on the current thread the first
time fire() is called.
Bindings |
Represents a set of bindings.
BitsToInt |
This actor converts a sequence of BooleanTokens into a single IntToken.
BitwiseOperationToken |
The operations that can be performed on tokens that have bitwise operations.
BlackFunction |
Blob |
An object that draws a blob of some kind on the end of
a connector.
BlockFilter |
A Filter to pixellate images.
BlockingFire |
BlockingFire is a wrapper for Ptolemy actors to adapt to MetroII semantics.
BlockingFireTest |
BlockingFireTest is a unit test for BlockingFire.
BluetoothChannel |
Models a bluetooth communication between nodes.
BluetoothCommand |
This class defines all allowable Bluetooth Wired commands, that wil be parsed within the Bluetooth Device actor.
BluetoothDevice |
This Actor is simulation of a Bluetooth adapter in a Bluetooth enabled device.
BluetoothNode |
BluetoothResponse |
This enum defines all allowable Bluetooth Responses.
BluetoothResponseToken<T> |
A wireless response from one BluetoothDevice actor to another.
BluetoothStatus |
Status associated with the BluetoothStatusToken class.
BluetoothStatusToken<T> |
This class represents a status token generated by the
BluetoothDevice actor that is output when a command has
successfully or unsuccessfully been executed, or when data has been
BluetoothToken |
This abstract class defines the parent class for all Bluetooth Token classes, and defines which operations are legal and illegal from the base class Token.
BlurFilter |
A simple blur filter.
BooleanCriterionElement |
A Boolean element for a criterion.
BooleanDependency |
This dependency represents causal relationships that are either
present or not.
BooleanMatrixToken |
A token that contains a 2-D boolean matrix.
BooleanMultiplexor |
A multiplexor with a boolean-valued select control signal.
BooleanMultiplexor |
A code generation helper class for
BooleanMultiplexor |
A adapter class for
BooleanMultiplexor |
A adapter class for
BooleanOperationElement |
A Boolean element for an operation.
BooleanSelect |
Conditionally merge the streams at two input ports
depending on the value of the boolean control input.
BooleanSwitch |
Split an input stream onto two output ports depending on a
boolean control input.
BooleanSwitch |
A adapter class for
BooleanSwitch |
A adapter class for
BooleanToAnything |
This actor converts a boolean input token into any data type.
BooleanToAnything |
A helper class for
BooleanToAnything |
A adapter class for
BooleanToAnything |
A adapter class for
BooleanToken |
A token that contains a boolean variable.
BootstrapSampleDelay |
A adapter class for BootstrapSampleDelay.
BootstrapSampleDelay |
A adapter class for BootstrapSampleDelay.
BootstrapSampleDelay |
Record an initial token and then output that initial token during
initialize(), then pass through.
BorderFilter |
A filter to add a border around an image using the supplied Paint, which may be null for no painting.
Borders |
Provides constants and factory methods for Border s that use
instances of ConstantSize to define the margins.
Borders.EmptyBorder |
An empty border that uses 4 instances of ConstantSize
to define the gaps on all sides.
BoundaryDetector |
A BoundaryDetector determines the topological relationship of a Receiver
with respect to boundary ports.
BoundedBufferNondeterministicDelay |
A bounded buffer with nondeterministic delay.
BoundedBufferTimedDelay |
A bounded buffer with a timed delay.
BoundedDragInteractor |
An interactor that drags its target only within a given
rectangular region.
BoundsConstraint |
Keep a point within a given rectangular bounds.
BoundsGeometry |
BoundsGeometry is a class that provides support for manipulating
the bounds of a figure.
BoundsManipulator |
A manipulator which attaches grab handles to the bounds
of the child figure.
BoundsSite |
A site that locates itself on the bounds of a figure's shape.
Box2D |
A class that represents a 2D rectangle in a GR model.
Box3D |
This actor contains the geometry and appearance specifications for a
BoxBlurFilter |
A filter which performs a box blur on an image.
BoxedValueIcon |
An icon that displays the value of an attribute of the container in a box
that resizes according to the width of the attribute value.
BoxedValuesIcon |
This icon displays the value of all visible attributes of class Settable
contained by the container of this icon.
Branch |
A Branch transfers tokens through a channel that crosses a composite
actor boundary.
BranchActor |
BranchActor is an actor that contain a controller to manage
the conditional branches for performing conditional communication within
CSP domain.
BranchController |
A BranchController manages the execution of a set of branch objects by
monitoring whether the branches have blocked.
Break |
An actor that implements a control break.
BreakCausalityInterface |
This class provides a causality interface
where no output port depends on any input port.
BreakpointConfigurer |
A GUI widget for configuring breakpoints.
BreakpointConfigurerDialog |
A top-level dialog window for configuring the breakpoints of an
BreakpointDialogFactory |
A factory that creates a dialog box to configure breakpoints for the
actor selected.
BrowserEffigy |
An effigy for a web browser.
BrowserEffigy.Factory |
A factory for creating new effigies.
BrowserLauncher |
BrowserLauncher is a class that provides one static method, openURL,
which opens the default web browser for the current user of the system
to the given URL.
BrowserTableau |
A tableau representing a web browser window.
BrowserTableau.Factory |
A factory that creates web browser tableaux for Ptolemy models.
BrushedMetalFilter |
A filter which produces an image simulating brushed metal.
BubbleGraphController |
A controller for bubble-and-arc graph editors.
BubbleGraphDemo |
Another graph demo.
BubbleGraphDemoApplet |
A bubble graph demo that can run in an applet.
BubblePane |
A pane containing a bubble-and-arc editor.
BubbleRenderer |
A factory which creates and returns a bubble given a node input
to render.
Buffer |
Buffer |
This actor buffers data provided at the input, sending it to the
output when needed.
BufferingProfile |
Class comments
BufferingProfileFiring |
Class comments
BumpFilter |
A simple embossing filter.
BurnComposite |
Bus |
Bus.BusAttributes |
The port specific attributes for ports mediated by a Bus.
BusAssembler |
Aggregate all input relation channels into one output "bus" relation.
BusContentionApplet |
A model of hardware subsystems accessing a shared resource using
BusContentionApplet.BusContentionGraphController |
BusContentionApplet.LocalEdgeRenderer |
LocalEdgeRenderer draws arrowheads on both ends of the connector
BusContentionApplet.ThreadRenderer |
ThreadRenderer draws the nodes to represent running threads.
BusDisassembler |
Split the input bus relation into individual (possibly bus) output port
Butterfly |
This class defines a Ptolemy II model that traces an elaborate curve
called the butterfly curve.
Button |
A GUI property that encloses a JButton component.
ButtonBarBuilder |
A non-visual builder that assists you in building consistent button bars
that comply with popular UI style guides.
ButtonBarFactory |
A factory class that consists only of static methods to build frequently used
button bars.
ButtonStackBuilder |
A non-visual builder that assists you in building consistent button stacks
using the FormLayout .
ButtonTime |
Output the current wall clock time in response to a click of a button.
CA2DConvolution |
Cellular Automata 2D Convolution Actor.
CachedMethod |
An instance of this class represents a method or function that is
invoked by the Ptolemy II expression evaluator.
CachedMethod.ArgumentConversion |
Class representing an argument conversion.
CachedMethod.ArrayMapCachedMethod |
A class representing the invocation of a scalar method on
an array of elements.
CachedMethod.BaseConvertCachedMethod |
A cached method that converts the object on which the method
is invoked as well as the arguments.
CachedMethod.MatrixMapCachedMethod |
A class representing the invocation of a scalar method on
a matrix of elements.
CachedMethod.TypeArgumentConversion |
A class representing an argument conversion to another ptolemy type,
followed by the given conversion.
CachedSDFScheduler |
The CachedSDFScheduler extends the SDFScheduler by caching schedules.
CachedStrategy |
A base class for cached analyzers on graphs.
CActorBase |
This is a base class for actors that are intended to be used with an
instance of GiottoCEmachineFrameworkGenerator, an attribute that is
placed in the model and that generates code when the user double clicks on
its icon.
CADirector |
A Cellular Automata director.
Calcfc |
Interface for calculation of objective function and constraints in COBYLA2 optimization.
CalendarQueue |
This class implements a fast priority queue.
CalInterpreter |
This actor interprets CAL source as an actor inside the Ptolemy II
CalIOException |
An exception used to indicate an IO error during interpretation of a
CAL actor in Ptolemy.
CameraHelper |
Helper for the cameras JavaScript module.
CanBus |
CanBus.CanBusAttributes |
The attributes configured per port which is mediated by a
CanBusPriority |
CancelException |
CancelException |
An exception that is not reported to the user.
CancelFireAtTest |
A test actor to test the cancelFireAt() method of the director.
CanvasComponent |
A CanvasComponent is an object that can be inserted into the
display tree of a JCanvas.
CanvasDebugUtilities |
A collection of canvas utilities.
CanvasLayer |
A canvas layer is a single layer that lives within a CanvasPane.
CanvasPane |
A canvas pane groups canvas layers.
CanvasUtilities |
A collection of canvas utilities.
CapeCodeApplication |
Wrapper class to start up CapeCode, the subset that has the
convenient feature that it automatically imports all the accessors
at and makes them available in an
actor library to drag and drop into models.
CartesianToComplex |
Convert a Cartesian pair (represented as two double tokens) to a single
complex token.
CartesianToPolar |
Convert a Cartesian pair, which is represented by two double tokens (x and y),
to a polar form, which is also represented by two double tokens (magnitude
and angle).
Case |
An actor that executes one of several refinements depending on the
value provided by the control port-parameter.
Case |
Code generator adapter for Case actor.
Case |
CaseDirector |
An CaseDirector governs the execution of a Case actor.
CaseDirector |
Code generator adapter class associated with the CaseDirector class.
CaseGraphFrame |
This is a graph editor frame for ptolemy case models.
CaseGraphTableau |
An editor tableau for case constructs in Ptolemy II.
CaseGraphTableau.Factory |
A factory that creates graph editing tableaux for Ptolemy models.
CastAndInstanceofEliminator |
A transformer that remove unnecessary casts and instanceof checks.
CATableau |
This class is used by the CAViewer to render a
two-dimensional grid of cells that are either on or off.
CatchExceptionAttribute |
This attribute catches exceptions and attempts to handle them with the
specified policy.
CatchUpComposite |
This composite allows events to occur in the inside model
between the times when the outside model invokes this composite.
CausalityInterface |
This interface defines a causality interfaces for actor networks as
described in the paper "Causality Interfaces for Actor Networks" by
Ye Zhou and Edward A.
CausalityInterfaceForComposites |
This class elaborates its base class by providing an algorithm for inferring
the causality interface of a composite actor from the causality interfaces
of its component actors and their interconnection topology.
CausticsFilter |
A filter which simulates underwater caustics.
CAViewer |
Cellular Automata Viewer.
CC3000Control |
This actor outputs tokens with information to control the CC3000
WiFi Module.
CC3000Control |
An adapter class for
CC3000Module |
This actor represents the CC3000 Wi-Fi module and receives values to
control its operation and send packets.
CC3000Module |
An adapter class for
CCodeGenerator |
Base class for C code generator.
CCodegenUtilities |
A utility class used to simplify creating c templates in EmbeddedCActors.
This provides static methods to convert comma delimited text into a
JSONArray, and to covert a JSONArray into comma delimited text.
CellConstraints |
Defines constraints for components that are layed out with the FormLayout.
CellConstraints.Alignment |
An ordinal-based serializable typesafe enumeration for component
alignment types as used by the FormLayout .
CellPanelEditor |
CellularFilter |
A filter which produces an image with a cellular texture.
CellularFunction2D |
CenterSite |
A concrete implementation of Site that is located in the
center of the bounding box of a figure.
CenterTarget |
An implementation of connector targets that finds center sites.
CertiRtig |
Execute the HLA/CERTI RTIG in a subprocess.
CGException |
Create exceptions in code generation.
Changeable |
This is an interface for objects that support change requests that can
be deferred.
ChangeFixedWidth1ToAuto |
When this class is registered with the MoMLParser.setMoMLFilter()
method, it will cause MoMLParser to filter so that models from
earlier releases will run in the current release.
ChangeListener |
A ChangeListener is an interface implemented by objects that are
interested in being kept informed about changes in a model as they
are executed.
ChangePtr |
An actor that changes address and size of a PtrToken.
ChangeRequest |
Abstract base class for change requests.
ChangeRequestTest |
Test for ChangeRequest.
ChannelListener |
Interface for channel listeners.
ChannelMixFilter |
A filter which allows the red, green and blue channels of an image to be mixed into each other.
ChannelPort |
This port is used in a channel to mediate type constraints between
senders and receivers on a wireless channel.
ChannelState |
This actor updates the channel state based on the information from PHY
and NAV (Network Allocation Vector).
Check |
Check the dining philosopher model.
Checkable |
Interface of NamedObjs that correspond to criteria.
CheckBoxStyle |
This attribute annotates user settable attributes to specify
a checkbox style for configuring the containing attribute.
CheckFilter |
A Filter to draw grids and check patterns.
CheckModelSize |
Class that checks the size, zoom, and location of a model.
ChicAttribute |
An attribute that has a string value which is meant to be used as an interface
in Chic.
ChicController |
This class provides interaction with nodes that represent ChicInvoker
visible attributes.
ChicControllerFactory |
This is an attribute that produces a custom node controller for
Chic visible attributes.
ChicInvoker |
This attribute is a visible attribute used for invoking Chic (Checker
for Interface Compatibility) on its container.
ChoiceAction |
An action implementing this interface is a choice action.
ChoiceCriterionElement |
A choice element for a criterion.
ChoiceParameter |
This parameter contains a string value and has a list of acceptable choices.
ChoiceStringParameter |
This parameter contains a string value and has a list of acceptable choices.
ChoiceStyle |
This attribute annotates user settable attributes to specify
an uneditable combobox style for configuring the containing attribute.
Chop |
This actor reads a sequence of input tokens of any type, and writes a
sequence of tokens constructed from the input sequence (possibly
supplemented with zeros).
Chopstick |
Chopstick in the Dining Philosophers demo.
Chord |
A class that defines a Chord object.
ChordFollower |
An actor that follows where the melody is within the measure.
ChordParser |
The Chord parser receives OSC information regarding the Chords and
builds a sequence of chord objects.
ChromaKeyFilter |
A filter which can be used to produce wipes by transferring the luma of a Destination image into the alpha channel of the source.
ChromeFilter |
A filter which simulates chrome.
CIActor |
A base class for actors specific to the CI domain.
CIDirector |
Director of the component interaction (CI) domain.
CipherActor |
A base class for actors that encrypt and decrypt data.
CircleFilter |
A filter which wraps an image around a circular arc.
CircleGeometry |
A class that provides support for manipulating
the bounds of a figure.
CircleManipulator |
A manipulator which attaches a grab handles to one of the bounds
of the child figure.
CircularFifoQueue<E> |
CircularFifoQueue is a first-in first-out queue with a fixed size that
replaces its oldest element if full.
CircularSweep3D |
This actor contains the geometry and appearance specifications for a
circularly swept object.
CIReceiver |
An implementation of the interface for the CI
ClassAndEntityTreeModel |
A tree model for Ptolemy II models that includes class definitions and
ClassChanges |
When this class is registered with the MoMLParser.setMoMLFilter()
method, it will cause MoMLParser to filter so that models from
earlier releases will run in the current release.
ClassConceptFunctionDefinitionAttribute |
Attribute that defines a concept function by instantiating a ConceptFunction
Java class.
ClassDefinitionController |
This class provides interaction with nodes that represent Ptolemy II
ClassLoadingStrategy |
Strategy to be able to switch class loading mechanisms, depending
on the needs for a runtime environment (especially for actors and
other model entities),
ClassUtilities |
A collection of utilities for manipulating classes.
ClassWrapper |
This actor wraps (an instance of) a Java class specified by the
className parameter.
ClassWriter |
Write all of the application classes out to class files.
ClientProcess |
Communicate with a client process.
ClientServerInteractionManager |
Manager that handles and eases the discovery of services using JINI.
ClientThread |
Thread that manages the interaction with the remote service.
ClipPlayer |
An actor that plays an audio clip given in a file.
Clock |
Clone |
An event to clone the model in the model parameter and store the clone back
into it.
CloneTest |
Clone an actor and compare the type constraints with the master.
CloseListener |
This is an interface for listeners that need to be informed when a
window closes.
ClusterNodesAnalysis |
Given a collection of nodes in a graph, replace the subgraph induced by
the nodes with a single node N.
ClusterNodesTransformer |
Base interface for cluster transformers for graphs.
ClusterNodesTransformerStrategy |
Strategy for cluster transformers for graphs.
CmdLineArgException |
Exception thrown by plot classes if there are format
problems with the data to be plotted.
Cobyla |
Constrained Optimization BY Linear Approximation in Java.
CobylaExitStatus |
Enumeration of exit statuses associated with COBYLA2 optimization.
CodeGeneratorAdapter |
Base class for code generator adapter.
CodeGeneratorGUI |
This is an attribute that creates an editor for configuring and
running a code generator.
CodeGeneratorGUIFactory |
This is an attribute that creates an editor for configuring and
running a code generator.
CodeGeneratorUtilities |
Utilities that are useful for code generators.
CodeStream |
FIXME: Get rid of C-specific comments, and put C-specific code in
a subclass.
CodeStream.Signature |
Inner class for representing a code block signature.
CollectLatticeOntologySolverDetails |
Model attribute that collects the details of the lattice ontology solver resolution
on the constraints collected and produces string outputs.
CollisionDetector |
This actor models a typical physical layer front end of a wireless
Color4f |
Vector math package, converted to look similar to javax.vecmath.
ColorAttribute |
This is an attribute that specifies a color.
ColorBurnComposite |
ColorComposite |
ColorDodgeComposite |
ColorFinder |
An actor that searches for a color in a Buffer.
ColorHalftoneFilter |
A Filter to pixellate images.
Colormap |
An interface for color maps.
ColtBeta |
Produce a random sequence with a Beta distribution.
ColtBinomial |
Produce a random sequence with a Binomial distribution.
ColtBinomial |
An adapter class for
ColtBinomialSelector |
Assign trials from several populations using a conditional Binomial
selection process.
ColtBinomialSelector |
An adapter class for
ColtBreitWigner |
Produce a random sequence with a BreitWigner distribution.
ColtChiSquare |
Produce a random sequence with a ChiSquare distribution.
ColtExponential |
Produce a random sequence with a Exponential distribution.
ColtExponentialPower |
Produce a random sequence with a ExponentialPower distribution.
ColtGamma |
Produce a random sequence with a Gamma distribution.
ColtHyperGeometric |
Produce a random sequence with a HyperGeometric distribution.
ColtLogarithmic |
Produce a random sequence with a Logarithmic distribution.
ColtNegativeBinomial |
Produce a random sequence with a NegativeBinomial distribution.
ColtNormal |
Produce a random sequence with a Normal distribution.
ColtPoisson |
Produce a random sequence with a Poisson distribution.
ColtPoisson |
An adapter class for
ColtPoissonSlow |
Produce a random sequence with a PoissonSlow distribution.
ColtRandomSource |
Base class for Colt random sources.
ColtRandomSource |
A helper class for
ColtStudentT |
Produce a random sequence with a StudentT distribution.
ColtVonMises |
Produce a random sequence with a VonMises distribution.
ColtZeta |
Produce a random sequence with a Zeta distribution.
ColumnSpec |
Specifies columns in FormLayout by their default orientation,
start size and resizing behavior.
Combine |
Combine actor for combining synchronous signals (ports with a token
or no token) using a combine function.
CombinedCollection<E> |
A collection that is the combination of one or more collections.
CombineInternalTransitions |
Combine the internal transitions using the combineInternalTransitions()
ComboBox |
A GUI property that encloses a JComboBox component.
ComboBox.Item |
The base class for an item that can be added to the combo box as a choice.
ComboItem |
CommitAction |
An action implementing this interface is a commit action.
CommitActionsAttribute |
An action that changes the state of the system.
CommunicationAspect |
An interface for objects that can intervene in communication between actors.
CommunicationAspectAttributes |
Attributes for ports decorated by a communication aspect.
CommunicationAspectListener |
This interface defines a listener for communication aspects.
CommunicationAspectListener.EventType |
Type of the event.
CommunicationAspectMonitor |
This actor implements a Communication aspect Monitor.
CommunicationRequestPort |
This actor implements an input port in a composite communication aspect
(@link CompositeCommunicationAspect).
CommunicationResponsePort |
This actor implements an output port in a composite communication aspect
(@link CompositeCommunicationAspect).
Commutator |
A polymorphic commutator, which merges a set of input sequences into a
single output sequence.
Commutator |
A code generation helper class for
Commutator |
A adapter class for
Comparator |
Compare two double-valued inputs, and output the boolean result
of the comparison.
Comparator |
A code generation adapter class for
Comparator |
A code generation adapter class for
Comparator |
A adapter class for
CompiledCompositeActor |
Code generator adapter for a composite actor that contains an actor
with a body written in C.
CompiledCompositeActor |
Code generator for a composite actor that contains an actor
with a body written in Java.
CompiledCompositeActor |
A composite actor that can be optionally code generated and then
invoked via reflection.
Complex |
This class provides a complex data type and a library of functions that
operate on and return complex numbers.
ComplexAddSubtract |
A complex number adder/subtractor.
ComplexArrayMath |
This class a provides a library for mathematical operations on arrays of
complex numbers, in particular arrays of instances of class
ComplexBinaryOperation |
A operation taking two operands of type Complex, and producing a value of
type Complex.
ComplexMatrixMath |
This class provides a library for mathematical operations on
matrices of complex numbers.
ComplexMatrixToken |
A token that contains a 2-D Complex matrix.
ComplexToCartesian |
Read a complex token and output double tokens that represent the real and
imaginary parts to two different output ports.
ComplexToCartesian |
A helper class for
ComplexToCartesian |
A adapter class for
ComplexToCartesian |
A adapter class for
ComplexToken |
A token that contains a Complex number represented by a 64-bit
double-precision floating point real and imaginary parts.
ComplexToPolar |
Convert a complex token to polar coordinates, which are represented by two
double tokens (magnitude and angle).
ComplexUnaryOperation |
A operation taking one argument of type Complex, and producing a value of
type Complex.
Component |
This interface defines the basic methods for initializing and
executing components.
ComponentActor |
A Component is outside compatible with components and inside compatable
with actors.
ComponentDialog |
This class is a modal dialog box that contains an arbitrary component.
ComponentDirector |
ComponentEntity<T extends ComponentPort> |
A ComponentEntity is a component in a CompositeEntity.
ComponentEntityTimeTest |
Class that creates lots of ComponentEntities.
ComponentFactory |
An interface that defines the factory methods as used by the
PanelBuilder and its subclasses.
ComponentPort |
A port supporting hierarchy.
ComponentRelation |
This class defines a relation supporting hierarchy (clustered graphs).
Compose |
Compute the composition of interface automata.
CompositeActor |
A CompositeActor is an aggregation of actors.
CompositeActorApplication |
This application creates one or more Ptolemy II models given a
classname on the command line, and then executes those models, each in
its own thread.
CompositeActorMatcher |
A matcher to match a level of hierarchy in a hierarchical model.
CompositeActorSimpleApplication |
This application creates one or more Ptolemy II models given a
classname on the command line, and then executes those models, each in
its own thread.
CompositeBuilder |
CompositeBuilder is a non-validating parser that uses other
builders to parse and generate XML files from arbitrary collections
of objects.
CompositeCommunicationAspect |
This class implements functionality of a composite communication aspect.
CompositeCommunicationAspect.CompositeCommunicationAspectAttributes |
Attributes for ports decorated by this composite communication aspect.
CompositeEntity |
A CompositeEntity is a cluster in a clustered graph.
CompositeExecutionAspect |
This is a composite execution aspect.
CompositeExecutionAspect.CompositeExecutionAspectAttributes |
Attributes for actors decorated by this CompositeExecutionAspects.
CompositeFigure |
A CompositeFigure is a figure that contains a set of child
CompositeFigureTutorial |
This tutorial demonstrates how to use composite figures.
CompositeFilter |
A filter which composites two images together with an optional transform.
CompositeFunction1D |
CompositeInteractor |
An interactor that forwards events to other interactors.
CompositeModel |
Models of composite object.
CompositeNode |
A node that is also a graph, i.e.
CompositeNodeModel |
A graph is an object that contains nodes and
CompositeOptimizer |
This actor implements a composite optimizer that optimizes a function
provided as an SDF model in the inner composite.
CompositeOptimizer.OptimizerComposite |
This is a specialized composite actor for use in CompositeOptimizer.
CompositeOptimizerUsingGradient |
This actor implements a composite optimizer that optimizes a function
provided as an SDF model in the inner composite.
CompositeOptimizerUsingGradient.OptimizerComposite |
This is a specialized composite actor for use in CompositeOptimizer.
CompositeProcessDirector |
A baseclass for directors in process oriented domains that incorporate
hierarchical heterogeneity.
CompositePtolemyModel |
A diva node model for a Ptolemy II composite entity.
CompositeTreeModel |
A tree model for Ptolemy II models.
CompoundFilter |
A BufferedImageOp which combines two other BufferedImageOps, one after the other.
CompoundFunction2D |
CompoundIterator |
An iterator over two iterators.
ComputeHistogram |
Compute a histogram.
ComputerVision |
A set of OpenCV image filters.
Concat |
Produce an output token on each firing with a FixPoint value that is
equal to the concatenation of the input bits from each input channel.
Concept |
A concept represents a single piece of information in an ontology.
ConceptAttribute |
The base class of a concept attribute.
ConceptController |
The node controller for ontology concept model elements.
ConceptFromRecordField |
A concept function that returns the concept value from the specified field
from an input RecordConcept.
ConceptFunction |
The base class for concept functions that are used
for ontology constraints.
ConceptFunctionDefinitionAttribute |
Abstract base class for an Attribute that defines a concept function.
ConceptFunctionInequalityTerm |
An inequality term wrapper for concept functions that are used for
ontology constraints.
ConceptGraph |
An abstract class that defines the ordering relationships in an ontology.
ConceptIcon |
An icon that displays the name of the container in an appropriately sized
rounded box.
ConceptRelation |
A relation between concepts in an ontology.
ConceptRelationController |
This class provides interaction techniques for relations in an ontology.
ConceptTermFactory |
Interface for a concept term factory.
ConceptTermManager |
A class representing a property term manager.
ConceptToken |
A token that contains an ontology concept.
ConceptType |
A simple singleton type for all ConceptTokens.
ConcreteFigures |
A test suite for testing concrete figures.
ConcreteFigures.BasicRectangleFactory1 |
Create a BasicRectangle with stroked outline
ConcreteFigures.BasicRectangleFactory2 |
Create a filled BasicRectangle
ConcreteFigures.CompositeFigureFactory1 |
Create a CompositeFigure with a filled rectangle background
ConcreteFigures.IconFigureFactory |
Create an icon figure
ConcreteFigures.ImageFigureFactory |
Create an image figure
ConcreteFigures.LabelFigureFactory |
Create an image figure
ConcreteFigures.PaneWrapperFactory |
Create a PaneWrapper with a filled rectangle background
ConcreteMatrixToken |
A token that represents an empty matrix, with no element type.
ConcreteScalarToken |
A token that represents a scalar of any type.
Conditional |
Conditional class.
ConditionalBranch |
Base class for classes representing guarded communication that occurs
either conditionally (one statement from a group is executed) or as a multiway
rendezvous (all statements from a group are executed).
ConditionalBranchController |
A controller that manages the conditional branches for performing
conditional communication within CSP (Communication Sequential Processes)
ConditionalReceive |
Represents a guarded communication statement in which the
communication is a get().
ConditionalSend |
Represents a guarded communication statement in which the
communication is a send().
ConditionsTableModel |
The conditions table for configuring an SCR Model.
Cone3D |
This actor contains the geometry and appearance specifications for a
Configurable |
Objects that can be configured by reading a file or configuration information
given as text, typically in XML format, should implement this interface.
ConfigurableAttribute |
This class provides a simple way to get a long string into an attribute.
ConfigurableEntity |
An interface for entities that can be configured.
Configuration |
The configuration of an application that uses Ptolemy II classes.
ConfigurationApplication |
An application that reads one or more
files specified on the command line, or instantiates one or
more Java classes specified by the -class option.
ConfigurationApplication.IgnoreErrorHandler |
Error Handler that ignore errors.
ConfigurationEffigy |
An effigy for a Ptolemy II model.
ConfigurationSelect |
Conditionally merge the streams at two input ports
depending on the value of the boolean parameter.
ConfigurationSwitch |
Split an input stream onto two output ports depending on a
boolean selector parameter.
Configure |
An event to display a dialog for the user to input parameter values.
ConfigureAction |
An action that will configure parameters on the current object.
Configurer |
This class is an editor for the user settable attributes of an object.
Configurer |
A composite actor that serves as container of the contents of a configurable
Configurer.ContainmentExtender |
The containment extender that returns the configured object as the
container of this configurer.
ConfigureUnitsAction |
An action that creates a dialog to configure units.
Connector |
A Connector is a figure that draws itself between two
sites on other figures.
ConnectorAdapter |
An adapter for connector listeners.
ConnectorEnd |
An interface for objects that can be attached to the end
of a connector.
ConnectorEvent |
A graph event that is emitted when anything
interesting happens inside a graph by way of a GraphModel.
ConnectorInteractor |
An interactor for dragging one end of a connector.
ConnectorListener |
A listener for changes in a connector's connectivity.
ConnectorManipulator |
A manipulator which attaches grab handles to the ends of
a connector.
ConnectorTarget |
An object that is used to get suitable "target" sites
for connectors.
ConnectorTutorial |
This tutorial shows how to use Connectors.
ConnectorTutorial.SitedRectangle |
SitedRectangle is a class that provides four sites that
we use in the examples to attach connectors to.
ConnectorTutorial.SRTarget |
SRTarget is used to find a useful site on a SitedRectangle.
Console |
A tableau that displays Console messages.
Console.ConsoleFrame |
The frame that is created by an instance of Console.
Console.ConsoleFrame.MyByteArrayOutputStream |
Customized ByteArrayOutputStream.
Console.Factory |
A factory that creates a control panel to display Console.
Consonants |
A demo actor that outputs a StringToken for each real token
that it consumes.
Const |
Produce a constant output.
Const |
A adapter class for
Const |
A adapter class for Const.
Const |
A adapter class for Const.
Const |
The default adapter class for
ConstantPublisherPort |
This is a specialized output port that publishes constant data sent on
the specified named channel.
Constants |
A table of named constants that are recognized by the expression parser.
ConstantSize |
An implementation of the Size interface that represents constant
sizes described by a value and unit, for example:
10 pixel, 15 point or 4 dialog units.
ConstantSize.Unit |
An ordinal-based serializable typesafe enumeration for units
as used in instances of ConstantSize .
ConstPlaceable |
Produce a constant output from an actor that is placeable in a GUI.
ConstPropagationAbsIntLessThan |
A concept function that returns the BooleanTrue or BooleanFalse Concept
result of a less than comparison between two FlatScalarTokenInfiniteConcepts
in the constPropagationAbsInt ontology.
ConstPropagationAbsIntMathFunctions |
A concept function that returns the Concept result of a math operation
between two FlatScalarTokenInfiniteConcepts in the constPropagationAbsInt
ConstPropagationMathFunctions |
A concept function that returns the Concept result of a math operation
between two FlatTokenInfiniteConcepts in the constPropagation ontology.
Constraint |
Constraint used to restrict pattern matching in model transformations.
ConstraintManager |
A class that collects and manages all the inequality constraints for
an OntologySolver.
ConstraintMonitor |
A contract monitor that decorates each entity in a model with a
value parameter and monitors the sum of all such values.
ConstraintMonitor.ConstraintMonitorAttributes |
Class containing the decorator attributes that decorate objects.
ConstraintMonitorIcon |
An icon providing visual indication when constraints are violated.
ConstraintsCalculator |
The class for calculation of constraints of Swarm-Robots.
ConstraintSolver |
ConstraintSolver is an interface used to let the subclass schedule MetroII
ConstructAssociativeType |
A function that, given a list of ports, returns a StructuredType
of which the fields names and field types correspond with the given ports.
ConstVariableModelAnalysis |
An analysis that traverses a model to determine all the constant
variables in a hierarchical model.
ContainerIgnoringAttribute |
An attribute to specify that all composite actors within its container should
be considered as transparent, except the ones with directors.
ContainmentExtender |
An interface to specify the containment relationship as seen by the model
ContainmentExtender |
An implementation of containment extender for modal models as an attribute.
ContentionAlarm |
A ContentionAlarm is a CSP actor that creates an output only after
timed deadlock has been reached by all other CSP actors in the
containing composite actor.
ContextAwareGUI |
A GUI for the Context Aware accessor.
ContextAwareHelper |
Helper for the contextAware.js.
ContextAwareHelperTest |
Set up the parameters with the details of the specific REST service.
ContextMenuFactoryCreator |
An object that can create a tableau for a model.
ContextView |
A Context view is a view that knows about an app context that it exists.
Continuation |
Continuation class.
ContinuousDirector |
The continuous time domain is a timed domain that supports
continuous-time signals, discrete-event signals, and mixtures of the
ContinuousIntegrator |
The integrator in the continuous domain.
ContinuousMerge |
A merge actor for the Continuous domain.
ContinuousODESolver |
Abstract base class for ODE solvers.
ContinuousScheduler |
The Static scheduler for the Continuous domain.
ContinuousStatefulComponent |
Interface for actors and directors
that have tentative state that can be rolled back.
ContinuousStatefulDirector |
Interface for directors
that have a getCurrentStepSize() method and have state that can be
rolled back.
ContinuousStepSizeController |
Interface for actors and directors that control integration step sizes.
ContinuousTimeDelay |
Delay the input by a specified amount of time.
ContinuousTransferFunction |
A transfer function in the continuous time domain.
ContourComposite |
A special Composite used for drawing "marching ants".
ContourFilter |
A filter which draws contours on an image at given brightness levels.
ContrastFilter |
A filter to change the brightness and contrast of an image.
ControlActor |
An AtomicActor that handles some sort of control flow.
ControlEntryToken |
ControlEntryToken.ControlType |
ControlEntryToken.EntryLocation |
ControlExitToken |
ControlExitToken.ControlType |
ControlExitToken.ExitLocation |
Controller |
A CSP actor that serves as a controller of a shared resource.
ControlToken |
ControlToken.ControlType |
ControlToken.Location |
ConversionUtilities |
This class contains a series of static methods that facilitate the
runtime conversion of tokens to and from Java representations that are
not tokens.
Converter |
This actor is a base class for converters.
ConverterRangeModel |
Based on the source code for DefaultBoundedRangeModel,
this class stores its value as a double, rather than
an int.
ConvertParticlesToCovarianceMatrix |
The class which convert input particles to covariance matrix.
ConvertToLazy |
Read a specified MoML file and convert all instances of
TypedCompositeActor that contain more than a specified
number of entities to LazyTypedCompositeActor.
ConvolutionalCoder |
Encode an input sequence with a convolutional code.
ConvolveFilter |
A filter which applies a convolution kernel to an image.
Cookie |
Convert a web browser cookie specification to a JSONObject and back.
CookieList |
Convert a web browser cookie list string to a JSONObject and back.
Coordinate |
Copernicus |
A Standalone application that generates code using the Ptolemy II code
generation system.
CopyCatIcon |
This is an icon that copies the icon of the last entity contained by
the same container, if there is one, and behaves like the base class
if not.
CoroutineDirector |
Counter |
This actor implements an up-down counter of received tokens.
Counter |
This component implements an up-down counter.
Counter |
CountTrues |
Read the given number of input booleans and output the number that are true.
Course |
A course in a curriculum.
CovarianceStatePredictor |
Implementation of StatePredictor witch uses acceleration control input.
CParseTreeCodeGenerator |
This class evaluates a parse tree given a reference to its root node.
CParseTreeCodeGenerator |
This class visits parse trees and generates soot instructions that evaluate the parse tree.
CPO<T> |
An interface defining the operations on complete partial order (CPO).
CPO.BoundType |
An enumeration type to represent the two different types of bounds
that can be calculated on a set of nodes in a CPO; either
a greatest lower bound or least upper bound.
CPort |
This port class is used with actors that are instances of CActor.
CQComparator |
This interface extends the java.util.Comparator interface, which
defines the compare() method.
CreationAttribute |
An attribute to identify an object in the pattern to be created.
Criterion |
A criterion to constrain an object in the host model.
CriterionElement |
An element for a criterion.
CropFilter |
A filter which crops an image to a given rectangle.
CrossbarSwitch |
CrossRefList |
CrossRefList is a list that maintains pointers to other CrossRefLists.
CryptographyActor |
A base class for cryptographic actors.
CryptoHelper |
Helper for the crypto JavaScript module.
CrystallizeFilter |
A filter which applies a crystallizing effect to an image, by producing Voronoi cells filled with colours from the image.
CSPActor |
This class is the base class of all atomic actors using the
non-deterministic communication and timed features of the communicating
sequential processes(CSP) domain.
CSPBuffer |
A single channel buffer.
CSPCondGet |
CSPCondPut |
CSPDirector |
CSPDirector governs the execution of a composite actor with the semantics
of the Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) domain.
CSPFactory |
CSPGet |
CSPGetToken |
CSPHasRoom |
CSPHasToken |
CSPMultiSink |
A CSPMultiSink actor accepts a token from any channel connected to
its input.
CSPMultiSource |
A CSPMultiSource actor produces tokens through an output channel
via a continuous do (CDO) construct.
CSPPut |
CSPPutToken |
CSPReceiver |
Receiver for CSP style communication.
CSPSieve |
Used in the Sieve of Eratosthenes demo.
CSPSink |
A CSPSink actor accepts tokens from a single input channel.
CSPSource |
A CSPSource actor produces tokens through an output channel.
CSVReader |
This actor reads a file or URL, one line at a time, and outputs each line
except the first as a record.
CSVWriter |
This actor reads record-valued input tokens and writes them,
one line at a time, to a specified file, as comma-separated list
(or separated by some other delimiter given by the separator
CTemplateParser |
A class that allows to parse macros of templates in a code generator
CurlFilter |
A page curl effect.
Current |
Output the most recent input received.
CurrentDate |
Produce an output token on each firing with a value that is
the current date.
CurrentMicrostep |
Produce an output token on each firing with a value that is
the current microstep, also called the current index,
of superdense time.
CurrentMicrostep |
A adapter class for CurrentMicrostep.
CurrentTime |
Produce an output token on each firing with a value that is
the current time.
CurrentTime |
Generate Java code for an actor that produces an output token on
on each firing with a value that is equal to the absolute value of
the input.
CurrentTime |
A adapter class for CurrentTime.
CurrentTime |
A adapter class for
Curve |
CurvesFilter |
CustomAdder |
A simple custom adder that adds 42.0 to its input.
CustomizableRunFrame |
A top-level frame for a customizable run control panel.
CustomizableRunPane |
A panel for interacting with an executing Ptolemy II model.
CustomizeDocumentationAction |
An action for editing instance-specific documentation.
CustomQueryBoxParameter |
An interface for Parameter classes that supply their own
customized GUI element for modifying the query content.
CycleExistenceAnalysis |
Analyzes a directed graph and detects the existence of cycles.
CycleExistenceAnalyzer |
A common interface for all the cycle existence analyzers.
CycleMeanAnalysis |
An analysis to calculate the maximum/minimum cycle mean of a directed
cyclic graph.
CycleMeanAnalyzer |
A common interface for all the cycle mean analyzers.
Cylinder3D |
This actor contains the geometry and appearance specifications for a GR
CyPhySimApplication |
Wrapper class to start up CyPhySim, the Cyber-Physical Simulator.
DAGConceptGraph |
A data structure representing relationships of ontologies whose structure
can be represented as a directed acyclic graph of concepts.
DamageRegion |
A damage region represents a region of the canvas that has
been "damaged" and hence needs to be repainted.
DarkenComposite |
DatabaseInsert |
Insert the input arrays of records into the specified table.
DatabaseManager |
A DatabaseManager.
DatabaseQuery |
Issue a database query via the specified
database manager.
DatabaseSelect |
Select the columns from rows that match the specified pattern via the specified
database manager.
DataCollector |
This class collects sensor update for the state of each parking spot,
and provides a parking client information of available parking spots.
DataConverterHelper |
Helper for the dataConverter JavaScript module.
Dataflow |
DataflowActorInterpreter |
The actor interpreter provides an abstract interface to the execution
of an actor.
DataflowActorInterpreter.EnvironmentKey |
DataflowActorInterpreter.MultipleTokenReaderThunk |
DataflowActorInterpreter.SingleTokenReaderThunk |
A single token reader thunk encapsulates the operation of
reading a single token from a specified channel.
DataflowWithRates |
A base class that provides support for dataflow models that publish
external rate information.
DataflowWithRates.ActionRateSignature |
DataflowWithRatesActorInterpreter |
This class extends the DataflowActorInterpreter, overriding the
checking of preconditions to assume that input tokens are present.
Datagram |
This actor copies, to the system clipboard, the contents of any token
received at its input port.
DatagramReader |
This actor reads datagram packets via a separate thread.
DatagramWriter |
This actor sends its input as a Datagram over the network using the
UDP protocol.
DataMapEnvironment |
A read-only Environment that wraps a Map of data read from input ports.
DataMapEnvironment.UnboundPortVarException |
DataPump |
This actor works in the Transmission block in IEEE 802.11 Mac.
DateConstructor |
Construct date token by parsing all date elements (year, day, month, ...).
DateElements |
Output elements of date (year, month, day, hour, etc.) from date.
DateToEvent |
A timed actor that accepts DateTokens on the input.
DateToken |
A token that contains a date.
DateToModelTime |
A timed actor that outputs the local clock value that corresponds to the date.
DateToString |
Convert a date to a string.
DB |
Produce a token that is the value of the input in decibels.
DB |
A adapter class for
DB |
A adapter class for
DB |
A adapter class for
DCT2x2dc |
Calculate the discrete cosine transform(DCT) of dc coefficients of U and V components.
DCT4x4dc |
Calculate the discrete cosine transform(DCT) of dc coefficients of Y components.
DCT8x8 |
Calculate the DCT of a 8x8 block which can be one of Y, U or V pixel data.
DDEActor |
An optional base class for DDE actors.
DDEDirector |
A DDEDirector governs the execution of actors operating according to the DDE
model of computation (MoC).
DDEGet |
DDEGet is used as a test class for consuming tokens.
DDEGetNToken |
DDEGetNToken is a test class used to test the consumption of tokens
and check relevant parameters.
DDEGetToken |
A DDEIOPort is a timed input/output port used in the DDE domain.
DDEPut |
DDEPut is a test class used to test token production.
DDEPutToken |
DDEPutToken is a test class used for testing the production of tokens.
DDEReceiver |
A DDEReceiver stores time stamped tokens according to distributed
discrete event semantics.
DDESink |
DDESink is simple DDE actor that consumes real tokens.
DDEThread |
A DDEThread controls an actor according to DDE semantics.
A plugin for the DDF domain.
DDFBooleanSelect |
A type polymorphic select with boolean valued control for use in
the DDF domain.
DDFDirector |
The dynamic dataflow (DDF) domain is a superset of the synchronous
dataflow(SDF) and Boolean dataflow(BDF) domains.
DDFFactory |
A factory that creates DDF s.
DDFOrderedMerge |
DDFSelect |
A type polymorphic select, which routes specified input channels to
the output, used in the DDF domain.
DDFSingleTokenCommutator |
The DDFSingleTokenCommutator has a multiport input port and an output
An interface for domain dependent interpretation.
DDIException |
A general-purpose exception used in the ddi package, used to
indicate an error during domain dependent interpretation.
DDIFactory |
The DDIFactory is used to create domain dependent plugins.
DEActor |
The base class for actors specific to the DE domain.
DeadlockStates |
Display the deadlock states.
DebugController |
An execution listener that suspends execution based on breakpoints.
DebugEvent |
An interface for events that can be used for debugging.
Debuggable |
This is an interface for objects that debug listeners can be attached to.
DebuggerParameter |
A parameter that represents a debugger for event debugging.
DebuggerParameter.Mode |
The modes.
DebugListener |
Interface for listeners that receive debug messages.
DebugListenerTableau |
A tableau representing a debug listener window.
DebugListenerTableau.DebugListenerFrame |
This class is a top-level window for displaying textual debug
output from an instance of Debuggable.
DebugProfile |
Profile for an actor being debugged.
DebugRenderer |
Highlight objects in magenta, rather than red or yellow.
DecimalField |
DecorationParameters |
Decorator |
A decorator is a class that decorates other instances of NamedObj
with extra attributes that are specific to both the decorator
and the NamedObj.
DecoratorAttributes |
A container for attributes created by a decorator.
DECQEventQueue |
A calendar queue implementation of the DE event queue.
DEDirector |
Code generator adapter associated with the DEDirector class.
DEDirector |
This director implements the discrete-event (DE) model of computation (MoC).
DEEvent |
This class defines the structure of events in the DE domain.
DEEventQueue |
This interface defines an event queue used by DE directors to sort and
manage DE events.
Default |
A Synchronous default operator.
DefaultActions |
A collection of static methods that
create useful default actions.
DefaultBundle |
A class that bundles the default Diva resources contained
in the diva.resource package.
DefaultCausalityInterface |
This class provides causality interfaces for actor networks as described
in the paper "Causality Interfaces for Actor Networks" by Ye Zhou and
Edward A.
DefaultComponentFactory |
DefaultDirectoryAttribute |
An attribute to locate the default directory containing models to be
DefaultFormBuilder |
Provides a means to build form-oriented panels quickly and consistently
using the FormLayout .
DefaultIconLink |
A parameter specifying default hyperlink to associate
with icons in model.
DefaultIconScript |
A parameter specifying default JavaScript actions to associate
with icons in model.
DefaultModelAttribute |
An attribute to locate the default model to be transformed.
DefaultModelElementClassProvider |
A simple provider that gets a list of classes to be provided in its constructor.
DefaultStoragePolicy |
A Default storage policy that is useful for most applications.
DefaultTitle |
A parameter specifying default title to associate
with a model and with components in the model.
DefaultUnitConverter |
This is the default implementation of the UnitConverter interface.
DeinterlaceFilter |
A filter for de-interlacing video frames.
DelayChannel |
Model of a wireless channel with a specified propagation speed and
loss probability.
DelayLine |
This actor reads tokens from its input port, and for each token read
outputs an array that contains the current token as the first token,
followed by some number of previously read tokens.
DelayStart |
This actor, which has no ports, delays the execution of the model
until a specified time by sleeping the thread that calls the
initialize() method until the specified time.
DeletionListener |
This class provides deletion support for most simple JGraph
DeltaConstraintSolver |
An implementation of PropertyConstraintSolver that tries to minimize
error cases.
DeltaConstraintSolverDisplayActions |
This is an attribute that creates options to configure and run actions of
the DeltaConstraintSolver.
DependedClasses |
Collect all the classes that a set of classes depends on.
Dependency |
This interface provides a dependency for causality interfaces as described
in the paper "Causality Interfaces for Actor Networks" by Ye Zhou and
Edward A.
DependencyDeclaration |
An instance of DependencyDeclaration is an attribute that declares
variable dependence information of a parameter.
DependencyHighlighter |
This is an attribute that produces a custom node controller that adds
context menu commands to highlight dependents and prerequisites.
DependencyResultsDialog |
A non-modal dialog that displays the actor dependency analysis results as a
DEReceiver |
The adapter for DE receiver.
DEReceiver |
An implementation of the interface for the
DE domain.
Derivable |
This interface is for objects that can be derived.
Derivative |
A crude approximation to a derivative in the continuous domain.
Derivative |
Output the discrete derivative of the input, y[n] = (x[n] - x[n-1])/dt,
where dt is the time gap between input events.
DerivativeFunction |
Provide an interface for representing derivative functions.
DerivedDimensionRepresentativeConcept |
A representative concept in the unitSystem ontology for a set of units for
a specific physical dimension that is derived from other dimensions.
DerivedUnitConcept |
A concept in the unitSystem ontology for a specific unit for
a specific physical dimension.
DeScrambler |
Descramble the input bit sequence using a feedback shift register.
DesignPatternGetMoMLAction |
An action that generates the Moml for a group of states to be used as a
design pattern.
DesignPatternIcon |
The icon for groups representing design patterns.
DesignPatternImporter |
An attribute that specifies the location of a design pattern and
populates the container with that design pattern automatically.
DesktopContext |
DesktopContext is an application context that displays multiple
content panes in an instance of a JDesktopPane.
DespeckleFilter |
A filter which removes noise from an image using a "pepper and salt" algorithm.
DestinationAirport |
This actor models a destination airport.
DEThreadActor |
A base class for threaded DE domain actors.
DETransformer |
This is an abstract base class for DE actors that transform
an input stream into an output stream.
DFUtilities |
This class factors code out of the SDF domain, for use in different
schedulers, so that they can be implemented in a consistent fashion.
DFUtilities.NamedObjComparator |
A comparator for named objects.
DialogTableau |
A tableau representing a Dialog in a toplevel window.
Dictionary |
A store for key-value pairs.
Diff |
Read two files and compute the diff.
DifferenceComposite |
Differential |
Output the current input minus the previous input, or if there
has been no previous input, the current input itself.
Differential |
A adapter class for
Differential |
A adapter class for
DifferentialSystem |
A differential system in the Continuous domain.
DiffuseFilter |
This filter diffuses an image by moving its pixels in random directions.
DiffusionFilter |
A filter which uses Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion dithering to halftone an image.
DijkstraAlgorithm |
Find the shortest path from a source to a destination.
DijkstraSequenceEstimator |
A class that estimates a sequential schedule based on a modified version
of Dijkstra's algorithm to compute longest paths.
DilateFilter |
Given a binary image, this filter performs binary dilation, setting all added pixels to the given 'new' color.
DimensionlessConcept |
A concept in a dimension system ontology that represents the dimensionless
DimensionRepresentativeConcept |
A representative concept in the unitSystem ontology for a set of units for
a specific physical dimension.
DiningApplet |
Applet containing Dining Philosophers demo.
DiningPhilosophers |
Five philosophers are seated at a table with a large bowl of food in
the middle.
DirectedAcyclicGraph |
A directed acyclic graph (DAG).
DirectedGraph |
A directed graph.
Director |
A Director governs the execution within a CompositeActor.
Director |
Code generator adapter associated with the class.
Director |
Code generator adapter for generating HTML code for Director.
Director |
Code generator adapter for generating FMIMA code for Director.
Director |
Code generator adapter for generating FMIMA code for Director.
DirectoryListing |
Given a URL or directory name, produce an array of file names in that
directory that match an (optional) pattern.
Discard |
A simple sink actor that consumes and discards input tokens.
Discard |
A adapter class for
Discard |
A adapter class for
Discard |
A adapter class for
DiscardDoubles |
A simple sink actor that consumes and discards double input tokens.
DiscardDoublesArray |
A simple sink actor that consumes and discards arrays of double input
DiscardGenerals |
A simple sink actor that consumes and discards input tokens of type General.
DiscoveryHelper |
A helper class for the device discovery Javascript host code.
DiscreteClock |
This actor produces a periodic signal, a sequence of events at
regularly spaced intervals.
DiscreteClock |
A adapter class for
DiscreteClock |
DiscreteRandomSource |
An actor that produces tokens with a given probability mass function.
DisplaceFilter |
A filter which simulates the appearance of looking through glass.
Display |
Display the values of the tokens arriving on the input channels in a
text area on the screen.
Display |
An adapter class for
Display |
An adapter class for
Display |
An adapter class for
Display |
An adapter class for
Display |
An adapter class for
Display |
A code generation adapter class for
Display |
The default adapter class for
DisplayAll |
An actor that displays the values of all tokens present on the input channels on screen
(in contrast to one token per channel in the base class).
DisplayInterface |
Interface for implementing platform dependent parts of the display actor.
DisplayJavaSE |
DisplayJavaSE is the implementation of the DisplayInterface that uses AWT and Swing
DissolveFilter |
A filter which "dissolves" an image by thresholding the alpha channel with random numbers.
DistributedActor |
An DistributedActor is a distributed executable entity.
DistributedActorWrapper |
The DistributedActorWrapper implements the RemoteDistributedActor interface.
DistributedDirector |
The DistributedDirector extends Director to function on a distributed
DistributedLineWriter |
An actor that writes the value of string tokens to the standard output,
one per line.
DistributedReceiver |
An implementation of the Receiver interface for distributed environments.
DistributedSDFDirector |
Director for the distributed version of the synchronous dataflow (SDF)
model of computation.
DistributedSDFReceiver |
The DistributedSDFReceiver class extends SDFReceiver with an unique ID.
DistributedSDFScheduler |
A scheduler that extends the SDFScheduler.
DistributedServerRMIGeneric |
A distributed server to execute ptolemy actors in a distributed manner.
DistributedTypedCompositeActor |
An extension of TypedCompositeActor for distributed environments.
DistributedTypedIORelation |
Extension of TypedIORelation for distributed environments.
DistributedUtilities |
Utilities for the distributed package.
Distributor |
A polymorphic distributor, which splits an input stream into a set of
output streams.
Distributor |
A code generation helper class for
Distributor |
A adapter class for
Distributor |
A adapter class for
DitherFilter |
A filter which performs ordered dithering on an image.
DivideConceptFunctionDefinition |
Concept function definition attribute specifically for arithmetic division.
DocApplicationSpecializer |
An interface that specializes the documentation system to the application.
DocAttribute |
An attribute containing documentation for a Ptolemy II object.
DocAttributeChanges |
A MoML filter to convert StringParameters contained by DocAttribute to
DocBuilder |
Build Documentation for Java and Actors.
DocBuilderEffigy |
An effigy for a DocBuilder.
DocBuilderEffigy.Factory |
A factory for creating new effigies.
DocBuilderGUI |
A PtolemyFrame that builds the Java and Actor documentation.
DocBuilderTableau |
A tableau representing a documentation builder.
DocBuilderTableau.Factory |
A factory that creates DocBuilderGUI tableaux for Ptolemy models.
DocEffigy |
An effigy for a doc file.
DocEffigy.Factory |
A factory for creating new effigies.
DocManager |
A manager for documentation for an associated Ptolemy II object.
DocTableau |
A tableau representing a documentation view in a toplevel window.
DocTableau.Factory |
A factory that creates Doc viewer tableaux for Ptolemy models.
Document |
Document is an interface that captures the notion of a document in
a graphical application.
Documentation |
An attribute that contains documentation for the container.
DocumentationAttribute |
DocumentFactory |
DocumentFactory is an factory interface that creates Document
DocViewer |
This class defines a specialized window for displaying Ptolemy II actor
DocViewerFactory |
An attribute that creates an editor to open a doc viewer for
its container's container.
DodgeComposite |
DoGFilter |
Edge detection by difference of Gaussians.
DoNothingDirector |
A director that does nothing, for use in models that have no useful
DotProduct |
Compute the dot product of two arrays or matrices.
DoubleArrayMath |
This class provides a library for mathematical operations on double arrays.
DoubleArrayStat |
This class provides a library for statistical operations on arrays of
DoubleBinaryOperation |
A operation taking two operands of type double, and producing a value of
type double.
DoubleCQComparator |
This class implements the CQComparator interface.
DoubleFork |
DoubleFork is a simple DDE actor with one input and two outputs.
DoubleMatrixMath |
This class provides a library for mathematical operations on
matrices of doubles.
DoubleMatrixToJAI |
Converts a DoubleMatrix to a JAIImageToken.
DoubleMatrixToken |
A token that contains a 2-D double matrix.
DoubleRangeParameter |
This is a parameter with type double with a limited range and
limited precision.
DoubleReader |
DoubleToFix |
This actor converts a DoubleToken to a FixToken with a specified
DoubleToken |
A token that contains a 64-bit signed mantissa, signed exponent double
precision floating-point number (IEEE 754).
DoubleToMatrix |
DoubleUnaryOperation |
A operation taking one argument of type double, and producing a value of
type double.
DoubleUtilities |
Utilities for double primitives.
DownSample |
A code generation adapter class for
DownSample |
A code generation adapter class for
DownSample |
This actor downsamples an input stream by an integer factor by
removing tokens.
DragInteractor |
An interactor that responds to mouse drag events.
DragTutorial |
An example showing how to make figures draggable with interactors.
DropSensorHandler |
A code generation adapter class for
DropSensorHandler |
A class for GPIO pins on the Luminary board.
DropTargetHandler |
An interface to be implemented by the entities that specifically handle
drag-and-drop events.
DSPApplication |
A wrapper class that calls eventually calls
ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication for use with Java Network Launching
Protocol (JNLP) aka Web Start.
DtdDemo |
Demonstration application showing DTD queries.
DTDirector |
The Discrete Time (DT) domain director.
DTDValidator |
Class to validate xml files.
DTReceiver |
A first-in, first-out (FIFO) queue receiver with variable
DummyDisplay |
Class comments
DummyFrame |
Class comments
DummyReferenceToken |
Class comments
DummySource |
Class comments
DummyTransformer |
Class comments
DygraphsJSPlotterAttribute |
Attribute for generating the HTML file with JavaScript to plot simulation
results using the Dygraphs library.
DynamicAttributeOperation |
An operation to add or change an attribute.
DynamicCoreAssignmentScheduler |
This resource scheduler dynamically assigns actors to other
resource schedulers.
DynamicEditorIcon |
An icon that provides for the possibility that figures may be
dynamically updated.
DynamicNameCriterion |
A criterion to constrain the name of an object in the host model.
EDFScheduler |
This is an earliest deadline first scheduler.
Edge |
An edge is an object that is contained by a graph and connects
Edge |
Edges of a graph in DijkstraAlgorithm.
Edge |
A weighted or unweighted edge for a directed or undirected graph.
EdgeController |
Specifies the interface for objects that manage creation
of and interaction with graph edges.
EdgeCreator |
An interactor that interactively drags edges from one node
to another.
EdgeFilter |
An edge-detection filter.
EdgeInteractor |
An interactor for edges.
EdgeModel |
An edge is an object that is contained by a graph and connects
EdgeRenderer |
A factory which creates a visual representation (EdgeFigure)
given an edge input.
Editable |
This is an interface for objects that can create an editor for interactively
configuring something.
EditableChoiceStyle |
This attribute annotates user settable attributes to specify
an editable combobox style for configuring the containing attribute.
EditableParametersDialog |
A marker interface for the
EditablePlot |
This extension of Plot permits interactive modification of plotted
data, one dataset at a time.
EditablePlotMLApplet |
This applet reads a URL giving a PlotML file for a plot and places
the data into an editable plot.
EditablePlotMLApplication |
An application that can plot data in PlotML format from a URL or
from files specified on the command line, and can then permit the
user to edit the plot.
EditIconAction |
Action to edit a custom icon.
EditIconFrame |
This is an icon editor frame for Ptolemy II models.
EditIconGraphController |
A graph controller for the Ptolemy II icon editor.
EditIconTableau |
This is an icon editor for ptolemy models.
EditIconTableau.Factory |
A factory that creates icon editing tableaux for Ptolemy models.
EditListener |
Interface for listeners that are informed of plot edit events.
EditorDropTarget |
This class provides drag-and-drop support.
EditorDropTargetListener |
A drop target listener that provides drag and drop for the Ptolemy editor.
EditorFactory |
This is an attribute that can create an editor for interactively
configuring its container.
EditorIcon |
An icon is the visual representation of an entity or attribute.
EditorPaneFactory |
This is an attribute that can create a pane (called a "configuration
widget") for interactively configuring its container.
EditorTutorial |
This tutorial expands on the simple tutorial and turns it into
a more complete graph editor.
EditParametersDialog |
This class is a modal dialog box for editing the parameters of a
target object, which is an instance of NamedObj.
Effigy |
An effigy represents model metadata, and is contained by the
model directory or by another effigy.
EffigyFactory |
A configuration contains an instance of this class, and uses it to create
effigies from a URL, or to create blank effigies of a particular kind.
Element |
A base class for graph elements (nodes and edges).
ElementList |
A list of graph elements.
ElementsToArray |
On each firing, this actor reads exactly one token from each channel
of the input port and assembles the tokens into an ArrayToken.
ElementsToArray |
A code generation adapter class for
Ellipse2D |
An actor that creates an ellipse.
EllipseAttribute |
This is an attribute that is rendered as an ellipse.
EmbeddedCodeActor |
Code generator adapter for EmbeddedCodeActor.
EmbeddedCodeActor |
FIXME: docs
Code generator adapter for EmbeddedJavaActor.
EmbeddedCodeActor |
An actor of this class executes compiled embedded code.
EmbeddedCodeActor.EmbeddedActor |
A placeholder or dummy actor used in Embedded C code generation.
EmbeddedCodeActor.EmbeddedActor |
A placeholder or dummy actor used in Embedded Java code generation.
EmbeddedCodeActor.EmbeddedActor |
An actor inside the embeddedJavaActor that is used as a dummy
EmbossFilter |
A class to emboss an image.
Emit |
Emit class.
EnabledComposite |
A composite actor whose clock ticks only when enabled.
EncoderHandler |
A code generation adapter class for
EncoderHandler |
A class for EncoderInputDevice that uses GPIO pins on the Luminary board.
Engine |
Provides a java API to the matlab environment.
Engine.ConversionParameters |
Entity<T extends Port> |
An Entity is a vertex in a generalized graph.
EntityLibrary |
This class provides a hierarchical library of components specified
in MoML.
EntitySootClass |
An Soot representation of an Entity.
EntityTreeModel |
A tree model for Ptolemy II objects.
EPSGraphics |
Graphics class supporting EPS export from plots.
EqualizeFilter |
A filter to perform auto-equalization on an image.
Equals |
A logical equals operator.
EquationVisitor |
An Abstract class that specifies all the necessary aspects of visitors to a
ErasureChannel |
Model of a wireless channel with a specified loss probability.
ErodeAlphaFilter |
ErodeFilter |
Given a binary image, this filter performs binary erosion, setting all removed pixels to the given 'new' color.
ErrorHandler |
Interface for error handlers for the MoMLParser class.
Event |
A Ptera event is contained by a Ptera controller in a Ptera modal model.
Event.EventParameter |
The parameter to store an argument passed on a scheduling relation to this
Event.RefiringData |
A data structure to store the model time advance for the refire() method to
be called.
EventAcceptor |
An event acceptor is a canvas component object that is prepared to accept
an AWT event, and then possibly process and consume it.
EventBusHelper |
A helper class for the Vert.x event bus API.
EventButton |
Output a token when the actor is fired.
EventButton |
EventDebugEvent |
An event indicating the beginning and end of processing an event.
EventDemo |
Demonstration application showing Æfred's event stream.
EventDictionary |
EventDictionary is a dictionary that associates the MetroII event name and
the event ID.
EventFilter |
An actor that filters a stream of Boolean Tokens.
EventIcon |
An icon for a Ptera event.
EventLayer |
An event layer is a canvas layer that accepts mouse events.
EventPlayer |
EventPlayer uses the java.awt.robot API to inject streams of events
into a component.
EventQueueDebugger |
An attribute to debug the event queue of a Ptera model.
EventQueueDebugListener |
Interface for the debug listeners that receives event insertion and removal
EventRecorder |
EventRecorder listens to all of the mouse and keyboard events
on a given component and records these into a sequence which
can then be played back using an EventPlayer object.
EventSource |
EventTableModel |
The event table for configuring an SCR Model.
EventTimeComparator |
EventTimeComparator compares time tags of MetroII events.
EventToDate |
A timed actor that outputs a date token that corresponds to the current
model time (maintained by the local clock in the director).
EventToken |
A token representing a pure event.
EventUtils |
A set of static functions to be used by Ptera events.
ExampleSystem |
ExampleSystem constructs a hierarchal graph as shown in
Ptolemy II design document, Figure 8.
ExampleSystemJUnitTest |
Run the ExampleSystem as a JUnit Test.
Excel |
Read Excel files.
ExceptionAnalyzer |
An attribute that analyzes a model in the event of an exception.
ExceptionEmailer |
An ExceptionEmailer sends an email to the specified party upon occurrence of
an exception.
ExceptionHandler |
Interface for exception handlers.
ExceptionManager |
The ExceptionManager catches exceptions and attempts to handle them with the
specified policy.
ExceptionManagerGUIFactory |
This is an attribute that creates an editor for configuring and
running the exception manager.
ExceptionManagerModel |
A composite entity that is the model contained by an ExceptionManager.
ExceptionSubscriber |
An ExceptionSubscriber is an entity that is informed of exceptions and the
handling policy for exceptions caught by
CatchExceptionAttribute .
ExclusionComposite |
Exec |
Execute a command as a separately running subprocess.
ExecEvent |
An event that indicates that an actor is in a particular state.
ExecEvent |
An event that indicates that an actor is in a particular state.
ExecEvent.ExecEventType |
ExecEvent.ExecEventType |
ExecShellEffigy |
A representative of an Exec expression shell.
ExecShellEffigy.ShellFactory |
A factory for creating new Ptolemy effigies.
ExecShellTableau |
A tableau that provides a Exec Shell for interacting with the Bash shell.
ExecShellTableau.ExecShellFrame |
The frame that is created by an instance of ExecShellTableau.
ExecShellTableau.Factory |
A factory that creates a control panel to display a Exec Shell.
Executable |
This interface defines the action methods, which determine
how an object can be invoked.
Execute |
An event to execute the model in the model parameter.
ExecuteActor |
This is a composite actor that can execute the contained model
completely, as if it were a top-level model, on each firing.
ExecuteCommands |
Interface for classes execute commands in a subprocess.
ExecuteCompositeActor |
This is a composite actor that can execute the contained model
completely, as if it were a top-level model, on each firing.
ExecutionAspectHelper |
This is a helper class for execution aspects used in AtomicExecutionAspect and
ExecutionAspectListener |
This is an interface for an execution aspect.
ExecutionAspectListener.ExecutionEventType |
Execution time event types.
ExecutionAspectPlotterEditorFactory |
Factory that creates the plotter for the schedule of actors on a
resource scheduler.
ExecutionAttributes |
Container for decorator attributes that are provided to actors by
a ExecutionAspect.
ExecutionListener |
An ExecutionListener listens for events that are issued
during the execution of a model by a Manager.
ExecutionRequestPort |
This actor implements an input port in a composite communication aspect
(@link CompositeQM).
ExecutionResponsePort |
This actor implements an output port in a CompositeExecutionAspect
(@link CompositeExecutionAspect).
ExecutionTime |
Read the input token, if there is one, execute an (uninteresting)
computation to consume a specified amount of real time or to execute
it a fixed number of times, and produce
on the output the actual execution time (in milliseconds).
ExecutionTimeAttributes |
Container for decorator attributes that are provided to actors by
a ExecutionAspect that schedules execution times.
Exit |
A simple sink actor that consumes and discards input tokens and
then calls System.exit() in wrapup.
ExpandPortNames |
Visit a UnitEquation and for each contained variable that represents a port
substitute it with a variable that represents the port from
the perspective of the model that contains the actor that contains the port.
ExpertParameter |
This class is identical to Parameter except that its visibility
is set to "expert" by default.
ExplicitChangeContext |
An entity that implements an explicit change context declares a
change context, in which parameters are modified.
ExplicitRK23Solver |
This class implements the Explicit Runge-Kutta 2(3) ODE solving method.
ExplicitRK45Solver |
This class implements a fourth-order Runge-Kutta ODE solving method.
ExplicitScope |
An implementation of ParserScope that includes an explicit list of
Variables in the scope.
ExportHTMLAction |
An Action that works with BasicGraphFrame to export HTML.
ExportImageJUnitTest |
Test out the Export Image facility, which saves as gif, png, pdf etc.
ExportModel |
Export a model as an image or set of html files.
ExportModelJUnitTest |
JUnit test that exports the demos.
ExportModelJUnitTestBatch |
JUnit test that exports the demos between two indices.
ExportModelJUnitTestBatch1 |
JUnit test that exports the demos between two indices.
ExportModelJUnitTestBatch2 |
JUnit test that exports the demos between two indices.
ExportModelJUnitTestBatch3 |
JUnit test that exports the demos between two indices.
ExportModelJUnitTestBatch4 |
JUnit test that exports the demos between two indices.
ExportModelJUnitTestBatch5 |
JUnit test that exports the demos between two indices.
ExportModelJUnitTestBatch6 |
JUnit test that exports the demos between two indices.
ExportModelJUnitTestBatch7 |
JUnit test that exports the demos between two indices.
ExportParameters |
A data structure containing parameters for exporting a
Ptolemy model to a web page.
ExportPDFAction |
An Action to Export PDF using iText PDF.
ExportToWebJUnitTest |
Test out export to web facility.
ExposureFilter |
A filter which changes the exposure of an image.
Expression |
On each firing, evaluate an expression that may include references
to the inputs, current time, and a count of the firing.
Expression |
A code generation adapter class for
Expression |
A code generation adapter class for
Expression |
The default adapter class for
Expression |
A simple adapter for expressions that just connects the output port to the
overall expression result.
Expression |
On each firing send an expression for evaluation to a matlab Engine .
Expression.VariableScope |
Variable scope class customized for the CParseTreeCodeGenerator.
Expression.VariableScope |
Variable scope class customized for the JavaParseTreeCodeGenerator.
ExpressionActorToBeAutoCodeGenerated |
An Expression Actor to be auto code generated.
ExpressionConceptFunction |
This is a class for concept functions that are used
specified using an expression from a ConceptFunctionDefinitionAttribute.
ExpressionConceptFunctionDefinitionAttribute |
Attribute that defines a concept function with a boolean expression.
ExpressionConceptFunctionParseTreeEvaluator |
Visit a parse tree for a string expression that defines a concept
function and evaluate to the string name of the concept that should
be the output.
ExpressionConceptFunctionParseTreeTypeInference |
A type inference subclass for the parser for expression concept functions.
ExpressionFunction |
An implementation of a function closure that encapsulates an
expression tree.
ExpressionReader |
ExpressionShellEffigy |
A representative of an expression shell.
ExpressionShellEffigy.ShellFactory |
A factory for creating new Ptolemy effigies.
ExpressionShellFrame |
A frame that provides an interactive shell for evaluating expressions.
ExpressionShellTableau |
A tableau that provides an interactive shell for evaluating expressions.
ExpressionShellTableau.Factory |
A factory that creates a control panel to display an Expression Shell.
ExpressionToToken |
This actor reads a string expression from the input port and outputs
the token resulting from the evaluation.
ExpressionWriter |
ExtendedGraphFrame |
An graph view for ptolemy models extended with the capability
to display the model in full-screen mode.
ExtendedMath |
ExtendedMath is a library of additional mathematical operations
beyond those provided by the Java Math class.
ExtendedMouseFilter |
A class that accepts mouse events.
ExtensionFilenameFilter |
An implementation of both javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter and that only accepts files that have one of the
registered extensions.
ExternalIOPortController |
This class provides interaction with nodes that represent Ptolemy II
ports inside a composite.
ExternalTextEffigy |
ExternalTextTableau |
A tableau representing an external text editor (for now emacs only, with
the gnuserv package installed).
ExtractFieldType |
A partial monotonic function of the given port that returns a type
associated with the given field name, to be found in the type definition
of the port.
FaceRecognizer |
A face recognition image filter.
FactorOracle |
Build a factor oracle (FO) data structure that represents a finite acyclic
automaton that contains at least all the suffixes of a given input
FactorOracleGenerator |
A Factor Oracle (FO) builder from an input sequence.
FactorOracleTop |
This modal model actor supports mirroring of its ports in its container
(which is required to be a refinement of a state in a ModalModel).
FadeFilter |
FakePlotter |
FastForwardFlowAnalysis |
Abstract class that provides the fixed point iteration functionality
required by all ForwardFlowAnalyses.
FastLinkedList<E> |
A linked list that provides efficient add and removal functions.
FBMFilter |
A filter which produces textures from fractal Brownian motion.
FCFSScheduler |
This is a first come first serve scheduler.
FeedBackDelay |
FeedBackDelay actors are used to add delay to feedback topologies.
FeedbackFilter |
A filter which priduces a video feedback effect by repeated transformations.
A adapter class for FFT.
A code generation adapter class for
This actor calculates the Fast Fourier Transform of a sequence of
complex inputs.
FieldWarpFilter |
A class which warps an image using a field Warp algorithm.
FieldWarpFilter.Line |
FIFOQueue |
A first-in, first-out (FIFO) queue with variable capacity and optional
FIFOQueueTest |
This class is a test for the case whre FIFOQueue.clone() does not call super.clone().
Figure |
A Figure is a persistent object drawn on the screen.
FigureAction |
An action that is attached to a figure on a named object.
FigureAction.SourceType |
The source of the action.
FigureContainer |
The FigureContainer interface is implemented by any
visible component that can contain figures.
FigureDecorator |
A FigureDecorator is a figure container that contains a single
child figure.
FigureIcon |
An icon that looks like a diva figure.
FigureInteractor |
Listen for and handle events on a Diva figure.
FigureLayer |
A figure layer is a layer on which Figures can be drawn.
FigureSet |
The FigureSet interface is the interface implemented by any
class that contain references to a set of figures.
FigureTest |
A test suite for Figure.
FigureTest.FigureFactory |
The figure factory interface
FigureTutorial |
An example showing how to make custom figures.
FigureTutorial.CustomRectangle |
CustomRectangle is a class that paints itself as a
rectangle and draw a red plus sign over the top of itself.
FigureWrapper |
A FigureWrapper is a figure container that contains
a single child figure.
FileAttribute |
FileChooserQuery |
Demonstration of the addFileChooser() method in Query.
FileChooserStyle |
This attribute annotates user settable attributes to specify
that the value of the parameter can be optionally given using a
FileEditorTableauFactory |
This class is an attribute that creates an editor to edit a specified
file or URL given by an attribute in the container of this attribute.
FileOrURLAccessor |
An interface for Attributes and Parameters that access files or URLs.
FileOrURLEditorFactory |
An editor factory for an attribute that has a fileOrURL parameter.
FileParameter |
This is an attribute that specifies a file or URL.
FilePortParameter |
This file parameter creates an associated port that can be used to update
the current value of the parameter.
FileReader |
This actor reads a file or URL and outputs the entire file
as a single string.
FileUtilities |
A collection of utilities for manipulating files
These utilities do not depend on any other ptolemy.* packages.
FileUtilities.StreamAndURL |
A class that contains an InputStream and a URL
so that we don't have to follow redirects twice.
FileWriter |
This actor reads tokens from any number of input channels and writes
their string values to the specified output file.
FilledShapeAttribute |
This is an abstract attribute that is rendered as a filled shape.
FillFilter |
A filter which fills an image with a given color.
Filter |
An interface for objects that filter other objects.
FilteredArrayIterator |
An iterator over an array, in which elements are filtered
by some function.
FilteredIterator |
An iterator that takes another iterator, and applies a filter
to each element that it gets.
FilterMpdu |
Filter the received MPDU (MAC Protocol Data Unit) packets.
FindPackages |
Look for class files under a directory and return package names.
FiniteConcept |
A concept in a finite ontology.
This actor implements a type polymorphic finite-impulse response
filter with multirate capability.
FireMachine |
FireMachine is an abstract wrapper for Ptolemy actors to adapt to MetroII
FireMachine.State |
Predefined states for the wrapped actor.
Firing |
This class is a schedule element that contains a reference to an
actor and an iteration count.
Firing |
This class is a ScheduleElement that contains a reference to a
firing element.
FiringEvent |
An event that is published by directors whenever an actor is activated.
FiringEvent.FiringEventType |
A type of firing event that can be published.
FiringsRecordable |
Interface for entities that can report FiringEvents.
FixComparator |
Produce an output token on each firing with a FixPoint value that is
equal to the sum of all the inputs at the plus port minus the inputs at the
minus port.
FixConst |
Produce a fix point constant output.
FixCounter |
A class for a fixpoint value counter.
FixedNormalSite |
A site decorator that disallows changing the normal.
FixedPointDirector |
A base class for directors that have fixed point semantics at each
FixedPointReceiver |
The receiver for use with FixedPointDirector or any of its subclasses.
FixedPointScheduler |
A scheduler for the FixedPointDirector.
FixedPriorityScheduler |
This is a fixed priority scheduler resource manager on a single processor or core.
FixMatrixToken |
A token that contains a 2-D FixToken matrix.
FixPoint |
The FixPoint class provides a fixed point data type and a set of functions
that operate on and return fixed point data.
FixPoint.Error |
An instance of this class is used preserve backwards interface
FixPointFunctions |
This class provides static functions for operating on Fixpoint numbers
in the Ptolemy II expression language.
FixPointQuantization |
The FixPointQuantization class defines the mapping of numeric values
with unlimited precision to the finite precision supported by arithmetic
using the FixPoint class.
FixSequence |
This actor produces a sequence of values, optionally periodically repeating
FixToDouble |
This actor converts a FixToken into a DoubleToken.
FixToFix |
This actor converts a FixToken into another FixToken with a specified
FixToken |
A token that contains an instance of FixPoint.
FixToString |
Produce an output token on each firing with a FixPoint value that is
equal to the slicing of the bits of the input token value.
FixTransformer |
This is an abstract base class for actors that transform an input
stream into output stream.
FixType |
This class represents the type of fix point token objects.
FlareFilter |
An experimental filter for rendering lens flares.
FlatScalarTokenInfiniteConcept |
A concept that represents the concept values of entries in a record token.
FlatScalarTokenRepresentativeConcept |
A finite concept in an ontology that represents a flat set of infinite
concepts that map to an interval of scalar numbers.
FlatTokenInfiniteConcept |
A concept that represents the concept values of entries in a record token.
FlatTokenRepresentativeConcept |
A finite concept in an ontology that represents a flat set of infinite
concepts that map to a set of arbitrary Ptolemy tokens.
FlipFilter |
A filter which flips images or rotates by multiples of 90 degrees.
FloatArrayMath |
This class provides a library for mathematical operations on float arrays.
FloatBinaryOperation |
A operation taking two operands of type float, and producing a value of
type float.
FloatMatrixMath |
This class provides a library for mathematical operations on
matrices of floats.
FloatToken |
A token that contains a 32-bit signed mantissa, signed exponent single
precision floating-point number (IEEE 754).
FloatUnaryOperation |
A operation taking one argument of type float, and producing a value of
type float.
Flowable |
An interface for objects that have one port that serves as an input
and one that serves as an output.
FlowThrough |
FlowThrough is a test class used to test token production AND consumption.
FloydWarshallAllPairShortestPathStrategy |
Computation of the all pair shortest path of a directed graph using the
Floyd-Warshall algorithm.
FloydWarshallCycleExistenceStrategy |
Computation of cycle existence in directed graphs using an all pair shortest
path algorithm based on the Floyd-Warshall algorithm.
FloydWarshallNegativeLengthCycleStrategy |
Analyzer to check if a given directed graph has a negative cycle using the
Floyd-Warshall all pair shortest path algorithm.
FloydWarshallStrategy |
Base class for all the analysis based on a floyd-warshall like computation.
FloydWarshallTransitiveClosureStrategy |
Computation of transitive closure of a directed graph using the
Floyd-Warshall algorithm described in:
Thomas H.
FloydWarshallZeroLengthCycleStrategy |
Analyzer to check if a given directed graph has a zero cycle using the
Floyd-Warshall all pair shortest path algorithm.
Flush3DFilter |
This filter tries to apply the Swing "flush 3D" effect to the black lines in an image.
FMI20CallbackFunctions |
Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) 2.0 callback functions needed by
Java Native Access (JNA) so that a FMU * can perform functions like
allocating and freeing memory, printing log messages and handle the
end of a step.
FMI20ContinuousStateDerivative |
An object that represents the Derivatives of a
continuous state variable of an FMU for FMI-2.0.
FMI20CoSimulationCapabilities |
An object that represents the the capabilities of a FMI co-simulation
slave for FMI-2.0.
FMI20EventInfo |
Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) 2.0 event information.
FMI20EventInfo.ByReference |
Access the structure by reference.
FMI20EventInfo.ByValue |
Access the structure by value.
FMI20ModelExchangeCapabilities |
An object that represents the the capabilities of a FMI Model
Exchange FMU.
FMI20ModelInstance |
A Java Native Access (JNA) interface to the Functional Mock-up Interface 2.0 ModelInstance struct.
FMI20ModelInstance.ByReference |
Access the structure by reference.
FMI20ModelInstance.ByValue |
Access the structure by value.
FMI20Output |
An object that represents the Output of an FMU
FMIBooleanType |
An Functional Mock-up Interface type that represents a Boolean.
FMICallbackFunctions |
Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) callback functions needed by
Java Native Access (JNA) so that a FMU * can perform functions like
allocating and freeing memory, printing log messages and handle the
end of a step.
FMICallbackFunctions.ByValue |
A class that contains references to the callback functions.
FMICapabilities |
An object that represents the the capabilities of a FMI co-simulation
FMICoSimulationCapabilities |
An object that represents the the capabilities of a FMI co-simulation
slave for FMI-1.0;
FMIEventInfo |
Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) event information for FMI-1.0.
FMIEventInfo.ByReference |
Access the structure by reference.
FMIEventInfo.ByValue |
Access the structure by value.
FMIIntegerType |
An Functional Mock-up Interface type that represents an Integer.
FMILibrary |
A Java Native Access (JNA) Wrapper for a Functional Mock-up Unit
shared library.
FMILibrary.FMICallbackAllocateMemory |
A callback for the fmiCallbackAllocateMemory() function.
FMILibrary.FMICallbackFreeMemory |
A callback for the fmiCallbackFreeMemory() function.
FMILibrary.FMICallbackLogger |
A interface for the fmiCallbackLogger() function.
FMILibrary.FMIStatus |
An enumeration of status values returned by fmi*() methods.
FMILibrary.FMIStatusKind |
An enumeration of status information returned by a slave.
FMILibrary.FMIStepFinished |
A callback for the fmiStepFinished() method.
FMIMACodeGenerator |
Generate a Functional Mockup Interface Master Algorithm (FMIMA) description of a model.
FMIMACodeGeneratorAdapter |
Base class for a Functional Mockup Interface Master Algorithm code
generator adapter.
FMIMADirector |
This is an experimental director.
FMIMAHybridCodeGenerator |
Generate a Functional Mockup Interface Master Algorithm (FMIMA) description of a model.
FMIModelDescription |
An object that represents the fmiModelDescription element of a
modelDescription.xml file contained within a Functional Mock-up Interface
(.fmu) file.
FMIModelDescription.ContinuousState |
A data structure representing a continuous state of the FMU.
FMIRealType |
An Functional Mock-up Interface type that represents a Real.
FMIScalarVariable |
An object that represents the ScalarVariable element of a
modelDescription.xml file contained within a
Functional Mock-up Interface .fmu XML file.
FMIScalarVariable.Alias |
Acceptable values for the alias xml attribute.
FMIScalarVariable.Causality |
Acceptable values for the causality xml attribute.
FMIScalarVariable.Initial |
Acceptable values for the initial xml attribute.
FMIScalarVariable.Variability |
Acceptable values for the variability xml attribute.
FMIStringType |
An Functional Mock-up Interface type that represents a String.
FMIType |
An base class for Functional Mock-up Interface types like Real.
FMUBuilder |
Build a FMU shared object.
FMUCoSimulation |
Read a Functional Mock-up Unit .fmu file and invoke it as a co-simulation.
FMUDriver |
Base class to invoke a Functional Mock-up Unit (.fmu) file as
either co-simulation or model exchange.
FMUFile |
Parse a Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) 1.0 Functional Mock-up
Unit (FMU) file and create a FMIModelDescription for later use.
FMUImport |
Invoke a Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) Functional Mock-up Unit (FMU).
FMUImport |
An adapter class for
FMUImport |
An adapter class for
FMUImport |
An adapter class for
FMUImport.Input |
A data structure representing an input to the FMU.
FMUImport.Output |
A data structure representing an output from the FMU.
FMUImportHybrid |
Import a Hybrid Co-Simulation FMU.
FMUJUnitTest |
Invoke the co-simulator and model exchanger on various Functional
Mockup Unit (.fmu) files.
FMULibrary |
An interface that is used by Java Native Access (JNA) to handle callbacks.
FMULibrary.FMUAllocateMemory |
Class for the allocate memory callback function.
FMULibrary.FMUFreeMemory |
A class providing a callback method that frees memory.
FMULibrary.FMULogger |
The logging callback function.
FMULibrary.FMUStepFinished |
A callback for when the step is finished.
FMULog |
A Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) log method implementation.
FMULogUtilities |
Utilities for the FMU Logger.
FMUModelExchange |
Read a Functional Mock-up Unit .fmu file and invoke it as a model exchange.
Invoke a Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) 2.0 Model Exchange Functional
Mock-up Unit (FMU) which will be integrated using QSS.
FmvAutomaton |
FmvAutomatonGraphController |
A Graph Controller for Fmv automata models.
FmvAutomatonGraphFrame |
FmvAutomatonGraphFrame.SMVFileFilter |
A file filter that accepts files that end with ".smv".
FmvAutomatonGraphTableau |
FmvAutomatonGraphTableau.Factory |
A factory that creates graph editing tableaux for Ptolemy models.
FmvState |
A Formal Method Verification (FMV) State.
FmvStateIcon |
An icon specialized for states of a state machine with reachability and risk analysis.
FocusMouseListener |
A mouse listener that requests focus for the source of any
mouse event it receives.
FormattedDocument |
FormDebugPanel |
A panel that paints grid bounds if and only if the panel's layout manager
is a FormLayout .
FormDebugUtils |
Provides static methods that help you understand and fix layout problems
when using the FormLayout .
FormFactory |
A factory that creates instances of FormLayout for frequently used
form layouts.
FormLayout |
FormLayout is a powerful, flexible and precise general purpose
layout manager.
FormLayout.LayoutInfo |
Stores column and row origins.
FormSpec |
An abstract class that specifies columns and rows in FormLayout
by their default alignment, start size and resizing behavior.
FormSpec.DefaultAlignment |
An ordinal-based serializable typesafe enumeration for the
column and row default alignment types.
FourColorFilter |
A filter which draws a gradient interpolated between four colors defined at the corners of the image.
FractalSumFunction |
Fraction |
A class for representing fractions.
FractionArrayMath |
A library for mathematical operations on Fraction arrays.
FractionMatrixMath |
A library for mathematical operations on matrices of Fractions.
FreeVariableModelAnalysis |
An analysis that traverses a model to determine all the free variables
in a hierarchical model.
FrontDropQueue |
an push-pull FIFO queue.
FSMActor |
Code generator helper for FSMActor.
FSMActor |
Code generator adapter for FSMActor.
FSMActor |
An FSMActor contains a set of states and transitions.
FSMActor.OutgoingRelations |
The outgoing releations.
FSMActor.TransitionRetriever |
A class implementing this interface implements a method to
retrieve transitions of a given state.
FSMCausalityInterface |
This class infers the causality interface of an FSMActor by checking
the guards and actions of the transitions.
FSMDirector |
Code generator adapter associated with the FSMDirector class.
FSMDirector |
Code generator helper for FSMDirector.
FSMDirector |
Code generator adapter associated with the FSMDirector class.
FSMDirector |
Code generator adapter associated with the FSMDirector class.
FSMDirector |
An FSMDirector governs the execution of a modal model.
FSMGraphController |
A Graph Controller for FSM models.
FSMGraphFrame |
This is a graph editor frame for ptolemy FSM models.
FSMGraphModel |
A graph model for graphically manipulating ptolemy FSM models.
FSMGraphTableau |
An editor tableau for finite state machines.
FSMGraphTableau.Factory |
A factory that creates graph editing tableaux for Ptolemy models.
FSMMatcher |
A matcher to match any FSM actor.
FSMReceiver |
Code generator helper for FSMReceiver.
FSMReceiver |
Code generator helper for FSMReceiver.
FSMReceiver |
A receiver with capacity one for which one can explicitly set the status.
FSMTransitionParameter |
A parameter that contains FSM transition attributes.
FSMViewerGraphController |
A graph controller for the Ptolemy II finite-state machine viewer.
FullApplication |
A wrapper class that calls eventually calls
ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication for use with Java Network Launching
Protocol (JNLP) aka Web Start.
FullTreeModel |
A tree model for Ptolemy II models.
Function |
The interface for functions contained by function tokens.
Function1D |
Function2D |
Function3D |
FunctionCallException |
A convenience exception used to indicate an error in a built-in function.
FunctionToken |
A token that contains a function.
FunctionType |
A class representing the type of a FunctionToken.
FutureValue<V> |
A Future implementation that just waits until its result value/exception is available.
FuzzyDoubleComparator |
Run the LTL synthesis (G4LTL) tool on a model.
GainFilter |
A filter which changes the gain and bias of an image - similar to ContrastFilter.
GammaFilter |
A filter for changing the gamma of an image.
Gaussian |
Produce a random sequence with a Gaussian distribution.
Gaussian |
An adapter class for
Gaussian |
An adapter class for
Gaussian |
An adapter class for
GaussianFilter |
A filter which applies Gaussian blur to an image.
GaussianMeasurementModel |
A special decorator that defines a Gaussian measurement model.
GaussianModel |
An interface to define a Gaussian model.
Gem5Wrapper |
An actor that interacts with gem5 architectural simulator.
Gem5Wrapper.SortByCommandTime |
Sort by the difference between the command times.
GeneralComparator |
This class compares two comparable objects, object_1 and object_2,
by calling compare(object_1, object_2).
GeneralToken |
This is a token that reports its type as "general."
Otherwise, this class is identical to its parent class.
GenerateCopyrights |
Generate an HTML file that contains links to the appropriate
copyrights for entities in the configuration.
GeneratorAttribute |
This is an attribute that stores the configuration of a code generator.
GeneratorTableau |
A tableau that creates a new control panel for code generation.
GeneratorTableau.Factory |
A factory that creates a control panel for code generation.
GeneratorTableauAttribute |
This is an attribute that stores the configuration of a generator tableau.
GenericCodeGenerator |
Base class for code generator.
GeometricSet |
An interface for figure sets with that have their contents defined
Geometry |
Geometry is an interface that captures the concept of an
abstract figure geometry.
GestureRecognition |
This actor uses eight input ports that receives values from the five finger
bend sensors and quaternion data of a dataglove and outputs information to
update the color, size and position of LEDs in the mbed LED Cube Demo.
GestureRecognition |
An adapter class for
GetCausalityInterface |
Actor that reads the causality interface of its container or an
actor inside the container and produces a
string describing it.
GetCurrentMicrostep |
GetDocumentationAction |
This is an action that accesses the documentation for a Ptolemy
object associated with a figure.
GetFirable |
GetFirable is the Yieldadapter interface for actors.
GetInfo |
Display the high-level information of interface automata to stdout.
GetProperties |
This actor retrieves the properties most recently received by
an input port that is connected on the inside to the trigger
port of this actor.
GiottoAttributes |
Container for decorator attributes that are provided to actors by
the GiottoDirector.
GiottoCEmachineFrameworkGenerator |
This attribute is a visible attribute that when configured (by double
clicking on it), displays a dialog box asking the user to select a
GiottoCodeGenerator |
This attribute is a visible attribute that when configured (by double
clicking on it or by invoking Configure in the context menu) it generates
Giotto code and displays it a text editor.
GiottoCodeGeneratorUtilities |
Utilities for generating Giotto code.
GiottoDirector |
This class implements a director for the Giotto model of computation
without Giotto modes.
GiottoReceiver |
The adapter for Giotto receiver.
GiottoReceiver |
A receiver for the Giotto domain.
GiottoScheduler |
This class generates schedules for the actors in a CompositeActor
according to the Giotto semantics.
GiottoTimingManager |
An attribute that varies the WCET values of actors and throws a model
error if the sum of the execution times is larger than the sum of the
worst case execution times.
GLBFunction |
This class implements a monotonic function that returns the greatest
lower bound (GLB) of its arguments.
GlintFilter |
A filter which renders "glints" on bright parts of the image.
GlobalLayout |
A static layout engine which layouts traverse the graph structure and
performs layout from scratch, ignoring the previous positions of the nodes
in the graphs.
GlowFilter |
A filter which adds Gaussian blur to an image, producing a glowing effect.
GPInputHandler |
A code generation adapter class for
GPInputHandler |
A class for GPIO pins on the Luminary board.
GPIOWriter |
Read true or false values and write to the GPIO port of an embedded
GPIOWriter |
An adapter class for
GPOutputSetup |
A code generation adapter class for
GPOutputSetup |
This is a class for GPIO pins on the Luminary Micro.
GrabHandle |
A grab handle for manipulating figures and so on.
GrabHandleFactory |
A factory so that a client can create grab handles without
knowing anything about their implementation.
GRActor |
A base class for all GR actors.
GRActor2D |
A base class for all two-dimensional GR actors.
GRActor3D |
An abstract base class for all 3D GR actors.
Gradient |
A Colormap implemented using Catmull-Rom colour splines.
GradientAdaptiveLattice |
An adaptive FIR filter with a lattice structure.
GradientFilter |
A filter which draws a coloured gradient.
GradientWipeFilter |
A filter which can be used to produce wipes by transferring the luma of a mask image into the alpha channel of the source.
Graph |
A graph is an object that contains nodes and
Graph |
Graph is an adjacency list data structure for representing mapping
Graph |
A graph with optionally-weighted nodes and edges.
GraphActionException |
Exception for graph action errors.
GraphAnalyzer |
Superclass of classes that need to analyze the graph structures of models.
GraphAnalyzer |
A base interface for all the graph analyzers.
GraphAnalyzer.IndexedList |
A pair of a list and an index number.
GraphAnalyzer.IndexedLists |
A list of IndexedLists.
GraphAnalyzer.Path |
A path between two ports.
GraphConstructionException |
The exception of modifying graph elements in wrong ways.
GraphController |
A class that represents the main component of a typical graph
GraphElementException |
The exception of accessing graph elements in wrong ways.
GraphEvent |
A graph event that is emitted when anything interesting happens
inside a graph by way of a GraphModel.
GraphEventMulticaster |
A list of GraphListeners which is smart enough to call the correct
methods on these listeners given a GraphEvent's ID.
GraphException |
A graph package topological error.
GraphException |
Base exception for graph errors.
GraphicalLocator |
This class is an extension of the Locator actor that adds an
outputRange parameter and an icon that is a circle with
a radius defined by the value of this parameter.
GraphicalMessageHandler |
This is a message handler that reports errors in a graphical dialog box.
GraphicalMessageHandlerApplet |
An applet that bring up a toplevel, standalone Vergil frame.
GraphicElement |
An GraphicElement is an atomic piece of a graphical representation.
GraphicsPane |
A CanvasPane which has a default set of layers that are
useful for interactive drawing and editing applications.
GraphicsParser |
A collection of utilities to help parsing graphics from strings
and other kinds of external storage.
GraphInvalidStateException |
Exception for graph invalid state action errors.
GraphListener |
A listener for changes in a graph's structure or contents,
which are communicated through GraphEvent objects.
GraphLogger |
A logger of graph events.
GraphMatcher |
Implementation of a recursive algorithm to match a pattern to any subgraph of a
a graph.
GraphModel |
A graph model is an abstraction of a graph implementation and a
registration point for GraphListeners.
GraphPane |
The display part of the JGraph user-level widget.
GraphReader |
This class provides methods for converting Ptolemy II models
into generic graph representations.
GraphStateException |
The exception of computing a function of graph with wrong states.
GraphTopologyException |
The exception thrown due to incorrect graph topology.
GraphTransformationException |
Superclass of any exception to be thrown in model transformation.
GraphTransformer |
Model transformation with a given match of the pattern.
GraphTransformer.ReplacementObjectAttribute |
A temporary attribute to record the corresponding object in the replacement
for any object in the pattern.
GraphUtilities |
A set of utilities for traversing/manipulating/etc.
GraphViewEvent |
A graph view event that is emitted when anything interesting happens
inside a graph view.
GraphViewListener |
A listener for changes in a graph's structure or contents,
which are communicated through GraphViewEvent objects.
GraphWeightException |
Exception for unweighted graphs or graphs with improper weights.
GrayFilter |
A filter which 'grays out' an image by averaging each pixel with white.
GrayscaleColormap |
A grayscale colormap.
GrayscaleFilter |
A filter which converts an image to grayscale using the NTSC brightness calculation.
GRColorChanges |
This class filters MoML files for backward compatibility between
GR models constructed in version 4.0 or earlier.
GRDirector |
GR is a domain for displaying three-dimensional graphics in Ptolemy
GridAnnealingLayout |
A simple layout which places nodes on a grid using a cost function.
GridLayer |
A grid layer displays a rectangular grid.
GrimpTransformer |
A Transformer that creates a GrimpBody from the active body.
GRReceiver |
The receiver for the GR domain.
GRScheduler |
A scheduler that implements scheduling of the active parts of a GR
scene graph.
GRShadedShape |
An abstract base class for GR Actors that have material and color
GRShape2D |
An abstract base class for two-dimensional GR Actors representing
GRTransform |
An abstract base class for a transform operator of GR shapes.
GRTransform2D |
An abstract base class for a transform operator of two-dimensional
GR shapes.
GRUtilities2D |
Utilities that are useful for building 2D GR actors.
GTAttribute |
Interface of the attributes used in the patterns or replacements of
transformation rules.
GTCompositeActor |
Interface of the composite actors used in transformation rules.
GTEntity |
Common interface of the matchers in model transformations.
GTEntityUtils |
A set of utilities for handling GTEntities (instances of GTEntity ).
GTEvent |
A common superclass of events created for model transformation.
GTFrame |
GTFrame.ConfigureCriteriaAction |
GTFrame.ConfigureIngredientsAction |
GTFrame.ConfigureOperationsAction |
GTFrameController |
GTFrameController.GTActorGraphModel |
GTFrameController.GTFSMGraphModel |
GTFrameController.UpdateController |
GTFrameTools |
GTFrameTools.DelegatedUndoStackAttribute |
GTFrameTools.ModelChangeRequest |
GTGUIAction |
An action that can be configured with a Ptera-based model transformation to be
applied to the current model.
GTIngredient |
Superclass of criteria and operations that can be associated with entities in a
transformation rule.
GTIngredient.FieldIterator |
An iterator to read the fields one by one in a string that describes the
values of all the elements.
GTIngredientElement |
Superclass of any element that can be contained in a GTIngredient.
GTIngredientList |
A list of GTIngredients.
GTIngredientsAttribute |
An attribute that contains a list of GTIngredients and is associated with an
entity in a transformation rule.
GTIngredientsEditor |
GTIngredientsEditor.Factory |
GTParameter |
Superclass of the special parameters used in transformation rules.
GTParameter.Evaluator |
The evaluator used in a transformation rule.
GTParameter.Scope |
GTParameter.TypeInference |
The type inference used to infer types of names in the host model and in
the pattern, which is used in GTParameter.Evaluator .
GTTableau |
An editor tableau for graph transformation in Ptolemy II.
GTTableau.Factory |
A factory that creates graph editing tableaux for Ptolemy models.
GTTableau.ModalTableauFactory |
GTTools |
A set of tools for model transformation.
GuardCriterion |
A criterion to constrain a guard of a transition in an FSM or a Ptera
GUIAction |
A helper class to handle actions in GUI properties.
GUIProperty |
Base class for the properties that can be used to configure a tableau.
GUIUtilities |
A collection of utilities for the GUI.
HadamardCode |
Produce a Hadamard codeword by selecting a row from a Hadamard matrix.
HalftoneFilter |
A filter which uses a another image as a ask to produce a halftoning effect.
HammingCoder |
Encode the information symbols into Hamming code.
HammingDecoder |
Decode a (n, k) Hamming code, where n is specified by
parameter codedRate and k is specified by parameter
HandlerBase |
Convenience base class for AElfred handlers.
HandlesInternalLinks |
A marker interface to suppress generation of links in undo.
HardLightComposite |
HasTypeConstraints |
Interface for objects that have type constraints.
HDFDirector |
The Heterochronous Dataflow (HDF) domain is an extension of the
Synchronous Dataflow (SDF) domain and implements the HDF model of
computation [1].
HDFFSMDirector |
This director extends MultirateFSMDirector by restricting that state
transitions could only occur between global iterations.
HelloWorld |
A simple demo that illustrates the basic operation of
DDE feedforward topologies.
HelperBase |
A base class for helper classes.
HelperBase.DATA_TYPE |
Support data types for reading and writing to buffers.
HiddenStyle |
This attribute annotates user settable attributes to specify
a version of the line style which is invisible.
HideAnnotationNames |
When this class is registered with the MoMLParser.addMoMLFilter()
method, it will cause MoMLParser to add a _hideName property
property for any annotations.
HierarchicalModeController |
A state controller associated with a graph controller.
HierarchicalModeControllerFactory |
This is attribute that produces a custom node controller for
hierarchical states.
HierarchicalStateController |
This class provides interaction with nodes that represent hierarchical
states in an FSM graph.
HierarchicalStateController.RemoveRefinementAction |
Action to remove refinements.
HierarchicalStateControllerFactory |
This is attribute that produces a custom node controller for
hierarchical states.
HierarchyFlatteningAttribute |
An attribute to specify that all composite actors within its container and
the composite actors within them should be considered as transparent, except
the ones with directors.
HierarchyListener |
Interface for objects that need to be notified of hierarchy changes above them.
HighlightEntities |
An attribute that highlights entities with a specified color when you
double click on its icon, or when you invoke Configure.
HighPassFilter |
A filter which adds Gaussian blur to an image, producing a glowing effect.
Histogram |
An image histogram.
Histogram |
A histogram plotter.
HistogramApplet |
A Histogram.
HistogramDemo |
A Histogram demo.
HistogramMLApplet |
This applet reads a URL giving a PlotML file that contains data.
HistogramMLApplication |
An application that can histogram data in PlotML format from a URL or
from files specified on the command line.
HistogramMLParser |
This class constructs a histogram from specifications
in PlotML (Plot Markup Language), which is an XML language.
HistogramPlotter |
A histogram plotter.
HlaAttributeReflector |
This actor produces an output event whenever the specified attribute
of the specified instance is updated by another federate in the federation.
HlaAttributeUpdater |
This actor is a kind-of output port that sends the data on its input to the
HLA federation through the RTI (Run Time Infrastructure).
HlaManager |
The Ptolemy-HLA co-simulation framework leverages two open source tools:
Ptolemy II and HLA/CERTI to enable construction in Ptolemy II of an HLA
HlaManager.ETimeManagementService |
Enumeration which represents both time advancement services NER or TAR.
HlaPublisher |
This actor provides updates to shared objects in an HLA (High Level Architecture)
HlaReflectable |
HlaReporter |
This class implements a HLA Reporter which collects and writes several
statistics to analyze the correct usage of HLA services.
HlaSubscriber |
This actor provides information to subscribe, discover and reflect (i.e.,
receive) updated values in the Ptolemy-HLA/CERTI framework.
HlaTimedEvent |
This class extends the TimedEvent class to add specific information
relative to HLA "events" (also called messages) received from HLA/CERTI.
HlaUpdatable |
HMMExponentialClassifier |
This actor performs Maximum-Likelihood classification of the partially-observed
Bayesian Network models.
HMMExponentialEstimator |
This actor implements a parameter estimator for Hidden Markov Models with exponential
HMMGaussianClassifier |
This actor performs Maximum-Likelihood classification of the partially-observed
Bayesian Network models.
HMMGaussianEstimator |
This actor implements a parameter estimator for Hidden Markov Models with Gaussian
HMMGaussianEstimator |
This actor implements a parameter estimator for Hidden Markov Models with Gaussian
HMMMultinomialClassifier |
This actor performs Maximum-Likelihood classification of the partially-observed
Bayesian Network models.
HMMMultinomialEstimator |
This actor implements a parameter estimator for Hidden Markov Models with Multinomial
HSBAdjustFilter |
This actor uses three input ports (hue, saturation, brightness) and
outputs R,G,B values for an LED.
An adapter class for
HSMMGaussianEstimator |
This actor implements a parameter estimator for a Hidden Semi-Markov Model with Gaussian
HSMMGenerator |
An abstract class that implements a Bayesian network used to simulate
an Explicit-Duration Hidden Markov Model.
HSMMGeneratorGaussianEmissions |
This actor implements the Expectation-Maximization(EM) algorithm for
parameter estimation in a family of graphical stochastic models, known as
the Hidden Semi-Markov Model family.
HSMMGeneratorMultinomialEmissions |
This actor generates observation traces from an Explicit-Duration
Hidden-Markov Model (EDHMM) with multinomial emissions and multinomial
duration distributions.
HSMMMultinomialEstimator |
A hidden semi-markov model estimator, configured as an Explicit-Duration
Hidden Markov Model (EDHMM) with multinomial emissions.
HSMMParameterEstimator |
This actor implements the Expectation-Maximization(EM) algorithm for
parameter estimation in a family of graphical stochastic models, known as
the Hidden Semi-Markov Model family.
HSMMTimeAwareGenerator |
This actor implements an Explicit-Duration Hidden-Markov Model (EDHMM) and executes this
model to generates traces.
HSMMTimeAwareMultinomialEstimator |
A parameter estimator for a Hidden Semi-Markov Model with
Multinomial Emissions.
HSMMTimeAwareMultinomialEstimatorWithCodegen |
A parameter estimator for a Hidden Semi-Markov Model with
Multinomial Emissions and code generation.
HTMLAbout |
This class contains static methods that are called
by when HTMLViewer.hyperlinkUpdate() is invoked on a hyperlink
that starts with about: .
HTMLAboutJUnitTest |
Test out HTMLAbout by starting vergil with various URLs.
HTMLCodeGenerator |
Generate a HTML description of a model.
HTMLCodeGeneratorAdapter |
Base class for a html code generator adapter.
HTMLEffigy |
An effigy for an HTML file.
HTMLEffigyFactory |
A factory for creating new effigies for HTML pages.
HTMLExportable |
Interface for parameters and attribute
indicating support for exporting an HTML file and supporting files.
HTMLImage |
Attribute for inserting an image into a web page.
HTMLPageAssembler |
HTMLPageAssembler reads contents from its ports and appends them into the
corresponding parts in the template file that must satisfy the following
requirement: for each port, there must be a corresponding DOM object whose ID is
the same as the port name in the template file, or in the content provided to
another port that is created before this port.
HTMLText |
Attribute for inserting HTML text into the page exported by Export to Web.
HTMLTextPosition |
Parameter specifying the position into which to export HTML text.
HTMLViewer |
This class is a toplevel frame that can view HTML documents.
HTMLViewerTableau |
A tableau representing a rendered HTML view in a toplevel window.
HTMLViewerTableau.Factory |
A factory that creates HTML viewer tableaux for Ptolemy models.
Convert an HTTP header to a JSONObject and back.
HttpClientHelper |
A helper class for the HttpClient module in JavaScript.
HttpServerHelper |
A helper class for the httpSocket module's Server object in JavaScript.
HTTPTokener |
The HTTPTokener extends the JSONTokener to provide additional methods
for the parsing of HTTP headers.
HTVQApplet |
An applet that uses Ptolemy II SDF domain.
HTVQEncode |
This actor encodes a matrix using Hierarchical Table-Lookup Vector
HueComposite |
HuffmanBasic |
Given a probability distribution, generate the Huffman code book.
HuffmanBasic.Node |
A class that defines the node in binary tree that is used
to construct the codebook of Huffman code.
HuffmanCoder |
Given a probability distribution and alphabet, encode the input using
Huffman code and send the result in booleans to the output port.
HuffmanDecoder |
Given a probability distribution and the corresponding alphabet,
decode the input using Huffman code and send the result to the output
HybridModalDirector |
An HybridModalDirector governs the execution of the discrete dynamics of a hybrid
system model.
HyVisualApplication |
A wrapper class that calls eventually calls
ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication for use with Java Network Launching
Protocol (JNLP) aka Web Start.
I15dPanelBuilder |
A general purpose panel builder that uses the FormLayout
to lay out JPanel s.
IconAttribute |
A marker interface for an attribute that describes an icon.
IconController |
This class provides interaction with nodes that represent Ptolemy II
objects that are represented on screen as icons, such as attributes
and entities.
IconFigure |
An IconFigure is a figure that contains a main background figure,
a PaintedObject to decorate that figure, a label, and an arbitrary
number of attached Terminal objects.
IconLink |
Attribute specifying a URI to link to from an icon when a model
is exported to a web page.
IconLoader |
Interface for loading icons.
IconScript |
A parameter associating a JavaScript with an icon in model.
IconTutorial |
This tutorial illustrates how to use Icons.
IDAttribute |
This attribute identifies the containing model, showing its name, base
class, last modified date, author, and contributors information.
IDCT4x4dc |
Calculate the sum of absolute difference(SAD) between two blocks.
IDCT8x8 |
Calculate the DCT of a 8x8 block.
IdentityActor |
An IdentityActor is a simple atomic actor that transfers the input token
to the output.
A adapter class for IFFT.
A code generation adapter class for
This actor calculates the inverse FFT of a complex input array.
IfNodeFunction |
A representation of the monotonic function used to infer the
monotonicity of conditional nodes (if nodes) in the abstract
syntax trees of Ptolemy expressions.
IfThen |
A type polymorphic If-Then-Else actor.
IfThenElse |
A type polymorphic If-Then-Else actor.
IgnoringAttribute |
An attribute to tag an object in the pattern to be ignored.
IGuiAction |
A simple interface that allows to define actions for Vergil that
operate on the model.
This actor is an implementation of an infinite impulse response IIR
IllegalActionException |
Thrown on an attempt to perform an action that would result in an
inconsistent or contradictory data structure if it were allowed to
Image2D |
Create a figure from a user specified image file in GIF, JPEG, or PNG
ImageAttribute |
This is an attribute that is rendered as an image.
ImageCombiningFilter |
ImageContrast |
Change the contrast of an image.
ImageDisplay |
Display an image on the screen using the
ImageDisplay |
Display an image on the screen using the
ImageDisplayHelper |
Helper for the imageDisplay JavaScript module.
ImageDisplayInterface |
Interface encapsulating platform dependent code of the ImageDisplay from the
platform independent parts.
ImageDisplayInterface |
Interface encapsulating platform dependent code of the from the
platform independent parts.
ImageDisplayJavaSE |
ImageDisplayJavaSE is the implementation of the ImageDisplayInterface that uses AWT and Swing
ImageDisplayJavaSE |
ImageDisplayJavaSE is the implementation of the ImageDisplayInterface that uses AWT and Swing
ImageExportable |
Interface indicating support for exporting an image.
ImageFigure |
A figure which draws a user-specified image.
ImageFunction2D |
ImageIcon |
An icon that displays a specified java.awt.Image.
ImageMath |
A class containing static math methods useful for image processing.
ImagePartition |
Partition an image into smaller subimages.
ImageReader |
This actor reads an Image from a FileParameter, and outputs it as an
ImageRotate |
This actor reads an ObjectToken that is a java.awt.Image from the input,
rotates it a certain number of degrees and writes the resulting
image to the output port as an ObjectToken that is a java.awt.Image.
ImageSequence |
Load a sequence of binary images from files, and create a sequence of
IntMatrixTokens from them.
ImageTableau |
A tableau representing an image displayed in a top-level window.
ImageTableau.Factory |
A factory that creates a token tableau.
ImageToJAI |
This actor takes any ImageToken and converts it into a JAIImageToken.
ImageToJMF |
Convert an ImageToken into a JMFImageToken.
ImageToken |
An abstract class that all tokens which encapsulate images should extend.
ImageTokenEffigy |
An effigy for a file that contains an image.
ImageTokenEffigy.Factory |
A factory for creating new effigies.
ImageToString |
Convert an AWT Image to a base-64 String.
ImageToString |
This actor reads an ObjectToken that is a java.awt.Image from the input
and writes information about the image to the output as a StringToken.
ImageUnpartition |
Combine subimages into a larger image.
ImageUtils |
A class containing some static utility methods for dealing with BufferedImages.
ImportAccessorAction |
An Action to import an Internet of Things (IoT) accessor.
ImportAttribute |
ImportFMUAction |
An Action to Import a Functional Mock-up Unit (FMU).
ImportFMUForQSSAction |
An Action to Import a Functional Mock-up Unit (FMU).
ImportFMUHybridAction |
Implement the Import FMU Hybrid menu choice.
ImportG4LTLAction |
Import an FSMActor using LTL synthesis (G4LTL).
IncrementalLayout |
A layout engine which operates incrementally, based on the arrival
of new node information.
IncrementalLayoutListener |
A Listener that applies the given incremental layout whenever a graph
event is received.
IncrLayoutAdapter |
An adapter to make global layouts incremental.
IncrManhattanRouter |
A manhattan router which does only incremental routing
and delegates static routing to another manhattan router
Inequality |
An inequality over a CPO.
InequalityConceptFunctionDefinition |
Concept function definition attribute specifically for inequality or equality comparisons.
InequalitySolver |
An algorithm to solve a set of inequality constraints.
InequalityTerm |
An interface for a term in an inequality over a CPO.
InferenceActor |
An interface for actors that perform inference.
InfiniteConcept |
A concept that is not part of a finite ontology.
InfiniteConceptRepresentative |
An abstract base class for a finite concept in an ontology that represents
a set of infinite concepts.
Inhibit |
Output a received input token, unless the inhibit port receives a
token at the same time.
Initializable |
This interface defines a subset of the action methods for initialization
and wrapup.
InitModel |
An event to initialize the model parameter to contain an empty model.
InitModelWithContainer |
An event to initialize the model parameter with the model that contains the
Ptera model that this event is in.
Injector |
The Injector class is responsible for loading implementation based
on a interface.
InnerClassTest |
This class has an inner class so that we can test objectToSourceFileName.
InnerClassTest.InnerClass |
The inner class.
InputDevice |
A code generation adapter class for
InputDevice |
Deprecated. |
InputModel |
An event to receive an input model from the modelInput port and store the
model in the model parameter.
InsideEntityEditorPaneFactory |
This is an attribute that can create a pane (called a "configuration
widget") for interactively configuring an entity contained by its container.
InstanceOpener |
An interface that is used to open an instance of a NamedObj.
InstantaneousDialogGenerator |
An actor that generates instantaneous dialog with a LookupTable.
Instantiable |
This interface is for objects that can be instantiated.
InstantiableNamedObj |
An InstantiableNamedObj is a named object that can be either a class
definition or an instance.
IntArrayToString |
Convert an integer-array into a string.
IntegerArrayMath |
This class provides a library for mathematical operations on int arrays.
IntegerBinaryOperation |
A operation taking two operands of type int, and producing a value of
type int.
IntegerCounter |
A class for a integer counter.
IntegerList |
A sparse list of integers.
IntegerMatrixMath |
This class provides a library for mathematical operations on
matrices of ints.
IntegerUnaryOperation |
A operation taking one argument of type int, and producing a value of
type int.
Integrator |
The integrator in the continuous domain.
Integrator |
Output the discrete integral of the input.
InteractiveDialog |
This actor creates a window on the screen with a command entry box
and a results display box.
InteractiveShell |
This actor creates a command shell on the screen, sending commands
that are typed by the user to its output port, and reporting values
received at its input by displaying them.
Interactor |
An object that encapsulate the interaction that a figure plays in
an interactive application.
InterfaceAutomaton |
This class models an Interface Automaton.
InterfaceAutomatonGraphController |
A Graph Controller for interface automata models.
InterfaceAutomatonGraphFrame |
This is a graph editor frame for ptolemy InterfaceAutomaton models.
InterfaceAutomatonGraphTableau |
An editor tableau for interface automata.
InterfaceAutomatonGraphTableau.Factory |
A factory that creates graph editing tableaux for Ptolemy models.
InterfaceAutomatonTransition |
A Transition for Interface Automaton.
InterfaceTableau |
A tableau that creates a new run control panel for a ptolemy model.
InterfaceTableau.Factory |
A factory that creates run control panel tableaux for Ptolemy models.
IntermediateReceiver |
A receiver that delegates to another receiver all method calls except
IntermediateReceiver.put(Token) (and its variants), for which it delegates to a
communication aspect.
InternalErrorException |
This exception should be thrown if an unexpected error is encountered
other than one for which InvalidStateException would be appropriate.
InterpolateFilter |
A filter which interpolates betwen two images.
Interpolation |
This class provides algorithms to do interpolation.
Interpolator |
Produce an interpolation based on the parameters.
InterpretedWriter |
A transformer that writes an interpreted version of a model.
IntMatrixToken |
A token that contains a 2-D int matrix.
IntRangeParameter |
This is a parameter with type integer with a limited range.
IntToBits |
This actor converts an IntToken into a sequence of Boolean tokens.
IntToken |
A token that contains a signed 32-bit integer number.
InUnitsOf |
An actor that converts input tokens to specified units by dividing the
input by the value of the units parameter.
InvalidAnalyzerException |
Invalid analyzer plugged into an analysis.
InvalidStateException |
Some object or set of objects has a state that is not
InvalidStringAttribute |
An attribute used for testing that is never valid.
InvariantViolationException |
Thrown when an invariant is violated.
InverseSourceStation |
This actor models reverse shape of the source station.
InverseStation |
This actor models the reverse shape of the station.
InverseTrack |
This actor extends AbstractTrack with input in east side and output in west side.
InvertAlphaFilter |
A Filter to invert the alpha channel of an image.
InvertFilter |
A filter which inverts the RGB channels of an image.
InvocationBinder |
Uses the Scene's currently-active InvokeGraph to statically bind monomorphic call sites.
IOPort |
This class supports exchanging data between entities via message passing.
IOPort |
Code generator adapter for IOPort .
IOPort |
Code generator C adapter for IOPort .
IOPortController |
This class provides interaction with nodes that represent Ptolemy II
ports on an actor.
IOPortEvent |
An event that is published by an IOPort when a token or tokens are sent or
IOPortEventListener |
Listen for events that are issued during the send(), broadcast(),
sendInside(), get(), getInside() function calls of an IOPort.
IORelation |
This class mediates connections between ports that can send data to
one another via message passing.
IPAddress |
Send the IP address of the host to the output port.
IsPresent |
On each firing, output true if the input is present and false otherwise.
IteratedFilter |
A BufferedImageOp which iterates another BufferedImageOp.
IterateOverArray |
This actor iterates the contained actor or model over input arrays.
IterateOverArray.IterateComposite |
This is a specialized composite actor for use in IterateOverArray.
IterateOverArray.IteratePort |
This is a specialized port for IterateOverArray.
IterateOverArrayCloneTest |
Test for clone(Workspace) of IterateOverArray.
Iterations |
IterativeParameter |
A special parameter in the pattern that can take various values in pattern.
IterativeParameter.Mode |
The modes of this parameter.
IterativeParameterIcon |
IteratorAdapter |
An iterator that implements the Iterator, intended for
subclassing so that you don't have to provide the remove()
method all the time....
IteratorIterator |
An iterator that takes an iterator over objects that themselves
produce iterators, and which iterators over the elements in
the sub-iterators.
IteratorUtilities |
A collection of utilities dealing with iterators.
JAIAffineTransform |
Compute an affine transformation on an image.
JAIBandCombine |
Linearly combines input bands into an output image.
JAIBandSelect |
Copy bands of an image to another image.
JAIBMPWriter |
Write a to a specified BMP file.
JAIBorder |
Adds a border to an image.
JAIBoxFilter |
Convolve an image with a box filter.
JAIConstant |
Produce an image with a uniform color.
JAIConvolve |
An actor that convolves an image with a given filter.
JAICrop |
Crop an image, given a point of origin, and the dimensions to crop.
JAIDataConvert |
An actor that converts the data in an image to a new type.
Calculate the discrete cosine transform of an image.
Calculate the discrete Fourier transform of an image.
JAIEdgeDetection |
An actor that does edge detection on a image.
Calculate the inverse discrete cosine transform of an image.
Calculate the inverse discrete Fourier transform of an image.
JAIImageReader |
This actor reads an image from a file or a URL.
JAIImageToken |
A token that contains a
JAIInvert |
Invert a RenderedOp using the class.
Write a to a specified JPEG file.
JAILog |
Output the logarithm of an image.
JAIMagnitude |
Output the magnitude of a complex image.
JAIMedianFilter |
An actor that median filter an image.
JAIPeriodicShift |
An actor that computes the periodic translation of an image.
JAIPhase |
Output the phase of a complex image.
JAIPNGWriter |
Write a to a specified PNG file.
JAIPNMWriter |
Write a to a specified PNM file.
JAIPolarToComplex |
Output a complex image with alternating real and imaginary bands.
JAIRotate |
Rotate an image around a given point.
JAIScale |
Scale a RenderedOp using the class.
Write a to a specified TIFF file.
JAIToDoubleMatrix |
This actor takes a single banded image and outputs a DoubleMatrixToken
containing the data.
JAITranslate |
Moves the origin of an image.
JAITranspose |
Transpose a RenderedOp.
JAIWriter |
An abstract class that provides support for writing JAIImages
Write a to a specified JPEG file.
JavaCodeGenerator |
Base class for Java code generator.
JavaLnFFilter |
A filter which produces the stipple effect for Swing icons specified in the Java Look and Feel Guidelines.
JavaParseTreeCodeGenerator |
Evaluate a parse tree given a reference to its root node and generate Java code.
JavaScript |
An actor whose functionality is given in JavaScript using the accessor
interface defined at
JavaScript |
An adapter class for
JavaScript |
An adapter class for
JavaScript |
An adapter class for
JavaScriptThisUpdate |
Add "this." to certain places in the script parameter of a JavaScript actor.
JavaTemplateParser |
A class that allows to parse macros of templates in a code generator
JCanvas |
The JCanvas class is the center-piece of this package.
JCanvasPalette |
A "palette" of figures that can be dragged onto another
JCanvasPanner |
A canvas panner is a window that provides a mechanism to visualize
and manipulate a JCanvas object.
JCanvasTest |
A test suite for JCanvas.
JCanvasTest.CanvasFactory |
The canvas factory provides methods for default creation
of canvas objects.
JCanvasTest.FramedCanvas |
FramedCanvas is a test case that accepts a JCanvas and places
it into a pane.
JContextMenu |
An improved version of a popup menu that works well for context menus.
JFileChooserBugFix |
A workaround for a JFileChooser bug.
JGraph |
A graph widget analogous to java.swing.JTree.
JimpleWriter |
A transformer that writes Jimple text.
JJTMatrixParserState |
JJTPtParserState |
JMFImageToken |
A token that contains a
JNLPUtilities |
This class contains utilities for use with JNLP, aka Web Start.
JopReadPort |
Read low-level I/O port on the Java processor JOP (see
JopReadPort |
A code generation adapter class for
JopSerialRead |
Read the serial port on the Java processor JOP (see
JopSerialRead |
A code generation adapter class for
JopSerialWrite |
Write to a serial port (UART) on the Java processor JOP (see
JopSerialWrite |
A code generation adapter class for
JopWatchDog |
Watch dog output for the Java processor JOP (see
JopWatchDog |
A code generation adapter class for
JopWritePort |
Write to a low-level I/O port on the Java processor JOP (see
JopWritePort |
A code generation adapter class for
Joystick |
JPalette |
A "palette" of components that can be dragged onto another
JPanner |
A panner is a window that provides a mechanism to visualize and
manipulate a JViewport object without using scrollbars.
JPseudoFrame |
JPseudoFrame is not a Frame at all, but a widget that enables a
JInternalFrame to be maximized in the manner exhibited by Windows
JSAccessor |
An component accessor that consists of an interface and a script.
JSAccessor |
An adapter class for org.terraswarm.accessor.JSAccessor.
JSAccessor |
An adapter class for org.terraswarm.accessor.JSAccessor.
JSAccessor |
An adapter class for org.terraswarm.accessor.JSAccessor.
JSAccessor |
An adapter class for org.terraswarm.accessor.JSAccessor.
JShadePane |
A Visio-style tab box that uses a "window shade" metaphor instead
of a tabbed folder metaphor.
JSONArray |
A JSONArray is an ordered sequence of values.
JSONException |
The JSONException is thrown by the classes when things are amiss.
This provides static methods to convert an XML text into a JSONArray or
JSONObject, and to covert a JSONArray or JSONObject into an XML text using
the JsonML transform.
JSONObject |
A JSONObject is an unordered collection of name/value pairs.
JSONString |
The JSONString interface allows a toJSONString()
method so that a class can change the behavior of
JSONObject.toString() , JSONArray.toString() ,
and JSONWriter.value( Object) .
JSONStringer |
JSONStringer provides a quick and convenient way of producing JSON text.
JSONTokener |
A JSONTokener takes a source string and extracts characters and tokens from
JSONToToken |
An actor that converts a string containing JSON-formatted data into a Token.
JSONWriter |
JSONWriter provides a quick and convenient way of producing JSON text.
JSPlotterAttribute |
Base class for attributes generating the HTML file with JavaScript to plot
simulation results for "Export to Web".
JStatusBar |
A status bar for displaying at the bottom of typical applications.
JSUtils |
A collection of utilities for common procedures in the interaction between
Java and JavaScript code through Nashorn.
JTextAreaExec |
Execute commands in a subprocess and display them in a JTextArea.
JTreePane |
In the case of a small number of panes, a JTabbedPane or a JTreePane
is a good way of organizing them.
JUnitAuto32Base |
Run the 32-bit Java tests in auto/.
JUnitAuto32Test |
Run the 32-bit Java tests in auto/.
JUnitCGAccessorTest |
Run the auto/ tests using Accessor cg.
JUnitCGAccessorTestBase |
Run the auto/ tests using Accessor cg target.
JUnitCGCArduinoTest |
Run the auto/ tests using c cg.
JUnitCGCArduinoTest |
Run the auto/ tests using c cg.
JUnitCGCArduinoTestBase |
Run the auto/ tests using c cg.
JUnitCGCDuktapeTest |
Run the auto/ tests using c cg.
JUnitCGCDuktapeTestBase |
Run the auto/ tests using c cg for the Duktape JavaScript target.
JUnitCGCNoInlineTest |
Run the auto/ tests using c cg without inlining.
JUnitCGCNoInlineTest |
Run the auto/ tests using c cg without inlining.
JUnitCGCNoInlineTestBase |
Run the auto/ tests using c cg with no inlining.
JUnitCGCTest |
Run the auto/ tests using c cg.
JUnitCGCTest |
Run the auto/ tests using c cg.
JUnitCGCTest |
Run the auto/ tests using c cg.
JUnitCGCTest |
Run the auto/ tests using c cg.
JUnitCGCTest |
Run the auto/ tests using c cg.
JUnitCGCTest |
Run the auto/ tests using java cg.
JUnitCGCTest |
Run the auto/ tests using c cg.
JUnitCGCTest |
Run the auto/ tests using c cg.
JUnitCGCTestBase |
Run the auto/ tests using c cg.
Run the auto/ tests using c cg.
JUnitCGFMIMATestBase |
Run the auto/ tests using the Functional Mock-up Interface Master
Algorithm (FMIMA) cg.
JUnitCGJavaTest |
Run the auto/ tests using java cg.
JUnitCGJavaTest |
Run the auto/ tests using java cg.
JUnitCGJavaTest |
Run the auto/ tests using java cg.
JUnitCGJavaTest |
Run the auto/ tests using java cg.
JUnitCGJavaTest |
Run the auto/ tests using java cg.
JUnitCGJavaTest |
Run the auto/ tests using java cg.
JUnitCGJavaTest |
Run the auto/ tests using java cg.
JUnitCGJavaTest |
Run the auto/ tests using java cg.
JUnitCGJavaTest |
Run the auto/ tests using java cg.
JUnitCGJavaTest |
Run the auto/ tests using java cg.
JUnitCGJavaTestBase |
Run the auto/ tests using java cg.
JUnitTclTest |
Run the auto/ and Tcl tests under JUnit.
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Run the auto/ and Tcl tests under JUnit.
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JUnitTclTest |
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JUnitTclTest |
Run the auto/ and Tcl tests under JUnit.
JUnitTclTestBase |
Run the Tcl tests under JUnit.
JUnitTclTestRun |
Run the Tcl tests under JUnit.
JVMBitWidth |
Determine the bit width (32 or 64) of the JVM.
JVMTableau |
A tableau that displays Java Virtual Machine information such
as the version number and other properties.
JVMTableau.Factory |
A factory that creates a control panel to display JVM Properties.
KaleidoscopeFilter |
A Filter which produces the effect of looking into a kaleidoscope.
KarpCycleMeanStrategy |
An analyzer for computing the maximum/minimum cycle mean of a graph.
KeplerDocumentationAttribute |
A Documentation attribute for actors.
KernelException |
Base class for Ptolemy exceptions.
KernelMain |
Base class that provides common functionality to be used by various
code generators.
KernelMain._IgnoreAllApplicationClasses |
KernelRuntimeException |
Base class for runtime exceptions.
KeyFilter |
An experimental filter which can be used for keying against a clean shot.
KeyInput3D |
An actor that listens for keys pressed on the viewscreen.
KeyInput3DProbe |
An actor that listens for keys pressed on the viewscreen.
KeyReader |
Read in a keystore from a FileParameter and output a Key.
KeyStoreActor |
A baseclass for actors that read or write keystores.
KeyToken |
Tokens that contain
KeyToken.KeyType |
The cryptographic key type.
KeyValuePair |
A pair of Strings, one a key, and one a value.
KeyWriter |
Read in a Key from the input port and write it out to a KeyStore.
KielerGraphUtil |
Static helper class to work with KIELER graph datas structures.
KielerJUnitTest |
Test out Kieler by open models, using Kieler to layout the graph
and then doing undo and redo.
KielerJUnitTestExtendedModels |
Test out Kieler by open models, using Kieler to layout the graph
and then doing undo and redo.
KielerLayout |
Ptolemy Layouter that uses the KIELER layout algorithm from an external
library to layout a given ptolemy model.
KielerLayoutAction |
Trigger the KIELER place and route automatic dataflow layout algorithm
from within the Vergil GUI.
KielerLayoutArcConnector |
Extends the regular ArcConnector, allowing to draw spline
paths, i.e.
KielerLayoutConnector |
An extension to LinkManhattanRouter supporting bend points for routing links
provided by the corresponding relation.
KielerLayoutUtil |
Static helper class for the KIELER classes
implementing connector behavior, i.e.
KMeans |
This actor performs the k-means clustering algorithm to cluster the elements
of a set of observations into k clusters.
LabeledList |
A list of unique objects (elements) with a mapping from the
elements into consecutive integer labels.
LabelFigure |
A figure which draws a string.
LabelTutorial |
This tutorial illustrates how to use LabelFigure and related classes.
LabelWrapper |
A LabelWrapper is a figure that attaches a label to some other figure.
LabVIEWSimulator |
Actor that works with a LabVIEW simulation program.
LaplaceFilter |
Edge detection via the Laplacian operator.
Lattice |
An FIR filter with a lattice structure.
LatticeOntologyAdapter |
The base class for a lattice-based ontology adapter.
LatticeOntologyASTNodeAdapter |
A base class representing a property constraint adapter.
LatticeOntologyCompositeAdapter |
Code generator adapter for composite actor.
LatticeOntologyModalFSMAdapter |
An adapter class for
LatticeOntologySolver |
An instance of this solver contains an ontology, which itself
contains a ConceptGraph
and default constraints.
LatticeOntologySolver.ConstraintType |
An enumeration type to represent the types of constraints for
default constraint settings for actor inputs and outputs, connections
and finite state machine transitions.
LayerAdapter |
An adapter for layer listeners.
LayerConsumer |
An adapter for layer listeners that consumes events.
LayerEvent |
The class representing mouse events in layers.
LayerEventMulticaster |
A subclass of the AWT event multi-caster, which adds support
for layer events.
LayerListener |
The interface for listeners that respond to mouse clicks and
LayerMotionAdapter |
An adapter for layer motion listeners.
LayerMotionListener |
The interface for listeners that respond to motion of the mouse over a
LayerMouseAdapter |
An object which wraps a mouse listener and
makes it compatible with the Diva canvas,
sending it mouse events in the local coordinate
LayoutHint |
A LayoutHint is an Attribute for Ptolemy Relations that holds the
specification of bend points for links.
LayoutHint.LayoutHintItem |
A LayoutHintItem is the specification of layout information for one Link.
LayoutStyle |
An abstract class that describes a layout and design style guide.
LayoutTableau |
A run control pane for the model.
LayoutTarget |
The basic set of information necessary to layout a graph: a mapping
the graph data structure to aspects of its visual representation,
a viewport to layout in, and some manipulation routines including
pick, place, and route.
LayoutUtilities |
Miscellaneous utility routines used in layout.
LazyComposite |
A marker interface for lazy composites.
LazyTypedCompositeActor |
An aggregation of typed actors with lazy evaluation.
LazyTypedCompositeActorChanges |
When this class is registered with the MoMLParser.setMoMLFilter()
method, it will cause MoMLParser to filter so that all
the TypedCompositeActors except those within actor oriented class
definitions are changed to LazyTypedCompositeActors.
LEDCubeUpdate |
This actor receives values to update the position and color of
LEDs in the LED Cube mbed demo.
LEDCubeUpdate |
An adapter class for
LEDMatrix |
A code generation adapter class for
LEDMatrix |
An actor that displays an array of LEDs.
Leds |
Display received argument value to the std output.
LempelZivCoder |
Lempel-Ziv encoder.
LempelZivDecoder |
Lempel-Ziv decoder.
LensBlurFilter |
A filter which use FFTs to simulate lens blur on an image.
LetTask |
A TTTask (time triggered task) is an actor with an invocationPeriod and a
logical execution time.
LevelCrossingDetector |
An event detector that converts continuous signals to discrete events when
the input trigger signal crosses a threshold specified by the level
LevelLayout |
A level-based layout algorithm originally implemented
by Ulfar Erlingsson at Cornell/RPI and modified to fit into
this system.
LevelLayout.LevelInfo |
The semantic object of each node in the graph copy that is
being laid out.
LevelsFilter |
A filter which allows levels adjustment on an image.
LevelSkippingTableauFactory |
This class is an attribute that creates a tableau to view an object
contained by the model associated with the specified effigy.
LevinsonDurbin |
This actor uses the Levinson-Durbin algorithm to compute the linear
predictor coefficients of a random process, given its autocorrelation
function as an input.
Librariable |
Classes that implement this interface are assumed to be in the actor library.
LibraryAttribute |
This class is a configurable singleton attribute that associates a
component library with a model.
LibraryBuilder |
An abstract class that defines the interface for LibraryBuilder.
LibraryUsageReporter |
A Transformer that reports reachable methods in the Java libraries.
LifeCycleManager |
This is a composite actor with some services for life-cycle management.
LifeFilter |
A filter which performs one round of the game of Life on an image.
LightenComposite |
LightFilter |
A filter which produces lighting and embossing effects.
LightFilter.Light |
A class representing a light.
LightFilter.Material |
A class representing material properties.
LimitedFiringSource |
Base class for source actors that will only fire a limited number of
LimitedFiringSource |
An adapter class for
LimitedFiringSource |
A adapter class for LimitedFiringSource.
LimitedRangeChannel |
This is a model of a wireless channel with a specified transmission range.
Limiter |
Produce an output token on each firing with a value that is
equal to the input if the input lies between the bottom and
top parameters.
Limiter |
A adapter class for
Limiter |
A adapter class for
Line2D |
Create a line with the endpoints provided by the user.
LinearColormap |
A colormap which interpolates linearly between two colors.
LinearDifferenceEquationSystem |
Linear Difference Equation System.
LinearStateSpace |
Linear state space model in the CT domain.
LineAttribute |
This is an attribute that is rendered as a line.
LineCoder |
A line coder, which converts a sequence of booleans into symbols.
LineReader |
This actor reads a file or URL, one line at a time, and outputs each line
as a string.
LineStyle |
This attribute annotates user settable attributes to specify
an arbitrary type-in line style for configuring the containing attribute.
LineWriter |
This actor reads string-valued input tokens and writes them,
one line at a time, to a specified file.
Link |
Instances of this class represent a link between a port and a
relation, between two relations,
or a between two ports.
LinkController |
This class provides interaction techniques for edges that are to be
connected between ports and relations.
LinkController.LinkRenderer |
Render a visual representation of a link.
LinkController.LinkTarget |
A connector target that returns sites on a link.
LinkManhattanConnector |
An extension to BasicManhattanRouter supporting links to multiports.
LinkTarget |
Parameter specifying the target for an HTML link.
LinkToOpenTableaux |
A parameter specifying default hyperlink to associate
with icons in model.
LinkVisualizer |
This actor implements the ChannelListener interface.
Implement the LIQSS1 method for solving ordinary differential equations.
Implement the LIQSS2 method for solving ordinary differential equations.
ListDataModel |
A model that captures the notion of a list of elements with a
single selected element.
ListDirectory |
An event to list all the files matching a filter in a directory.
ListenClock |
A ListenClock is a clock source that can notify an ExecEventListener
of ExecEvents.
ListenFeedBackDelay |
An FeedBackDelay actor that can notify an ExecEventListener of ExecEvents.
ListenFork |
A DoubleFork actor that can notify an ExecEventListener of ExecEvents.
ListenSink |
A DDESink actor that can notify an ExecEventListener of ExecEvents.
ListenToAction |
An action to listen to debug messages in the NamedObj.
ListenWire |
A Wire actor that can notify an ExecEventListener of ExecEvents.
ListSchedulingSequenceEstimator |
A class that estimates a sequential schedule.
LiveLink |
An attribute that provides a link to a specified URL.
LiveSines |
A simple application that demonstrates the use of LiveSound.
LiveSound |
This class supports live capture and playback of audio
LiveSoundActor |
This actor forms a base class for actors that interact with real-time
sound through the class.
LiveSoundCommon |
Class containing the platform independent code of LiveSound actor.
LiveSoundEvent |
A LiveSoundEvent represents a change in an audio parameter of
LiveSoundInterface |
Interface for implementing for implementing LiveSoundActor on different
LiveSoundJavaSE |
Implementation of LiveSoundInterface that in dependent on javax.
LiveSoundListener |
This interface is implemented by objects that are interested
in being kept informed about changes in the audio parameters
of LiveSound.
LMSAdaptive |
An adaptive filter using the Least-Mean Square (LMS) algorithm, also
known as the stochastic gradient algorithm.
Load |
An actor that loads tokens from memory.
Loader3D |
Load a WaveFront .obj file that contains descriptions of 3-D objects.
LoadStore |
An actor that loads or stores tokens fom/into a (shared) memory.
LocalClock |
A clock that keeps track of model time at a level of the model hierarchy
and relates it to the time of the enclosing model, if there is one.
LocalStorageHelper |
A helper class for the LocalStorage module in JavaScript.
LocalZenoApplet |
A DDE application illustrating localized Zeno conditions.
LocalZenoApplet.LocalEdgeRenderer |
LocalEdgeRenderer draws arrowheads on both ends of the connector
LocalZenoApplet.LocalZenoGraphController |
LocalZenoApplet.ThreadRenderer |
ThreadRenderer draws the nodes to represent running threads.
LocalZenoUtilities |
Utilities for DDE LocalZeno demonstration.
Locatable |
An interface for objects storing a location.
LocatableNodeController |
This node controller provides interaction techniques for nodes that are
LocatableNodeDragInteractor |
An interaction role that drags nodes that have locatable objects
as semantic objects.
Location |
An attribute that represents the center location of a node in a
LocationAttribute |
This attribute stores the width and height of a graphical component.
LocationParameter |
A parameter that specifies the location of the center of its container.
LocationType |
A type of tokens for x-y locations.
Locator |
This is a wireless sensor node that reacts to an input event by
transmitting an output with the current location of this node and
the time of the input.
LoggableOp |
This is an abstract base class for objects that need to log
error or warning messages.
LoggerListener |
A debug listener that sends messages using Java's Logger API.
LogicalNot |
This actor implements a logical NOT operator.
LogicalNot |
Produce an output token on each firing with a FixPoint value that is
equal to the sum of all the inputs at the plus port minus the inputs at the
minus port.
LogicFunction |
LogicFunction |
Produce an output token on each firing with a FixPoint value that is
equal to the sum of all the inputs at the plus port minus the inputs at the
minus port.
LogicFunction |
An adapter class for
LogicFunction |
A adapter class for
LogicGate |
Produce an output token on each firing with a value that is
equal to the specified logic operator of the input(s).
LogicOpConceptFunctionDefinition |
Concept function definition attribute specifically for boolean logic operations.
LongArrayMath |
This class provides a library for mathematical operations on long arrays.
LongBinaryOperation |
A operation taking two operands of type long, and producing a value of
type long.
LongMatrixMath |
This class provides a library for mathematical operations on
matrices of longs.
LongMatrixToken |
A token that contains a 2-D long matrix.
LongToDate |
Convert a long to a date.
LongToDouble |
This actor converts a LongToken into a DoubleToken.
LongToken |
A token that contains a signed 64-bit long integer.
LongUnaryOperation |
A operation taking one argument of type long, and producing a value of
type long.
LookInsideAction |
The action to open a composite actor model, an ontology, or a
LookupFilter |
A filter which uses the brightness of each pixel to lookup a color from a colormap.
LookupTable |
Output to the output port the value in the array of tokens
specified by the table parameter at the index specified by the
input port.
LoopTest2 |
Name: Purpose: The purpose of this actor is
prove that output from another actor can be input to this actor.
LuminarySensorHandler |
All input devices for Luminary should extend this class.
MACActorBase |
This is a base class designed for the MAC actors.
MacOSXAdapter |
Support for Mac OS X specific features such as key bindings.
Mailbox |
A token holder with capacity one.
MailboxBoundaryReceiver |
A process receiver that stores tokens via a mailbox and can be used by
composite actors.
Main |
Read in a MoML model and generate a .xml file
that will run the model as in standard interpreted mode.
Main |
Read in a MoML model and generate a Java class that creates the
same model.
MakefileWriter |
A transformer that writes a makefile that can be used to run a model
that has been code generated.
MalformedStringException |
An exception to report a string being malformed.
Manager |
A Manager governs the execution of a model in a domain-independent way.
Manager.State |
Instances of this class represent phases of execution, or the
state of the manager.
ManagerLeak |
Simple test for leaks in Manager.
ManhattanConnector |
A Connector that draws itself with perpendicular lines.
ManhattanRouter |
A ManhattanRouter is an object that routes Polylines as a series
of perpendicular edges.
Manipulator |
A Manipulator is an object that decorates some figure, and generally
paint grab-handles or some other stuff to the figure to that
it can be resized and manipulated.
ManipulatorTutorial |
This tutorial shows how to add different types of manipulators
to figures.
Map |
An occupancy grid map.
MapAttributes |
Container for decorator attributes that are provided to actors by
a Map aspect.
MapColorsFilter |
A filter which replaces one color by another in an image.
MapConstrained |
An interface for the actors that are constrained by maps.
MapFileStorage |
A DE actor that stores data from a MapWorker and distributes it to a ReduceWorker,
upon request from the reduce worker.
MapFilter |
MapMapping |
A Mapping that is based on a Map.
Mapping |
A mapping from some domain of values into some range.
MappingConstraintReaderWriter |
MappingConstraintReaderWriter provides methods to read or write mapping
constraints from or to a csv file.
MappingConstraintSolver |
The constraint solver is used to enforce the user defined constraints on the
scheduling via updating the event status.
MappingConstraintSolverTest |
MappingConstraintSolverTest is a unit test for MappingConstraintSolver.
MappingEditor |
MappingEditor is an attribute used to edit the mapping constraints.
MappingEditorGUI |
This is an attribute that creates an editor for configuring mapping for
MappingEditorGUIFactory |
This is an attribute that creates an editor for configuring mapping
for MetroIIDirector.
MapReduceAlgorithm |
The MapReduce Algorithm.
MapTypeInfiniteConcept<C extends Concept> |
A concept that represents a type mapping tokens to concepts.
MapWorker |
A MapWorker actor, as a subsystem of the MapReduce system.
MarbleFilter |
This filter applies a marbling effect to an image, displacing pixels by random amounts.
MarbleFunction |
MarbleTexFilter |
MaskFilter |
Applies a bit mask to each ARGB pixel of an image.
Match |
An event to perform pattern matching.
MatchCallback |
An interface of callback routines to be invoked during the matching.
MatchingAttribute |
Common superclass of special attributes in pattern matching.
MatchResult |
A two-way hash map data structure to store matches found in a pattern matching.
MatchResultRecorder |
MatchResultTableau |
An editor tableau for graph transformation in Ptolemy II.
MatchResultTableau.Factory |
A factory that creates graph editing tableaux for Ptolemy models.
MatchResultViewer |
MatchResultViewer.FileSelectionStatus |
MathematicalModelConverter |
MathematicalModelConverter.FormulaType |
MathematicalModelConverter.ModelType |
MathematicalModelConverter.OutputType |
MathematicalModelConverterGUI |
MathematicalModelConverterGUIFactory |
MathFunction |
MathFunction1D |
MatlabUtilities |
This class provides access to the Ptolemy Matlab interface
in ptolemy.matlab by using reflection.
Matrix4f |
Vector math package, converted to look similar to javax.vecmath.
MatrixJoin |
This actor joins matrices into a single matrix by tiling.
MatrixPane |
A graphical component that displays the values in a matrix.
MatrixParser |
This Class provides a parser for read matrices in matlab format.
MatrixParserConstants |
Token literal values and constants.
MatrixParserTokenManager |
Token Manager.
MatrixParserTreeConstants |
MatrixSplit |
This actor splits an input matrix into a sequence of matrices.
MatrixToArray |
Convert a matrix to an array.
MatrixToDouble |
MatrixToken |
Abstract base class for tokens that contain a 2-D matrix.
MatrixTokenTableau |
A tableau representing matrix tokens in a top-level window with a table.
MatrixTokenTableau.Factory |
A factory that creates a matrix token tableau.
MatrixToSequence |
This actor unbundles a matrix into a sequence of output tokens.
MatrixType |
The base type of matrix token classes.
MatrixType.BooleanMatrixType |
The boolean matrix data type.
MatrixType.ComplexMatrixType |
The complex matrix data type.
MatrixType.DoubleMatrixType |
The double matrix data type.
MatrixType.FixMatrixType |
The fix matrix data type.
MatrixType.IntMatrixType |
The integer matrix data type.
MatrixType.LongMatrixType |
The long matrix data type.
MatrixViewer |
An actor that displays the contents of a matrix input.
Maximum |
Read at most one token from each input channel and broadcast the one with the
greatest value to the maximumValue output.
Maximum |
An adapter class for
MaximumFilter |
A filter which replcaes each pixel by the maximum of itself and its eight neightbours.
MaximumProfitToCostRatioAnalysis |
Maximum profit to cost ratio analysis.
MaximumProfitToCostRatioAnalyzer |
A common interface for all the maximum profit to cost analyzers.
MaxIndex |
MCApplication |
An application for testing the component domain.
MDIApplication |
An abstract superclass for applications that use an MDI (multiple
document interface) style of presentation.
MDIApplicationTutorial |
A simple MDI text editor.
MDIContext |
An app context that provides methods for multiple
documents and views.
MeasurementModel |
An abstract decorator that defines a measurement model.
MeasurementModelAttributes |
Attribute generator class for the MeasurementModel.
MedianFilter |
A filter which performs a 3x3 median operation.
Memory |
Produce an output token on each firing with a FixPoint value that is
equal to the concatenation of the input bits from each input channel.
Memory |
A CSP actor that continually performs conditional rendezvous in
an alternating fashion with its input and output ports.
Memory |
An object that is a buffer for Tokens.
MemoryAccess |
An actor that allows access to a memory of a TaskPtDirector.
MemoryCleaner |
Methods that clean up possible memory leaks caused by listeners.
MenuActionFactory |
A factory that adds a given action or set of actions
to a context menu.
MenuApplication |
A wrapper that starts up Vergil from a menu.
MenuCreator |
This interactor creates a menu when it is activated.
MenuFactory |
A factory for popup menus.
MenuItemFactory |
This is an interface for factories that create menu items.
MenuItemListener |
An interface for listeners that are invoked when a menu item is created.
Merge |
A adapter class for
Merge |
A timed merge actor for the DE domain.
Merge |
This actor merges any number of input sequences onto one output
MessageHandler |
MessageHandler |
This is a class that is used to report errors.
MessageProcessing |
This class implements the functionalities to encode/decode
HLA values received from HLA/CERTI.
Method |
Interface for the port representing a method call.
MethodCallPort |
A port for use in the component domain.
metroIIcomm |
metroIIcomm class.
metroIIcomm.Event |
metroIIcomm.Event.Builder |
metroIIcomm.Event.Status |
metroIIcomm.Event.Time |
metroIIcomm.Event.Time.Builder |
metroIIcomm.Event.TimeOrBuilder |
metroIIcomm.Event.Type |
metroIIcomm.EventOrBuilder |
metroIIcomm.EventVector |
metroIIcomm.EventVector.Builder |
metroIIcomm.EventVectorOrBuilder |
MetroIICompositeActor |
MetroIICompositeActor extends the composite actor to support enclosing MetroII
MetroIIDebugger |
MetroDebugger is a debugging facility for MetroII directors.
MetroIIDEDirector |
MetroIIDEDirector is a Discrete Event (DE) director that adapts to MetroII
MetroIIDEDirectorForPtides |
MetroIIDEDirectorForPtides is an intermediate class for MetroIIPtidesDirector
to extend.
MetroIIDEDirectorForPtides.Pair<F,S> |
Pair is a data structure used to store two elements.
MetroIIDirector |
A MetroII Director governs the execution of actors with simplified MetroII
execution semantics.
MetroIIEventBuilder |
MetroEventBuilder is a set of routines that create Metro events.
MetroIIFSMDirector |
MetroFSMDirector extends FSMDirector to support MetroII semantics.
MetroIIMirrorComposite |
A composite that contain one actor and mirror the ports and parameters of
that actor.
MetroIIMirrorComposite.MetroIIMirrorCompositeContents |
This is a specialized composite actor for use in MirrorComposite.
MetroIIModalModel |
MetroIIModalModel extends ModalModel to support enclosing MetroIIFSMDirector.
MetroIIPNDirector |
MetroIIPNDirector extends PNDirector and implements the MetroIIEventHandler
MetroIIPNQueueReceiver |
MetroIIPNQueueReceiver adapts token transfer to MetroII semantics.
MetroIIPtidesDirector |
MetroIIPtidesDirector adapts Ptides programming model to MetroII semantics.
MetroIIPtidesListEventQueue |
Event queue that is a linked list.
MetroIIPtidesPlatform |
This composite implements a Ptides platform, which is used for the design of
distributed real-time systems.
MetroIIPtidesPlatform.PtidesMirrorPort |
This is a specialized port for PtidesPlatform.
MetroIIPtidesPlatform.PtidesNetworkType |
The Ptides type that is sent over the network.
MetroIIPtidesPlatform.PtidesPlatformContents |
This is a specialized composite actor for use in PtidesPlatform.
MetroIIPtidesPort |
A specialized port for Ptides platform I/O implementing functionality for
sensors, actuators and network ports.
MetroIIPtidesReceiver |
Receivers in the Ptides domain use a timed queue to sort events in the
MetroIIPtidesReceiver.Event |
An Event is an aggregation consisting of a Token, a time stamp and
destination Receiver.
MetroIIPtidesReceiver.TagComparator |
Compare two events according to - time stamp - value did not find a way
to compare Tokens, therefore am comparing DoubleTokens and IntTokens
MetroIISequentialSDFDirector |
MetroSequentialSDFDirector extends SDFDirector to support Metro semantics.
MetroIISRDirector |
MetroIISRDirector is a Synchronous Reactive (SR) director that adapts to
MetroII semantics.
MetroIISystemCDirector |
MetroIISystemCDirector wraps a Metro-SystemC model as a Metro actor in
MicrostepDelay |
This actor delays the input by one microstep.
MidiKeyToNote |
Simple conversion actor that converts a midi key integer into a letter
Minimum |
Read at most one token from each input channel and broadcast the one with the
least value to the minimumValue output.
Minimum |
An adapter class for
Minimum |
A adapter class for
MinimumFilter |
A filter which replcaes each pixel by the mimimum of itself and its eight neightbours.
MirrorCausalityInterface |
MirrorComposite |
A composite that contains one actor and mirrors the ports and
parameters of that actor.
MirrorComposite.MirrorCompositeContents |
This is a specialized composite actor for use in MirrorComposite.
MirrorDecorator |
A special decorator that mirrors its parameters and ports to the decorated actor.
MirrorDecoratorAttributes |
Attribute generator class for the MirrorDecorator.
MirrorDecoratorListener |
Listener interface for decorator events.
MirrorDecoratorListener.DecoratorEvent |
Type of the event.
MirrorFilter |
MirrorPort |
This port mirrors the properties of an associated port.
MirrorPortParameter |
This is a PortParameter for MirrorComposites.
MirrorTransformation |
A mirror transformations on graphs.
MirrorTransformer |
Base interface for a mirror transformer for graphs.
MirrorTransformerStrategy |
A mirror transformer for graphs.
MiscComposite |
MiscCompositeContext |
MissingClassException |
Thrown on an attempt to evaluate MoML that
contains a missing class.
MobileFunction |
MobileModel |
This is a composite actor with an input port that accepts MoML descriptions
of changes that are applied to the contents.
ModalBasePort |
A base class that contains common functionality for ModelPort and
ModalController |
Code generator helper for modal controller.
ModalController |
Code generator helper for modal controller.
ModalController |
Code generator helper for modal controller.
ModalController |
This FSM actor supports mirroring of its ports in its container
(which is required to be a ModalModel), which in turn assures
mirroring of ports in each of the refinements.
ModalDirector |
ModalLayoutConfiguration |
ModalModel |
This is a typed composite actor designed to be a modal model.
ModalModelMatcher |
An entity to be used to match a modal model or Ptera modal model.
ModalPort |
A port for modal models.
ModalRefinement |
This modal model actor supports mirroring of its ports in its container
(which is required to be a refinement of a state in a ModalModel).
ModalRefinementPort |
A port for refinements in modal models that are themselves modal models.
ModalTableauFactory |
A tableau factory that opens an editor on the contained controller
rather than this composite actor.
ModalTransitionController |
This class provides interaction with relations that contain general purpose
refinements that are fired on state transitions in an FSM graph.
ModelCombine |
An actor to combine the input model tokens into one.
ModelDirectory |
A directory of open models.
ModelDisplay |
This actor opens a window to display the specified model.
ModelElementClassProvider |
Get the classes for different types of model elements.
ModelErrorHandler |
Interface for model error handlers.
ModelExecutor |
An actor to execute the input model.
ModelFrame |
ModelFrame is a top-level window containing a Ptolemy II model control panel.
ModelGenerator |
An actor to open a window to display the specified model and apply its inputs
to the model.
ModelIOPort |
The typed IO port to send and receive model tokens.
ModelKnownFailedTests |
Base class for tests that use models in the auto/knownFailedTests directory.
ModelPane |
ModelPane is a panel for interacting with an executing Ptolemy II model.
ModelParameter |
A parameter in the Ptera-based model transformation that temporarily stores the
model to be transformed.
ModelParser |
ModelParser is an interface that should be extended by application
specified model parsers.
ModelPolynomial |
Model of a variable that changes with time, using a polynomial.
ModelReference |
This is an atomic actor that can execute a model specified by
a file or URL.
ModelRepaintController |
A class to do scheduled repaints at certain user specified moments in
the execution of the model.
ModelScope |
An abstract class that is useful for implementing expression language
scopes for Ptolemy models.
ModelTests |
Base class for tests that use models in the auto/ directory.
ModelTopology |
Define the methods that deal with the model topology here statically
for the convenience to build a set of actors to be used for a
composite wireless channel.
ModelUtilities |
A collection of utilities for manipulating a Ptolemy model.
ModelView |
An actor to open a window to display the input models.
ModelWriter |
ModelWriter is an interface that should be extended by application
specified model writers to write out data structures to an output
ModeTransitionTableModel |
The mode transition table for configuring an SCR Model.
ModifyDate |
Modify date by adding or subtracting a value to one of the date fields.
ModularableComposite |
Marker interface for Modular Composites.
ModularCodeGenerator |
Class for modular code generator.
ModularCodeGenLazyTypedCompositeActor |
An aggregation of typed actors with lazy evaluation.
ModularCodeGenTypedCompositeActor |
Code generator adapter for typed composite actor.
ModularCodeGenTypedCompositeActor |
A TypedCompositeActor with Lazy evaluation for Modular code generation.
ModularCompiledSDFTypedCompositeActor |
An aggregation of typed actors with lazy evaluation.
ModularGraphModel |
A modular implementation of the graph model, whereby users with
heterogeneous graphs can implement the graph model interface by
implementing the simple interfaces of Graph, Node, CompositeNode,
and Edge.
ModularSDFCodeGenerator |
Class for modular code generator.
ModularSDFCodeGenerator.Firing |
A firing instance of an actor.
ModularSDFCodeGenerator.FiringCluster |
A cluster of firings of actors.
ModularSDFCodeGenerator.SimulationFiringFunction |
A firing function for simulating (e.g.
ModularSDFCodeGenerator.SimulationJunction |
Junction for simulation.
MoMLApplet |
This is an applet that constructs a Ptolemy II model from a MoML file.
MoMLApplication |
An application that sets the look and feel to the native look
and feel and then reads one or more
files specified on the command line, or instantiates one or
more Java classes specified by the -class option.
MoMLAttribute |
This attribute has an arbitrary MoML description that is exported
when the exportMoML() methods of the container are called.
MoMLChangeRequest |
A mutation request specified in MoML.
MoMLCommandLineApplication |
A application that reads command line arguments that set parameters
and a .xml file naming a model, sets the parameters and runs the model.
MoMLExportable |
This is an interface for objects that have persistent MoML representations.
MoMLFilter |
This class filters MoML (modeling markup language) identifiers.
MoMLFilterSimple |
Filter MoML without using a MoMLParser to parse xml generated by the filter.
MoMLGenerator |
An actor to generate MoML strings from the input models.
MoMLModelAttribute |
An attribute that has a model described in MoML.
MoMLModelAttributeController |
A controller that provides binding of an attribute and a refinement model.
MoMLModelAttributeControllerFactory |
A factory attribute that creates MoMLModelAttributeControllers.
MoMLParser |
This class constructs Ptolemy II models from specifications
in MoML (modeling markup language), which is based on XML.
MoMLParserLeak |
Leak memory in MoMLParser by throwing an Exception.
MoMLSimpleApplication |
MoMLSimpleApplication |
A simple application that reads in a .xml file as a command
line argument and runs it.
MoMLSimpleStatisticalApplication |
A simple application that reads in a .xml file as a command
line argument, runs it and prints out time and memory statistics
MoMLSimpleTimeoutApplication |
A simple application that reads in a .xml file as a command line argument,
runs it and terminates the run after a time out.
MoMLUndoEntry |
This is an undo action on the undo/redo stack.
MoMLUtilities |
This class provides access to the Ptolemy MoML parser
in ptolemy.moml by using reflection.
MoMLVariableChecker |
Check that all the variables are defined in a piece of MoML.
MoMLViewerApplet |
This applet displays a graph view of a specified MoML file.
MonitorImage |
Display image inputs in the icon.
MonitorReceiverAttribute |
This parameter, when inserted into a port, causes the port to display data
available for the actor to read.
MonitorReceiverContents |
This parameter, when inserted into a model or an opaque composite actor,
causes all input ports to acquire an attribute that makes them display
their contents on the screen.
MonitorValue |
Monitor inputs by setting the value parameter equal
to each arriving token.
MonotonicFunction |
Actors often need to implement monotonic functions as part of the
declaration of type constraints.
MonotonicityConcept |
A concept that represents the monotoncity of an expression.
MonotonicityConceptFunction |
The top level adapter class for MonotonicityAnalysis adapters.
MonotonicityCounterexamples |
Representation of a set of counterexamples to monotonicity.
MonotonicityCounterexamples.ConceptPair |
Encapsulate counterexample pairs.
MostRecent |
A adapter class for
MostRecent |
A adapter class for
MostRecent |
Output the most recent input token when the trigger port
receives a token.
MotionBlurFilter |
A filter which produces motion blur the slow, but higher-quality way.
MotionBlurOp |
A filter which produces motion blur the faster, but lower-quality way.
MotionDetectorFilter |
A motion detector image filter.
MotorSetup |
A code generation adapter class for
MotorSetup |
This is a class for generating motor outputs on the Luminary Micro.
MouseFilter |
A class that accepts mouse events.
MouseInput3D |
An actor that listens for mouse clicks on the viewscreen.
MovableViewScreen3D |
A sink actor that renders the GR geometry into a display screen
with movable viewpoint.
Moveable |
This is an interface for objects that can be moved in a list of
objects in a container.
MoveAction |
An action to move an object up or down in its list.
MoveHandle |
A grab-handle that is intended for acting as a "move me"
MovieReader |
This actor loads a video file (MPEG, AVI, or Quicktime files only), and
outputs each frame as a JMFImageToken.
MovieWriter |
This actor writes a video file (MPEG, AVI, or Quicktime).
MovingAverage |
This actor outputs the moving average of the input sequence.
MovingAverage |
Generate C code for an actor that computes the moving average.
MovingAverage |
A adapter class for
MovingMaximum |
MQTTHelper |
A helper class for the MQTT module in JavaScript.
MultiCompositeActor |
A composite actor that can have several refinements.
MultiCompositeActor |
Code generator adapter for MultiCompositeActor actor.
MultiCompositePort |
A port for multi-composite actors.
MultiCompositePort |
Code generator adapter.
MultiHashMap<K,V> |
MultiHashMap is an implementation of the MultiMap interface.
MultiInstanceComposite |
A TypedCompositeActor that creates multiple
instances of itself during the preinitialize phase of model execution.
MultipageDocument |
A document that contains a linear sequence of Pages.
MultipageModel |
A document that contains a linear sequence of Pages.
MultipageParser |
Parse all pages of a multi-page document from a file.
MultipageWriter |
MultipageWriter writes out all pages of a multi-page document to a
MultipleConceptIcon |
An icon that displays multiple concepts, in a set of rounded boxes, with
the uppermost box containing the name of the set of concepts.
MultipleEnabledTransitionsException |
Thrown when multiple outgoing transitions from one state are enabled at the
same time.
MultipleFireMethodsInterface |
The interface for actors with multiple fire methods that can be separately scheduled
in the Sequence and Process Directors.
Multiplexor |
This actor selects from the channels on the
input port, copying the input from one channel to the output,
based on the most recently received value on the select input.
Multiplexor |
Produce an output token on each firing with a FixPoint value that is
equal to the slicing of the bits of the input token value.
Multiplier |
Produce an output token on each firing with a FixPoint value that is
equal to the sum of all the inputs at the plus port minus the inputs at the
minus port.
MultiplyComposite |
MultiplyConceptFunctionDefinition |
Concept function definition attribute specifically for arithmetic multiplication.
MultiplyDivide |
A polymorphic multiplier and/or divider.
MultiplyDivide |
A adapter class for
MultiplyDivide |
A adapter class for
MultiplyDivide |
A adapter class for
MultiplyDivide |
A adapter class for
MultiplyDivide |
A adapter class for
MultiplyDivide |
The default adapter class for
MultiplyOrDivideUnitConcepts |
A concept function that returns the UnitConcept result of a multiplication
or division operation between two UnitConcepts in a unit system ontology.
MultiportToSinglePort |
A filter to convert specific multiports of specific
actors to a single ports.
MultirateFSMDirector |
This director extends FSMDirector by supporting production and consumption
of multiple tokens on a port in a firing.
MultiwayBranchController |
This controller manages branches for performing
multiway rendezvous within the CSP (Communication Sequential Processes)
MusicSpecs |
A static class that contains musical specifications.
MutableCompositeNodeModel |
A graph is an object that contains nodes and
MutableEdgeModel |
An edge is an object that is contained by a graph and connects
MutableGraphModel |
A mutable graph model is a read-write subclass of the read-only
graph model, allowing users to actually create new nodes and
edges, and to modify the topology of the graph.
MutableModularGraphModel |
A modular implementation of the graph model, whereby users with
heterogeneous graphs can implement the graph model interface by
implementing the simple interfaces of Graph, Node, CompositeNode,
and Edge.
MutableNodeModel |
A node is an object that is contained by a graph
and is connected to other nodes by edges.
MutatableFilter |
Mutate |
MutualInformationCalculator |
Black-box optimizer that uses JCobyla as the solver
Nameable |
This is an interface for objects with a name and a container.
NameCriterion |
A criterion to constrain the name of an object in the host model.
NamedConstantsScope |
An implementation of ParserScope that contains a map from names to value
NamedList |
An ordered list of objects with names.
NamedObj |
This is a base class for almost all Ptolemy II objects.
NamedObjClassesSeen |
Create a Set of classes that extend NamedObj that are in the MoML
parsed thus far.
NamedObjController |
This class extends LocatableNodeController with an association
with a configuration.
NamedObjNodeModel |
A model for a Ptolemy II object as a node in a diva graph.
NamedObjVariable |
A variable to encapsulate the NamedObj that contains itself.
NamedProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter |
Base class for code generator adapter.
NamedTree<TreeType extends NamedTree> |
This class is used for generic trees, where each node
has a name.
NameDuplicationException |
Thrown on an attempt to add a named object to a collection that
requires unique names, and finding that there already is an object
by that name in the collection.
NameIcon |
An icon that displays the name of the container in an appropriately
sized box.
NameParameter |
This subclass of StringParameter uses its value to set the name of
its container.
NashornAccessorHostApplication |
Instantiate and Invoke Accessors using Nashorn.
NashornAccessorHostApplication.ActorSubstitute |
Class that substitute for the JavaScript actor so that setTimeout,
setInterval, and CapeCode modules work in a pure Nashorn host.
NativeSizeT |
A Java representation for a C type size_t, which is 32 or 64 bits.
ND_1 |
This class defines a PN actor object.
ND_2 |
This class defines a PN actor object.
ND_3 |
This class defines a PN actor object.
ND_4 |
This class defines a PN actor object.
ND_5 |
This class defines a PN actor object.
NegationAttribute |
An attribute to tag an object in the pattern to be negated.
NegationComposite |
NegativeLengthCycleAnalysis |
Analysis to check if a cyclic directed graph has a negative-length cycle.
NegativeLengthCycleAnalyzer |
A common interface for all the negative length cycle analyzers.
NeoPixelLEDStrip |
This actor uses three input ports to light up a NeoPixel LED Strip.
NeoPixelLEDStrip |
An adapter class for
NestedScope |
An implementation of ParserScope that consists of a list of nested scopes.
NestedTutorial |
This example shows three alternatives to display a prepopulated
graph model in a window.
NetworkActorBase |
This is a base class designed for the Network actors.
NetworkActorBase.Timer |
Node |
A node is an object that is contained by a graph
and is connected to other nodes by edges.
Node |
Node |
An optionally-weighted node for an undirected or directed graph.
NodeController |
Specifies the interface for objects that manage creation
of and interaction with graph nodes.
NodeControllerFactory |
This is an attribute that produces a custom node controller.
NodeDragInteractor |
An interactor that drags nodes.
NodeInteractor |
An interactor for nodes.
NodeModel |
A node is an object that is contained by a graph
and is connected to other nodes by edges.
NodeRandomizer |
This actor, when fired, randomizes the locations of all actors in the
same container that contain an attribute named "randomize" with value
NodeRenderer |
A factory which creates a visual representation (Figure)
given a node input.
NodeRendererTutorial |
This tutorial shows how to customize the look of
the nodes based on the semantic properties of the
Noise |
Perlin Noise functions
Noise |
This actor generates continuous-time noise with a Gaussian distribution.
Noise |
This actor generates continuous-time noise with a Gaussian distribution.
NoiseFilter |
A filter which adds random noise into an image.
NonBlockingFire |
NonBlockingFire is a wrapper for Ptolemy actor.
NondeterministicMerge |
This actor takes any number of input streams and merges them
NonInterruptibleTimer |
NonLatticeCounterExample |
A data structure that provides counterexample information when a graph is
tested to see if it is a lattice.
NonLatticeCounterExample.ExampleType |
Marker interface for the counter example type.
NonLatticeCounterExample.GraphExampleType |
An enumeration type to represent the types of counterexamples
that can be found when checking to see if a graph is a lattice.
NonProductLatticeCounterExample |
A data structure that provides counterexample information when a product lattice
ontology CPO is tested to see if it is a lattice.
NonProductLatticeCounterExample.ProductExampleType |
An enumeration type to represent the types of counterexamples
that can be found when checking to see if product lattice ontology is a
NonStrictAndGate |
A nonstrict actor that performs an and operation on two inputs.
NonStrictDelay |
A nonstrict actor that delays tokens by one iteration.
NonStrictDisplay |
Display the inputs in a text area.
NonStrictFSMDirector |
This director extends FSMDirector by consuming only input tokens that
are needed in the current state.
NonStrictLogicFunction |
NonStrictLogicGate |
A nonstrict actor that performs a specified logic operation on the input.
NonStrictOrGate |
A nonstrict actor that performs an OR operation on two inputs.
NonStrictTest |
This actor compares the inputs against the value specified by the
correctValues parameter.
NonStrictThreeBitAdder |
A nonstrict three-bit adder.
NonStrictXorGate |
A nonstrict actor that performs an XOR operation on two inputs.
NoRoomException |
This exception is thrown when an attempt is made to put a token
into a receiver that does not have room to accommodate one.
NoSuchItemException |
Thrown on access (by name) to an item that doesn't exist.
Note |
The Note object.
NotEditableLineStyle |
This attribute annotates user settable attributes to specify
a version of the line style which is fixed and not editable.
NoteParser |
The NoteParser receives OSC information regarding the Notes and
builds a sequence of chord objects.
NoteStyle |
This attribute displays a note instead of a parameter value.
NoteToMidiKey |
Simple conversion actor that converts a letter note as "C4" into
a MIDI key integer.
NotifyThread |
Helper thread for calling notifyAll() on a single lock or a LinkedList
of locks.
NoTokenException |
This exception is thrown when an attempt is made to get a token
from a receiver that does not contain one.
NotSchedulableException |
This is a special case of the InvalidStateException such that a
CompositeActor is not schedulable by a certain scheduler.
NullArrayIterator |
An iterator over a given array which may contain nulls.
NullIterator |
An iterator over nothing.
NullPointerAnalysis |
An analysis that can determine, at any point in the code, if
a local variable points to null.
NullSite |
A site that doesn't do anything useful.
NullToken |
A NullToken is a marker class used to break deadlock in certain
topologies of DDE models.
Numerical |
A marker interface used for representing the Numerical type in the
type hierarchy.
ObjectiveFunctionWithSoftConstraints |
The objective function class which is used in Phase 1 of the interior point method.
ObjectToken |
A token that contains a reference to an arbitrary object.
ObjectTokenSink |
A simple custom actor that reads an ObjectToken that encapuslates
a Double with the value of 42.0.
ObjectTokenSource |
A simple custom actor that sends an ObjectToken that encapuslates
a Double with the value of 42.0.
ObjectType |
A type of tokens that contain arbitrary Java objects.
ObjectType.BottomClass |
An artificial Java class that serves as the bottom element.
ObservationClassifier |
This actor performs Maximum-Likelihood classification of the partially-observed
Bayesian Network models.
Occupants |
A Occupants display actor.
OctagonEventIcon |
An octagonal icon for a Ptera event.
OctTreeQuantizer |
An image Quantizer based on the Octree algorithm.
OffsetFilter |
OffsetMoMLChangeRequest |
A mutation request specified in MoML that offsets any objects
that are created in the toplevel.
OilFilter |
A filter which produces a "oil-painting" effect.
Invoke the co-simulator and model exchanger on various Functional
Mockup Unit (.fmu) files.
OnePort |
Ontology |
A specification of an ontology, which is a set of concepts and a
partial ordering relation.
OntologyAdapter |
Constraints for a component in the model.
OntologyAnnotationAttribute |
An annotation specifying a single ontology constraints in a model.
OntologyDisplayActions |
GUI element that provides context menus for an OntologySolver.
OntologyDisplayActions.HighlighterController |
The controller that adds commands to the context menu.
OntologyEntityController |
The node controller for an ontology in an ontology solver model.
OntologyGraphController |
A Graph Controller for ontology models.
OntologyGraphFrame |
A graph editor frame for ontology models.
OntologyGraphModel |
A graph model for graphically manipulating ontology models.
OntologyGraphTableau |
An editor tableau for Ontology models.
OntologyGraphTableau.Factory |
A factory that creates graph editing tableaux for Ptolemy models.
OntologyMoMLHandler |
This is an attribute used by the OntologySolver to issue MoML requests and
make changes to the model.
OntologyResolutionException |
Thrown when an ontology solver fails to resolve correctly.
OntologySolver |
An extended base abstract class for an ontology solver.
OntologySolverBase |
The base abstract class for an ontology solver.
OntologySolverGraphController |
A Graph Controller for ontology solver models.
OntologySolverGraphFrame |
This is a graph editor frame for ontology solver models.
OntologySolverGraphFrame.DebugMenuListener |
Listener for debug menu commands.
OntologySolverGraphModel |
A graph model for graphically manipulating ontology solver models.
OntologySolverGUIFactory |
This is an attribute that creates an editor for configuring and
running a code generator.
OntologySolverModel |
A composite entity that is the model contained by an OntologySolver.
OntologySolverTableau |
An editor tableau for OntologySolverModels.
OntologySolverTableau.Factory |
A factory that creates graph editing tableaux for Ptolemy models.
OntologySolverUtilities |
A class representing shared utilities for ontology solvers in the ontologies package.
OpacityFilter |
Sets the opacity (alpha) of every pixel in an image to a constant value.
OpenCVLoader |
Load the OpenCV shared library.
OpenInstanceDialog |
This class is a non-modal dialog that displays the current state of
parameters of an instance.
Operation |
An operation to update an object in the host model.
OperationElement |
An element for an operation.
OptimalScheduleFinder |
Class comments
OptimalScheduleFinder._Actor |
A model of an actor.
OptimalScheduleFinder._Channel |
the state of the channel in the channel array has one integer at stateIndex
indicating the number of tokens in the channel and another integer at stateIndex+1
indicating how many consumer are still to read the token
I need to remember per receiver how many tokens there are for that receiver.
OptimalScheduleFinder._ListOfActors |
A list of actors, derived from LinkedList.
OptimalScheduleFinder._ListOfChannels |
A list of channels, based on LinkedList.
OptimalScheduleFinder._ListOfPorts |
A list of ports, based on LinkedList.
OptimalScheduleFinder._Port |
A port of an actor, connected to a channel.
OptimalScheduleFinder._SetOfStates |
A set of states, based on HashSet.
OptimalScheduleFinder._SortedSetOfStates |
A sorted set of states.
OptimalScheduleFinder._State |
State models a global state of the SDF graph and remembers the actor that was
fired to reach it.
OptimalScheduleFinder._StateComparator |
An abstract super class for Comparators to maintain a sorted
list of states.
OptimalScheduleFinder._StateComparatorLowestValue |
A Comparator to maintain a sorted list of states, sorted on their value.
OptimalScheduleFinder._StateComparatorMaximumProgress |
A Comparator to maintain a sorted list of states, sorted on their
progress to the final state.
OptimalScheduleFinder._TwoWayHashMap |
A two-way hash map provides fast lookup in both directions
of a bijective function between objects.
Optimizer |
Black-box optimizer that uses JCobyla as the solver
OptimizingSDFDirector |
Director for the synchronous dataflow (SDF) model of computation which finds
an optimized schedule according to a defined criterion.
OptimizingSDFDirector.OptimizationCriteria |
Enumeration type to define the supported optimization criteria.
OptimizingSDFScheduler |
OptimizingSDFScheduler is the scheduler companion to the OptimizingSDFDirector
It works with the synchronous dataflow (SDF) model of computation to find
an optimized schedule according to a defined criterion.
OptionAttribute |
An attribute to tag an object in the pattern to be optional.
Or |
This is a rather uninteresting component used to indicate
an alternative between prerequisites.
OracleModel |
This modal model actor supports mirroring of its ports in its container
(which is required to be a refinement of a state in a ModalModel).
OrderedMerge |
This actor merges two monotonically nondecreasing streams of tokens into
one monotonically nondecreasing stream.
OrderedRecordAssembler |
On each firing, read one token from each input port and assemble them
into a RecordToken.
OrderedRecordToken |
A token that contains a set of label/token pairs.
OrderedResourceBundle |
Manage the resources for a locale using a set of static strings from a property file.
OrthogonalCom |
An binary, orthogonal communication system.
OscReceiver |
Receive Open Sound Control (OSC) Messages by listening to the
specified port and send each message to the corresponding output by
name matching.
OscSender |
An actor that generates Open Sound Control (OSC) Messages via the
provided input ports.
OSGiClassLoadingStrategy |
This is the preferred ClassLoadingStrategy implementation in a full-blown OSGi-based runtime.
OutlineFilter |
Given a binary image, this filter converts it to its outline, replacing all interior pixels with the 'new' color.
OutputActionsAttribute |
An action that sends outputs to one or more ports.
OutputDevice |
A code generation adapter class for
OutputDevice |
Deprecated. |
OutputModel |
An event to output the model in the model parameter via the modelOutput port.
OutputRow |
Given a fmu component, output the current state.
Overflow |
The Overflow class provides a type safe enumeration of strategies for
handling numeric overflows for FixPoint data types.
Overflow.Grow |
The grow overflow strategy.
Overflow.Minimize |
The minimize overflow strategy.
Overflow.Modulo |
The modulo overflow strategy.
Overflow.Saturate |
The saturate overflows strategy.
Overflow.ToZero |
The overflow to zero strategy.
Overflow.Trap |
The trap overflows strategy.
OverlayComposite |
OverlayLayer |
OutlineLayer is a layer that is used to display the grey
figures commonly used for drag-selection, reshaping items,
and so on.
PackageBasedModelElementClassProvider |
A package-based provider that gets a list of classes to be provided in its constructor.
PacketDropFaultGenerator |
PacketToSensorData |
This actor uses eight input ports that receives values from the five finger
bend sensors and quaternion data of a dataglove and outputs information to
update the color, size and position of LEDs in the mbed LED Cube Demo.
PacketToSensorData |
An adapter class for
Page |
A multi-page document contains an ordered set of pages.
PaintedFigure |
A PaintedFigure is contains an arbitrary set of PaintedObjects
in a list.
PaintedGraphic |
The interface for a set of utility classes that paint shapes
or other kinds of graphical objects.
PaintedImage |
Painted Images.
PaintedList |
A class that collects a number of PaintedObjects.
PaintedObject |
The interface for a SMALL set of utility classes that paint shapes
or other kinds of graphical objects.
PaintedPath |
A utility class that strokes a shape.
PaintedShape |
A utility class that paints a shape with an stroke and/or fill.
PaintedString |
A utility class that paints a string.
Pair<E1,E2> |
Generic pair data structure.
Pair<F,S> |
Pair is a container for a pair of values, which may be of different types (F
and S).
PaletteList |
A customized version of the DndList class by
Michael Connor (
Panel |
A GUI property that encloses a JPanel component.
PanelBuilder |
An general purpose panel builder that uses the FormLayout
to lay out JPanel s.
PaneWrapper |
A figure that wraps a whole canvas pane.
Parameter |
Parameter extends Variable with additional support for string-valued
variables that makes these friendlier at the user interface level.
ParameterDisplayIconScript |
A parameter specifying default JavaScript actions to associate
with icons in model.
ParameterEditorStyle |
This attribute annotates user settable attributes to specify the style
used for configuring the containing attribute.
ParameterEstimator |
This actor implements the Expectation-Maximization(EM) algorithm for
parameter estimation in graphical stochastic models.
ParameterEstimator |
ParameterEstimator.BusAttributes |
Bus Attributes.
ParameterizedNodeController |
This class provides interaction with nodes that represent Ptolemy II
components with parameters.
ParameterMirrorPort |
This port mirrors properties of associated parameter ports.
ParameterNameChanges |
When this class is registered with the MoMLParser.setMoMLFilter()
method, it will cause MoMLParser to filter so that models from
earlier releases will run in the current release.
ParameterPort |
A specialized port for use with PortParameter.
Parameters |
Responsible for translating layout configuration parameters into the KIELER format.
ParametersAttribute |
This attribute keeps the parameters for an Ptera event.
ParameterSet |
An attribute that reads multiple values from a file and sets
corresponding parameters in the container.
ParametricSite |
A site that locates itself in a figure at a location
in X and Y that is some percentage of the bounding box
of the figure.
ParhiMaximumProfitToCostRatioStrategy |
Maximum profit to cost ratio analyzer which uses Parhi's algorithm for
iteration bound.
ParkingClient |
This class contact with the ParkingManager to check the available
parking spots and randomly choose one to park.
ParkingManager |
This class manages the information of which parking lot is taken, and
which is still free.
ParseException |
This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
ParseException |
This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
ParserAttribute |
This attribute represents a MoML parser.
ParserScope |
An interface used by the expression parser for identifier lookup.
ParseTreeAnnotationEvaluator |
This class visits parse trees and infers a property for each node in the
parse tree.
ParseTreeASTNodeAdapterCollector |
FIXME: What is this??? Copy and pasted comment below.
ParseTreeCodeGenerator |
An interface to a parse tree.
ParseTreeConstraintAnnotationEvaluator |
This class visits parse trees and infers a property for each node in the
parse tree.
ParseTreeDumper |
This class implements a visitor that writes parse trees in a
debug format.
ParseTreeEvaluator |
This class evaluates a parse tree given a reference to its root node.
ParseTreeEvaluatorForGuardExpression |
This class extends the ParseTreeEvaluator class.
ParseTreeFreeVariableCollector |
This class visits parse trees and collects the set of free variables
in the expression.
ParseTreeFreeVariableRenamer |
This class visits parse trees and renames the free variables
that match a specified variable.
ParseTreeSpecializer |
This class reduces a parse tree, given a scope of bound variables.
ParseTreeTypeInference |
This class visits parse trees and infers a type for each node in the
parse tree.
ParseTreeVisitor |
This class implements the visitor pattern for parse trees in the
expression language.
ParseTreeWriter |
This class implements a visitor that writes parse trees in the
expression language.
PartiallyOrderedToken |
An interface for tokens that can be partially ordered.
PartialSequenceScheduler |
A sequential scheduler that enables guessing the schedule.
Particle |
The public particle class, currently used by the Optimizer.
ParticleFilter |
A Particle Filter Implementation
ParticleFilter |
A particle filter implementation that expects a state-space model
and several measurements to be tied with itself via decorators.
ParticleFilterRange |
A Particle Filter Implementation for Range-only measurement models.
ParticleMutualInformation |
Calculate mutual information.
PasswordAttribute |
An attribute that represents a password.
PathFigure |
PathGeometry |
PathGeometry represents a path.
PathManipulator |
A manipulator which attaches grab handles to the sites
of the child figure.
Pattern |
The pattern of a transformation rule.
PatternObjectAttribute |
An attribute to record the name of the object in the pattern that corresponds
to the container of the attribute in the replacement.
Pause |
An actor that pauses execution of a model when it receives a true
token on any input channel.
Pause |
Pause class.
PDFAttribute |
This is an attribute that renders the first page of
a specified PDF file.
PDFIcon |
An icon that displays a specified PDF page.
PerimeterSite |
A site that locates itself on the perimeter of a figure.
PerimeterTarget |
A connector target that returns sites on the perimeter of a figure.
PeriodicDirector |
Interface for directors that have a period parameter.
PeriodicDirectorHelper |
This is a helper class for directors implementing PeriodicDirector.
PeriodicSampler |
This actor generates discrete events by periodically sampling the input signal.
PersistenceAttribute |
A marker attribute indicating that a design pattern should be persistent.
PerspectiveFilter |
A filter which performs a perspective distortion on an image.
PetiteToken |
A token that contains a number which is essentially a
simulation equivalent for fixed point numbers in embedded processors.
PetriNetActor |
A Petri net Actor
PetriNetDirector |
This implementation of a PetriNet Director is an extension of the PetriNet
Director created by Wang and Lee located in the experimental domain.
PetriNetDisplay |
Display the evolution of a Petri net after execution.
PetriNetDisplayer |
Display the evolution of a Petri net after execution.
PetriNetRecorder |
Accept messages from a PetriNetDirector.
PGMReader |
Read a PGM file and output it as an occupancy grid.
PhaseUnwrap |
This actor unwraps a phase plot, removing discontinuities of
magnitude 2*PI.
Philosopher |
A philosopher sits at a table with 4 other philosophers.
PhilosopherListener |
Listener for Philosopher events.
The PHY class implements a physical layer which does the following:
1) collision detection;
2) carrier sense;
3) send TxStartConfirm to the MAC when TxStart is received; send TxEnd to
the MAC when transmission is completed; send RxStart to the MAC when
reception starts; send RxData and RxEnd to the MAC when reception ends.
PHY.ExtendedTimer |
Extend the default timer to link the additional info
Picture |
A component that displays an image.
A adapter class for
A adapter class for
Generate PID output for a given input.
PinchFilter |
A filter which performs the popular whirl-and-pinch distortion effect.
PinLightComposite |
PitchDetector |
Perform pitch detection on an input signal using an autocorrelation
PitchShift |
Perform pitch scaling of an input signal.
PitchSlider |
Perform real-time pitch shifting of audio signals.
PixelUtils |
Some more useful math functions for image processing.
Place |
A Petri net place compatible with the PetriNetDirector.
Placeable |
Interface for objects that have UI components that can be placed in containers.
PlasmaFilter |
PlaySound |
This actor plays audio from a file or URL when it fires.
Plot |
An event to plot the received arguments as points in a timed plotter.
Plot |
A flexible signal plotter.
PlotApplet |
An Applet that can plot data from a URL.
PlotApplication |
PlotApplication is a versatile two-dimensional data plotter application.
PlotBox |
A labeled box within which to place a data plot.
PlotBoxInterface |
Definitions for an object that contains a plotter.
PlotBoxMLParser |
This class constructs a plot from specifications
in PlotML (Plot Markup Language), which is an XML language.
PlotDemo |
Plot a variety of test signals.
PlotEffigy |
An effigy for a plot file.
PlotEffigy.Factory |
A factory for creating new effigies.
PlotFormatter |
PlotFormatter is a panel that controls the format of a plotter object
passed to the constructor.
PlotFourierSeries |
Plot a Fourier series approximation to a square wave.
PlotFrame |
PlotFrame is a versatile two-dimensional data plotter that runs as
part of an application, but in its own window.
PlotInterface |
Definitions for an object that plots data.
PlotLive |
Plot signals dynamically, where points can be added at any time
and the display will be updated.
PlotLiveApplet |
An Applet for the PlotLive class.
PlotLiveDemo |
Dynamically plot a test signal, illustrating how to use the
PlotLive class.
PlotLiveDemoApplet |
An Applet that demonstrates the PlotLiveDemo class.
PlotMLApplet |
An Applet that can plot data in PlotML format from a URL.
PlotMLApplication |
An application that can plot data in PlotML format from a URL or
from files specified on the command line.
PlotMLFrame |
PlotMLFrame is a versatile two-dimensional data plotter that runs as
part of an application, but in its own window.
PlotMLParser |
This class constructs a plot from specifications
in PlotML (Plot Markup Language), which is an XML language.
PlotPoint |
A simple structure for storing a plot point.
PlotTableau |
A tableau representing a plot in a toplevel window.
PlotTableau.Factory |
A factory that creates a plot tableau for Ptolemy models.
PlotTableauFrame |
PlotTableauFrame is a version of PlotFrame in the plot package that
works more closely with the Ptolemy actor.gui infrastructure.
Plotter |
Base class for plotters.
PlotterBase |
Base class for plotters.
PlotterBaseInterface |
Interface encapsulating platform dependent code of the PlotterBase from the
platform independent parts.
PlotterBaseJavaSE |
Java SE implementation of PlotterBaseInterface.
PNDirector |
A PNDirector governs the execution of a CompositeActor with extended
Kahn-MacQueen process networks (PN) semantics.
PNProcessEvent |
An event passed from a process executing under the PN semantics to a
PNProcessListener |
An PNProcessListener is able to receive PNProcessEvents that are issued
during the execution of a process by a ProcessThread or director in PN.
PNQueueReceiver |
A receiver with a FIFO queue that blocks the calling process on a read if the
FIFO queue is empty and on a write if the queue is full.
Point3f |
Vector math package, converted to look similar to javax.vecmath.
Point4f |
Vector math package, converted to look similar to javax.vecmath.
PointConstraint |
An interface implemented by classes that can constrain a point
to lie within a certain set of values.
PointerToken |
A token that contains the memory location of a C object.
PointerToken.PointerType |
The pointer type.
PointFilter |
An abstract superclass for point filters.
PointillizeFilter |
PoissonClock |
This actor produces discrete events according to a Poisson process.
PoissonClock |
A adapter class for
PolarFilter |
A filter which distorts and image by performing coordinate conversions between rectangular and polar coordinates.
PolarToCartesian |
This actor reads two double tokens (magnitude and angle) and outputs
two new double tokens (x and y).
PolarToComplex |
This actor reads two double tokens (magnitude and angle) and outputs
a single complex token.
PolyCylinder3D |
This actor produces a generalized cylindrical shape in the GR domain.
Polygon2D |
A polygon shape.
Polygon2D.Double |
The concrete Polygon class that stores coordinates internally
as doubles.
Polygon2D.Float |
The concrete Polygon class that stores coordinates internally
as floats.
Polygon2DJUnitTest |
Test out diva.util.java2d.Polygon2D class.
PolygonIterator |
An iterator over Polygon2D.
Polyline2D |
A polyline shape.
Polyline2D.Double |
The concrete Polyline class that stores coordinates internally
as doubles.
Polyline2D.Float |
The concrete Polyline class that stores coordinates internally
as floats.
PolylineIterator |
An iterator over Polyline2D.
PolynomialRoot |
Find roots of polynomials.
PopupMouseFilter |
This class is a mouseFilter that recognizes popup events.
Port |
A Port is the interface of an Entity to any number of Relations.
PortableContainer |
Platform independent container for placing UI components into itself.
PortablePlaceable |
This interface is analogous to the Placeable interface.
PortChannelCode |
A PortChannelCode is an object that carries prioritization information
to be associated with different contenders in a resource contention
PortClassChanges |
When this class is registered with the MoMLParser.setMoMLFilter()
method, it will cause MoMLParser to filter so that models from
earlier releases will run in the current release.
PortCodeGenerator |
An interface for Port Adapters to generate port specific code.
PortConfigurer |
PortConfigurerDialog |
This class is a non-modal dialog for configuring the ports of an
PortConfigurerDialog.ValidatingComboBoxCellEditor |
A validating ComboBox table cell editor for use with JTable.
PortConnectSite |
A site for instances of PortTerminal.
PortCreationOperation |
An operation to create a port.
PortCriterion |
A criterion to constrain a port of an actor in the host model.
PortDialogAction |
An action that creates a dialog to configure, add, or remove ports
from objects.
PortDialogFactory |
PortDirector |
A Director that use Ports and PortInfo.
PortHasNoContainer |
Illustrates a problem with port naming and cloning.
PortInfo |
A class that keeps track of information necessary to
generate communication code at ports inside a StaticScheduled model.
PortMatcher |
A matcher to match a port.
PortNameChanges |
When this class is registered with the MoMLParser.setMoMLFilter()
method, it will cause MoMLParser to filter so that models from
earlier releases will run in the current release.
PortNameProblem |
Illustrates a problem with port naming and cloning.
PortParameter |
This parameter creates an associated port that can be used to update
the current value of the parameter.
PortParameterActor |
An actor with a Port Parameter with a funny name.
PortRemovalOperation |
An operation to remove a port.
Ports |
A adapter class that allows generating code for ports.
PortSite |
A site that locates itself on the bounds of a figure's shape, designed
for placing ports.
PortTerminal |
A terminal figure for ports that supports multiports.
PositionConstraintCalculator |
The class for calculation of constraints of Swarm-Robots.
PosterizeFilter |
A filter to posterize an image.
PowerLossChannel |
This is a model of a wireless channel with a specified power propagation
Pre |
When the input is present, the output is the previously received
Precision |
This class defines the precision of a signed or unsigned fixed point
Precision.ExpressionLanguagePrecisionFormat |
Precision format for use with the Expression Language.
Precision.IntegerFractionPrecisionFormat |
Defines a Precision string format using the INTEGER.FRACTION
precision format.
Precision.LengthExponentPrecisionFormat |
Defines a Precision string format using the LENGTHeEXPONENT
precision format.
Precision.LengthIntegerPrecisionFormat |
Defines a Precision string format using the LENGTH/INTEGER
precision format.
Precision.PrecisionFormat |
Defines a String format for specifying a Precision object.
Precision.VHDLPrecisionFormat |
Defines a Precision string format using the VHDL MSB:LSB
precision format.
Predictor |
A predictor
PreemptableServer |
A server that has service time infinity until a new service time value is
PreinitializeMustBeInvoked |
Preinitialize() must be invoked after wrapup.
PremultiplyFilter |
A filter which premultiplies an image's alpha.
PrepopulatedTutorial |
This example shows three alternatives to display a prepopulated
graph model in a window.
PreservationAttribute |
An attribute to tag an object in the pattern to be preserved.
Previous |
A adapter class for
Previous |
On each iteration, this actor produces the token received on the previous
PrintString |
A demo actor that prints the value of each StringToken
that it consumes.
PrioritizedTimedQueue |
A FIFO queue with time and priority attributes that is used for
storing tokens with time stamps.
Priority |
A parameter to store an integer number priority in an actor.
PriorityResourceAttributes |
PrivateKeyReader |
Open a keystore from a FileParameter and output a PrivateKey.
ProceduralCodeGenerator |
Base class for Procedural code generator.
ProceduralParseTreeCodeGenerator |
A base class visitor for parse trees of the expression language.
ProceduralTemplateParser |
A class that allows to parse macros of templates in a code generator
ProcessAttribute |
ProcessAttribute is a subclass of Parameter with support for strings.
ProcessAudio |
Perform real-time pitch shifting of audio signals.
ProcessDirector |
The base class for directors for the process oriented domains.
ProcessDirector |
The ProcessDirector implements a sequencing model of computation
plus process names.
Processor |
A CSP actor that contends for a shared resource.
ProcessReceiver |
A ProcessReceiver is an interface for receivers in the process oriented
ProcessSink |
Base class for simple data sinks.
ProcessThread |
Thread class acting as a process for process oriented domains.
ProductLatticeConcept |
A concept in a product lattice-based ontology.
ProductLatticeCPO |
A complete partial order for product lattice-based ontologies.
ProductLatticeDerivedConceptFunction |
A concept function that returns a derived concept from a given input
concept for a product lattice ontology to be used for constraints
generated from an ontology that is a component of the product lattice ontology.
ProductLatticeOntology |
A product lattice-based ontologies.
ProductLatticeOntologyAdapter |
A product lattice-based ontology adapter whose constraints are derived from
the component ontology solvers.
ProductLatticeOntologyASTNodeAdapter |
A product lattice-based ontology adapter for Ptolemy expression language
AST nodes whose constraints are derived from the component ontology solvers.
ProductLatticeOntologyCompositeAdapter |
A product lattice-based ontology adapter for composite actors whose
constraints are derived from the component ontology solvers.
ProductLatticeOntologySolver |
A solver for product lattice-based ontologies.
ProductLatticeOntologySolverDisplayActions |
GUI element that provides context menus for a ProductLatticeOntologySolver.
ProductLatticeOntologySolverDisplayActions.ProductLatticeHighlighterController |
The controller that adds commands to the context menu.
ProductLatticeWrapperConceptFunction |
A wrapper concept function to create a new derived concept function
for a product lattice ontology from one of its component ontologies.
Profile |
Meta information about
modularly generated code such as port information.
Profile.Connection |
A named connection between an actor and a junction.
Profile.FiringFunction |
The Firing Function.
Profile.FiringFunctionPort |
A firing function port.
Profile.Junction |
A profiled Junction.
Profile.Port |
The port information to interface with modular code.
Profile.ProfileActor |
A class for actors in a graph information.
ProgramCodeGenerator |
Generate a compiled programming language version of a model.
ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter |
An adapter that generates code for programs.
ProgramCodeGeneratorAdapter.Channel |
A class that defines a channel object.
Project |
Compute the projection of an interface automaton to another one.
PropertyChangeMulticaster |
A list of PropertyChangeListeners.
PropertyClassChanges |
When this class is registered with the MoMLParser.setMoMLFilter()
method, it will cause MoMLParser to filter so that models from
earlier releases will run in the current release.
PropertyContainer |
An object that can be annotated with arbitrary
objects whose keys are strings.
PropertyTransformer |
Interface for transmit property transformers.
ProxyIncrLayout |
A proxy layout which forwards all events to a given incremental
layout delegate.
ProxyIterator |
An iterator that takes another iterator, and iterates
over it.
PSDFDirector |
The Parameterized Synchronous Dataflow (PSDF) domain is an
extension of the Synchronous Dataflow (SDF) domain that allows for
more extensive reconfiguration of models.
PSDFScheduler |
A scheduler that implements basic scheduling of PSDF graphs.
This actor consumes an IntMatrixToken from each input port, and calculates the
Power Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) between them.
PtalonActor |
An aggregation of typed actors, specified by a Ptalon program.
PtalonAST |
This is just like CommonAST, except it allows XML serialization to be
parameterized by a depth.
PtalonEvaluator |
A code manager that manages the extra complexity of dealing with
parsing Ptalon actors or values and setting them to parameters of
PtalonActors (ones declared in a Ptalon file).
PtalonExpressionParameter |
A PtalonParameter where string mode is set to false.
PtalonLexer | generated from populator.g by ANTLR.
PtalonMatcher |
A graph transformation matcher for Ptalon.
PtalonMatcher.NestedPtalonActor |
A nested ptalon actor.
PtalonMLHandler |
XML handler to be used for "configure" code when parsing a MoML model
that contains a PtalonActor.
PtalonParameter |
A Parameter created in a Ptalon file.
PtalonPopulator | generated from populator.g by ANTLR.
PtalonPopulatorTokenTypes |
PtalonRecognizer | generated from populator.g by ANTLR.
PtalonRuntimeException |
An Exception that occurs while trying to populate the PtalonActor
in the Ptalon interpreter.
PtalonScopeChecker | generated from populator.g by ANTLR.
PtalonScopeCheckerTokenTypes |
PtalonScopeException |
An Exception related to the scope of variables in the Ptalon interpreter.
PtalonTokenTypes |
PtArrayList |
A List representation of an ArrayToken.
PtCalFunction |
This class is an adapter for Function objects that provides the Ptolemy II interface.
PteraController |
This controller is used in every Ptera modal model.
PteraDebugEvent |
A debug event for Ptera models.
PteraDirector |
A Ptera director implements the Event Relationship Graph semantics, and can be
used by Ptera controllers (instances of PteraController ) in Ptera modal
models (instances of PteraModalModel ).
PteraDirector.TimedEvent |
The class to encapsulate information to be stored in an entry in the event
PteraErrorEvent |
A debug event for reporting errors in the execution of Ptera models.
PteraGraphController |
A controller for a Ptera model.
PteraGraphFrame |
A graph view for Ptolemy Event Relation Actor (PTERA) domain models.
PteraGraphTableau |
An editor for Ptolemy Event Relation Actor (PTERA) domain models.
PteraGraphTableau.Factory |
A factory that creates graph editing tableaux for Ptolemy models.
PteraModalModel |
This is a typed composite actor to be a Ptera modal model.
PtestWorkspace |
This object implements a ptolemy thread that obtains read permission to
a workspace three times sequentially, then obtains write permission.
PtExecuteApplication |
This application executes Ptolemy II models specified on the
command line.
PtFileChooser |
A JFileChooser or FileDialog.
PtFilenameFilter |
A file filter that determines what files are displayed by the
file dialog.
PtGUIUtilities |
GUI Utilities.
PthalesAddHeaderActor |
Add and/or propagate information through relations to another
actor that can understand and apply modifications.
PthalesAtomicActor |
An atomic actor with Pthales model of computation semantics.
PthalesCompositeActor |
A composite actor imposes the use of PthalesIOPort
as they contain needed values used by PThalesDirector.
PthalesDirector |
A director for multidimensional dataflow.
PthalesDynamicCompositeActor |
A composite actor imposes the use of dynamic PthalesReceivers
strips header information and computes the its iteration automatically.
PthalesGenericActor |
An element of ArrayOL in Ptolemy.
PthalesIOPort |
A PthalesIOPort is an element of ArrayOL in Ptolemy.
PthalesReceiver |
A receiver for the Pthales model of computation.
PthalesRemoveHeaderActor |
Remove header information from another actor and act as a flag to
propagate information from PthalesAddHeaderActor in the
preinitialize phase.
PthalesScheduler |
The scheduler for the Pthales model of computation.
PthalesWrapperCompositeActor |
A composite actor that wraps Pthales domain to interface to external domains like PN.
PtidesBasicReceiver |
The adapter for ptides basic receiver.
PtidesBasicReceiver |
Deprecated. |
PtidesBasicReceiver |
The adapter for ptides basic receiver.
PtidesDirector |
Code generator adapter associated with the PtidesDirector class.
PtidesDirector |
This director implements the Ptides programming model,
which is used for the design of distributed real-time systems.
PtidesEvent |
This class defines the structure of events in the Ptides domain.
PtidesEventJUnitTest |
Tests for PtidesEvent.
PtidesListEventQueue |
Event queue that is a linked list.
PtidesPlatform |
This composite implements a Ptides platform,
which is used for the design of distributed real-time systems.
PtidesPlatform.PtidesMirrorPort |
This is a specialized port for PtidesPlatform.
PtidesPlatform.PtidesNetworkModelTimeType |
The Ptides type that is sent over the network.
PtidesPlatform.PtidesNetworkRealTimeType |
The Ptides type that is sent over the network.
PtidesPlatform.PtidesPlatformContents |
This is a specialized composite actor for use in PtidesPlatform.
PtidesPort |
A specialized port for Ptides platform I/O implementing
functionality for sensors, actuators and network receiver and
transmitter ports.
PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector |
Code generator adapter associated with the PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector class.
PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector |
Code generator adapter associated with the PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector class.
PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector |
Code generator adapter associated with the PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector class.
PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector |
Code generator adapter associated with the PtidesPreemptiveEDFDirector class.
PtidesReceiver |
Receivers in the Ptides domain use a timed queue to sort events in
the receivers.
PtidesReceiver.Event |
An Event is an aggregation consisting of a Token, a time stamp and
destination Receiver.
PtidesReceiver.TagComparator |
Compare two events according to - time stamp - value did not find a way
to compare Tokens, therefore am comparing DoubleTokens and IntTokens
PtidesTopLevelDirector |
Code generator adapter associated with the PTIDESDirector class.
PtidesTopLevelDirector |
Code generator adapter associated with the PtidesTopLevelDirector class.
PtidyOSCodeGenerator |
Base class for PtidyOS code generator.
PtinyApplication |
A wrapper class that calls eventually calls
ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication for use with Java Network Launching
Protocol (JNLP) aka Web Start.
PtinyKeplerApplication |
Run the Ptiny version of Vergil inside a security sandbox.
PtinyOSDirector |
Stub for component implementation of the PtinyOS model of computation.
PtinySandboxApplication |
Run the Ptiny version of Vergil inside a security sandbox.
PtolemyApplet |
This class provides a convenient way to make applets out of Ptolemy II
PtolemyApplication |
This application opens run control panels for models specified on the
command line.
PtolemyDialog |
Ptolemy specific dialog.
PtolemyEffigy |
An effigy for a Ptolemy II model.
PtolemyEffigy.Factory |
A factory for creating new Ptolemy effigies.
PtolemyEffigy.FactoryWithoutNew |
A factory for creating new Ptolemy effigies, but without the
capability of creating a new blank effigy.
PtolemyExpressionString |
A wrapper for a string containing a Ptolemy expression.
PtolemyFormEditor |
A customized version of the FormEditor class by
Michael Connor (
PtolemyFrame |
This is a top-level window for Ptolemy models with a menubar and status bar.
PtolemyInjector |
PtolemyInjector contains a static reference to the Injector loaded with Ptolemy Modules
for the given target platform.
PtolemyLayoutAction |
Trigger the Ptolemy place and route automatic dataflow layout algorithm
from withing the Vergil GUI.
PtolemyListCellRenderer |
A list cell renderer for Ptolemy objects.
PtolemyMenuFactory |
A menu factory that contains a list of item factories.
PtolemyModelUtil |
Utility class for accessing properties of a Ptolemy model in the context
of automatic layout.
PtolemyModule |
PtolemyModule loads interface to implementation mappings from the provided
PtolemyPlatform |
The PtolemyPlatform class contains code that configures the CAL
interpreter infrastructure for use inside the Ptolemy II software.
PtolemyPreferences |
Default preferences definition for Vergil.
PtolemyQuery |
This class is a query dialog box with various entries for setting
the values of Ptolemy II attributes that implement the Settable
interface and have visibility FULL.
PtolemyQuery.ActionableEntry |
Panel containing an entry box and button that performs the action specified
by an Actionable.
PtolemyTableauFactory |
This is an intermediate container tableau factory that is designed to contain
all tableau factories in a configuration that are capable of displaying a
Ptolemy II model.
PtolemyThread |
PtolemyThread extends Thread by adding rudimentary debugging capability.
PtolemyTransferable |
A transferable object that contains a local JVM reference to a
number of named objects.
PtolemyTreeCellRenderer |
A tree cell renderer for Ptolemy objects.
PtolemyUtilities |
This class consists of ptolemy-specific static utility methods for use
with Soot.
PtParser |
This file implements an expression parser for Ptolemy II using the
JavaCC parser generator.
PtParserConstants |
Token literal values and constants.
PtParserTokenManager |
Token Manager.
PtParserTreeConstants |
PTree |
This class provides a tree view of a ptolemy model.
PTreeMenuCreator |
A mouse listener that creates context menus for a PTree using menu
item factories.
PtrToken |
A Token that represents a pointer to an address in memory.
PublicKeyReader |
Open a keystore from a FileParameter and output a PublicKey.
Publisher |
This actor publishes input tokens on a named channel.
Publisher |
Generate Java code for an actor that publishes tokens on a named channel.
Publisher |
Generate Java code for an actor that publishes tokens on a named channel.
Publisher |
Generate Java code for an actor that publishes tokens on a named channel.
PublisherNonStrictTest |
This actor publishes input tokens on a named channel and compares
the inputs against the value specified by the correctValues parameter.
PublisherPort |
This is a specialized output port that publishes data sent through it on
the specified named channel.
PublisherTest |
This actor publishes input tokens on a named channel and compares
the inputs against the value specified by the correctValues parameter.
PublisherTest |
Generate Java code for an actor that publishes tokens on a named channel
and compares the results against a known-good set of results.
PubSubPort |
An abstract base class for publisher and subscriber ports.
Pulse |
Produce a pulse with a shape specified by the parameters.
Pulse |
An adapter class for
Pulse |
A adapter class for Pulse.
Pulse |
A adapter class for Pulse.
Punctuation |
A demo actor that outputs a StringToken for each real token
that it consumes.
Pursuer |
The pursuer moves from a leaf node of the spanning tree to its parent node
to track the envader.
PxgraphApplet |
An Applet that can plot data in pxgraph format from a URL.
PxgraphApplication |
An application that can plot data in pxgraph format.
PxgraphParser |
This class provides backwards compatibility with an older plotting
program, pxgraph.
PythonScript |
An actor of this class executes a Python script.
PythonShellEffigy |
A representative of an Python expression shell.
PythonShellEffigy.ShellFactory |
A factory for creating new Ptolemy effigies.
PythonShellTableau |
A tableau that provides an interactive shell for evaluating Python expressions.
PythonShellTableau.Factory |
A factory that creates a control panel to display a Python shell.
PythonShellTableau.PythonShellFrame |
The frame that is created by an instance of PythonShellTableau.
QSS1 |
Implement the QSS1 method for solving ordinary differential equations.
QSS2Fd |
Implement the QSS2 method for solving ordinary differential equations.
QSS2FdJac |
Implement the QSS2 method for solving ordinary differential equations.
QSS2Pts |
Implement the QSS2 method for solving ordinary differential equations.
QSS2Qts |
Implement the QSS2 method for solving ordinary differential equations.
QSS3Fd |
Implement the QSS3 method for solving ordinary differential equations.
QSS3Pts |
Implement the QSS3 method for solving ordinary differential equations.
QSSBase |
Provide a base class for QSS methods for solving ordinary differential equations.
QSSDirector |
A director that extends the discrete-event model of computation
to include a Quantized-State System (QSS) solver to perform integration.
QSSDirectorTest |
A test director that extends QSSDirector.
QSSIntegrator |
QSSIntegrator |
A quantized-state integrator.
QuadrantConstraint |
Keep a point within one of the four quadrants relative to some
reference point.
Quantization |
The Quantization class defines the mapping of numeric values with unlimited
precision to finite precision.
QuantizedSampler |
Output the input if the signal has changed more than a quantum
value since the last input.
QuantizeFilter |
A filter which quantizes an image to a set number of colors - useful for producing
images which are to be encoded using an index color model.
Quantizer |
The interface for an image quantizer.
Quantizer |
Produce an output token on each firing with a value that is
a quantized version of the input.
Quantizer |
This class provides a set of static methods for creating instances of
the FixPoint class from doubles, integers, or fixed point numbers.
QuasiTransparentDirector |
This is a marker interface for modal directors.
Quat4f |
Vector math package, converted to look similar to javax.vecmath.
Query |
Create a query with various types of entry boxes and controls.
Query.QueryActionListener |
Listener for "line" and radio button entries.
Query.QueryColorChooser |
Panel containing an entry box and button that opens a color chooser.
Query.QueryFocusListener |
Listener for line entries, for when they lose the focus.
Query.QueryItemListener |
Listener for "CheckBox" and "Choice" entries.
Query.SliderListener |
Listener for changes in slider.
QueryChooser |
Abstract superclass for customized entry boxes.
QueryChooserHelper |
A little helper class for QueryChooser classes.
QueryListener |
Listener interface for changes in the query box.
QueryUtilities |
This class contains utility methods for Ptolemy Query classes
that access the configuration.
Queue |
A push-pull FIFO queue.
Queue |
This actor implements a queue.
QueueControl |
An actor that distribute its input data to different outputs.
QueuedTypedIOPort |
Delays each fixed point token sent on the port by the specified latency
parameter and then outputs it via the parent TypedIOPort.
QueueReceiver |
A first-in, first-out (FIFO) queue receiver with variable capacity and
optional history.
QuiltFilter |
RadioMenuActionFactory |
A factory that adds a given action or set of actions as radio selections
to a context menu.
RaisedCosine |
This actor implements an FIR filter with
a raised cosine or square-root raised cosine frequency response.
Ramp |
Produce an output token on each firing with a value that is
incremented by the specified step each iteration.
Ramp |
An adapter class for
Ramp |
An adapter class for
Ramp |
A adapter class for
RampNecessaryFiles |
Test out the fileDependencies Block in codegen.
RandomIncrLayout |
Randomly place newly-added nodes within the target viewport.
RandomInteger |
Generated integers that are uniformly sampled from the range of
32-bit integers.
RandomLayout |
A static random layout engine.
RandomSource |
A base class for sources of random numbers.
RandomSource |
An adapter class for
RandomSource |
An adapter class for
RandomSource |
An adapter class for
RaysFilter |
A filter which produces the effect of light rays shining out of an image.
RConsole |
A simple buffering console that is used to cache the output from an R session
and then can be used to return the console output as a string.
Reader |
ReaderDemo |
Demonstration application showing Æfred's event stream from a stream.
ReaderM |
Start a SerialPortreader and interpret the incoming bytes from
the serial port.
ReaderProcessWriter |
A simple application that demonstrates the use of SoundReader and
SoundWriter by performing soft clipping on an input sound file.
ReadModel |
An event to read the model in a file into the model parameter.
ReadParametersAcrossLink |
Read parameters in the containers of a remote port.
ReadParametersInContainer |
Read parameters in the container.
RealDependency |
This dependency represents causal relationships that have a real value
or are infinite.
RealTimeComposite |
RealTimePlotter |
This plotter plots input data as a function of elapsed real time in seconds.
ReceiveInput |
An event that receives user input and allows model time to be advanced.
Receiver |
Interface for objects that can hold tokens.
Receiver |
The base class adapter for Receiver.
ReceiverComparator |
A ReceiverComparator is used to sort receivers controlled by a time keeper.
RecordAssembler |
On each firing, read one token from each connected input port and assemble
them into a RecordToken.
RecordAssembler |
An adapter class for
RecordConcept |
A concept that represents the concept values of entries in a record token.
RecordDisassembler |
On each firing, read one RecordToken from the input port and send out
the fields of the RecordToken to multiple output ports.
RecordDisassembler |
An adapter class for
Recorder |
Record all input tokens for later querying.
Recorder |
A adapter class for
Recorder |
A adapter class for
RecorderErrorHandler |
Record MoML Errors and retrieve them later.
RecorderGeneral |
Record all input tokens for later querying.
RecorderListener |
A debug listener that records messages in a string buffer.
RecorderMessageHandler |
A message handler that records messages.
RecordFromIndividualConcepts |
A concept function that returns a record concept with specified field names
from a list of concept inputs.
RecordToken |
A token that contains a set of label/token pairs.
RecordType |
A class representing the type of a RecordToken.
RecordUpdater |
On each firing, read one token from each input port and assemble them
into a RecordToken that contains the union of the original input record
and each of the update ports.
Rectangle2D |
An actor that creates a rectangle or a rounded rectangle.
RectangleAttribute |
This is an attribute that is rendered as a rectangle.
RectangularFigure2D |
A base class for actors that create figures based on rectangular
bounding boxes, such as rectangles, rounded rectangles, and ellipses.
RecursiveFileFilter |
A file name filter that can recursively list files in a directory,
including those in subdirectories.
RecursiveLattice |
A recursive (all-pole) filter with a lattice structure.
RedoChangeRequest |
A change request to redo.
ReduceNoiseFilter |
A filter which performs reduces noise by looking at each pixel's 8 neighbours, and if it's a minimum or maximum,
replacing it by the next minimum or maximum of the neighbours.
ReduceWorker |
A ReduceWorker actor, as a subsystem of the MapReduce system.
REDUtility |
Refinement |
This typed composite actor supports mirroring of its ports in its container
(which is required to be a MultiCompositeActor), which in turn assures
mirroring of ports in each of the refinements and the controller.
Refinement |
Code generator adapter for refinement.
Refinement |
This typed composite actor supports mirroring of its ports in its container
(which is required to be a ModalModel), which in turn assures
mirroring of ports in each of the refinements and the controller.
RefinementActor |
An interface for actors that act as refinements of states in FSMs or events in
Ptera models.
RefinementExtender |
An attribute to add a class to the list of refinement classes for a state.
RefinementPort |
A port for controllers and refinements in modal models.
RefinementPort |
Code generator adapter.
RefinementPort |
A port for controllers and refinements in modal models.
RefinementSuggestion |
An attribute that suggests the class of the container for the associated state
or actor.
ReflectComposite |
A composite that contains one actor and mirrors the ports and
parameters of that actor.
ReflectComposite.ReflectCompositeContents |
This is a specialized composite actor for use in ReflectComposite.
Region |
A region.
Register |
A register is a stateful actor with a trigger port that accepts
read requests.
Register |
A adapter class for
Register |
A adapter class for
Register |
A register is a stateful actor with a trigger port that accepts
read requests.
RegisterReceiver |
A receiver which extends Mailbox and holds a single token.
RegisterSR |
This actor provides a one-tick delay.
RegularExpressionString |
A wrapper for a string containing a regular expression.
Rejecting |
An interface for actors that can reject inputs.
Rejecting |
An interface for actors that can reject inputs.
Relation |
A Relation links ports, and therefore the entities that contain them.
RelationCollapsingAttribute |
An attribute to specify that multiple connected relations in the model may be
considered as one in pattern matching.
RelationController |
This class provides interaction with nodes that represent Ptolemy II
RelationHidingAttribute |
An attribute to specify that multiple connected relations in the resulting
model may be simplified as one.
RelationList |
A RelationList object contains a list of relations of a guard expression.
RelationNode |
An instance of the RelationNode class stores the type and difference
information of a relation.
RelationType |
A static class contains a list of types for relation node.
RelationWidthChanges |
When this class is registered with the MoMLParser.setMoMLFilter()
method, it will cause MoMLParser to filter so that models from
earlier releases will run in the current release.
RelationWidthInference |
A class that offers convenience utility methods to infer the widths of
relations in a composite actor.
RelativeBundle |
A class for managing resources.
RelativeLinkFigure |
A figure for drawing a link between a relative locatable and its referenced object.
RelativeLocatable |
An interface for objects that can be located visually relative to
another object.
RelativeLocation |
An attribute used to store a relative visual location.
ReloadAccessors |
Reload all the Acessors in a model and save the new updated model.
Remainder |
Compute the remainder after dividing the input by the divisor.
Remainder |
An adapter class for
RemoteDistributedActor |
A DistributedActor is a distributed executable entity that is accessed
via RMI.
RemoveClasses |
When this class is registered with the MoMLParser.addMoMLFilter()
method, it will cause MoMLParser to remove or replace classes.
RemoveCustomDocumentationAction |
This class provides an action for removing instance-specific documentation.
RemoveGraphicalClasses |
When this class is registered with the MoMLParser.setMoMLFilter()
method, it will cause MoMLParser to filter out graphical classes.
RemoveGraphicalClassesApplication |
An application that removes graphical classes.
RemoveIconAction |
Action to remove a custom icon.
RemoveIOPortEventListener |
RemoveNilTokens |
Read in tokens and silently discard any tokens that are marked as
RemoveNonPtinyClasses |
Remove classes such as code generators that are not present in Ptiny.
RemoveProperties |
When this class is registered with the MoMLParser.setMoMLFilter()
method, it will cause MoMLParser to filter out the properties included
in this classes.
RenameConfigurer |
This class is an editor widget to rename an object.
RenameDialog |
This class is a modal dialog box for renaming an object.
RenameDialogAction |
An action that creates a dialog to rename an object.
RenameDialogFactory |
RenameOperation |
An operation to rename an object.
RenderTextFilter |
A filter which renders text onto an image.
RendezvousDirector |
This director executes actors in their own threads
and provides a receiver that implements rendezvous communication.
RendezvousReceiver |
Receiver for rendezvous style communication.
RenesasUtilities |
Utility functions to set up mapping tables for Renesas platform.
Repeat |
A code generation helper class for
Repeat |
A code generation adapter class for
Repeat |
An actor that repeats a block of input tokens the specified number of times
on the output.
Replacement |
The replacement of a transformation rule.
Report |
An event to report a message to the user in various forms.
Report.Mode |
The display modes.
ReportOntologyLatticeStatus |
A static class that provides a method to display a message and highlight
concepts in an ontology model based on whether the ontology is a lattice.
RequireVersion |
An attribute that requires a particular version of Ptolemy II.
Rerun |
Run a MoML model over and over again.
RescaleFilter |
A filter which simply multiplies pixel values by a given scale factor.
ResettableTimer |
Produce an output after the time specified on the input has elapsed.
ResizableAttributeControllerFactory |
This is attribute that produces a custom node controller for icons that
can be interactively resized.
ResizablePolygonAttribute |
This is an attribute that is rendered as a polygon.
ResourcePool |
This actor manages a pool of resources, where each resource is
represented by a token with an arbitrary value.
ResourcePool |
This actor manages a pool of resources, where each resource is
represented by a token with an arbitrary value.
RestrictedJavaScriptInterface |
ResumableFire |
ResumableFire is a wrapper for Ptolemy actor.
ReturnNonZero |
A class to print to stdout then exit with a non-zero value.
ReverseIterator |
A reverse-order iterator over a List.
ReverseLink |
Reverse a link in the Map/Reduce demo.
RExpression |
The RExpression actor is an actor designed to run an R script or function
with inputs and outputs determined by the ports created by the user.
RExpression2 |
The RExpression actor is an actor designed to run an R script or function
with inputs and outputs determined by the ports created by the user.
RGBAdjustFilter |
RGBComposite |
RGBComposite.RGBCompositeContext |
Rician |
Produce a random sequence with a Rician distribution.
RidgedFBM |
RippleFilter |
A filter which distorts an image by rippling it in the X or Y directions.
Produce an output token on each firing with a FixPoint value that is
equal to the concatenation of the input bits from each input channel.
Room |
A Room.
Rotate2D |
Rotate a two-dimensional figure based on the angle, and anchor point
provided by the user.
Rotate3D |
Conceptually, this actor takes 3D geometry in its input and produces
a rotated version in its output.
RotateFilter |
A filter which rotates an image.
RotateOrFlipPorts |
Action to rotate or flip ports.
Round |
Produce an output token on each firing with a value that is
equal to the specified rounded value of the input.
Round |
A helper class for
Round |
A adapter class for
Round |
A adapter class for
RoundedRectangle |
A figure that displays as a rounded rectangle.
Rounding |
The Rounding class provides a type safe enumeration of strategies for
handling loss of numeric resolution when rounding.
Rounding.RoundCeiling |
Rounding class implementing the round ceiling strategy.
Rounding.RoundDown |
Rounding class implementing the round down strategy.
Rounding.RoundFloor |
Rounding class implementing the round floor strategy.
Rounding.RoundHalfCeiling |
Rounding class implementing the round half ceiling strategy.
Rounding.RoundHalfDown |
Rounding class implementing the round half down strategy.
Rounding.RoundHalfEven |
Rounding class implementing the round half even strategy.
Rounding.RoundHalfFloor |
Rounding class implementing the round half floor strategy.
Rounding.RoundHalfUp |
Rounding class implementing the round half up strategy.
Rounding.RoundUp |
Rounding class implementing the round up strategy.
Router |
A Router is an object that can be used to help a connector
route itself.
RowSpec |
Specifies rows in FormLayout by their default orientation,
start size and resizing behavior.
RTMaudeUtility |
RTMExpTranslator |
A Real-Time Maude Expression Translator.
RTMFragment |
A Real-Time Maude fragment.
RTMList |
A list of Real-Time Maude terms.
RTMObject |
A Real-Time Maude object.
RTMOpTerm |
A Real-Time Maude operation term.
RTMOpTermGenerator |
A Real-Time Maude operation term generator.
RTMPtExp |
A Real-Time Maude ptolemy term.
RTMTerm |
A Real-Time Maude term.
RunCompositeActor |
This is a composite actor that can execute the contained model
completely, as if it were a top-level model, on each firing.
RunLayoutFrame |
A top-level frame for editing the layout of a customizable run control panel.
RunnableCodeGenerator |
Code generate a runnable code that does not require compilation.
RunnableExceptionCatcher |
A class (that implements the proxy design pattern) that encapsulates a
runnable, catches the exception and will report the exception to the
Ptolemy Message Handler.
RunnableGraphController |
A graph controller for models that can be executed.
RunningMaximum |
Output the maximum value seen since the start of execution of the model.
RunningMinimum |
Output the minimum value seen since the start of execution of the model.
RunTableau |
A tableau that creates a new run control panel for a ptolemy model.
RunTableau.Factory |
A factory that creates run control panel tableaux for Ptolemy models.
RunTableau.TopFactory |
A factory that creates run control panel tableaux for the model
associated with a top-level effigy (one that has a file
RxCoordination |
RxCoordination class is responsible for the sequence of events in response
to a session setup request.
SaltAndPepper |
Randomly change values in a double matrix to 0.0 or 255.0.
SampleDelay |
A adapter class for SampleDelay.
SampleDelay |
A adapter class for SampleDelay.
SampleDelay |
A adapter class for SampleDelay.
SampleDelay |
This actor outputs a set of initial tokens during the initialize()
method, and subsequently passes the input tokens to the output.
Sampler |
This actor generates discrete events by sampling the input signal whenever
the trigger input is present.
SaturationComposite |
SaturationFilter |
A filter to change the saturation of an image.
SAXDriver |
A SAX driver for Microstar's Ælfred XML parser.
ScalarToken |
Abstract base class for tokens that contain a scalar.
Scale |
Produce an output token on each firing with a value that is
equal to a scaled version of the input.
Scale |
A adapter class for
Scale |
A adapter class for
Scale |
A adapter class for
Scale |
The default adapter class for
Scale2D |
Scale a two-dimensional figure by the x and y factor provided by the
Scale3D |
Conceptually, this actor takes 3D geometry in its input and
produces a scaled version in its output.
ScaleFilter |
Scales an image using the area-averaging algorithm, which can't be done with AffineTransformOp.
Scene2DToken |
A token that contains a two-dimension GR scene.
Scene2DToken.Scene2DType |
The two dimensional scene type corresponding with a SceneToken.
SceneGraphToken |
A token that contains a SceneGraph.
SceneGraphToken.SceneGraphType |
The SceneGraphToken type.
Schedule |
This class represents a static schedule of actor executions.
Schedule |
This class represents a static schedule of firing elements invocation.
ScheduleAnalysis |
An analysis for schedules on graphs.
ScheduleAnalyzer |
An interface for all the scheduling strategies on graphs.
ScheduleElement |
This is an abstract base class for a schedule element.
ScheduleElement |
This is an abstract base class for a schedule element.
ScheduleListener |
Interface for listeners that receive schedule messages.
SchedulePlotter |
This attribute is a visible attribute that when configured (by double
clicking on it or by invoking Configure in the context menu) it displays
a plot of the schedule while the model is being run.
Scheduler |
The base class for schedulers.
SchedulingRelation |
A scheduling relation is an edge from one Ptera event to another.
SchedulingRelationController |
The edge controller for scheduling relations in a A Ptolemy Event
Relation Actor (PTERA) domain model.
SchedulingRelationController.SchedulingRelationRenderer |
Render a scheduling relation link between two events.
SCNoise |
Sparse Convolution Noise.
ScopeExtender |
An interface for attributes that extend their container's scope.
ScopeExtendingAttribute |
An attribute that extends its container's scope.
Scrambler |
Scramble the input bit sequence using a feedback shift register.
ScratchFilter |
ScreenComposite |
SCRGraphTableau |
An editor tableau for SCR.
SCRGraphTableau.Factory |
A factory that creates graph editing tableaux for Ptolemy models.
Script |
A parameter for associating a script (such as Javascript) with an object in
a model.
SCRModel |
An SCR model actor used for requirements specification.
SCRTableauFactory |
A tableau factory that opens an editor on the contained controller
rather than this composite actor.
SCRTableFrame |
The frame for configuring an SCR Model.
SCRTableHelper |
Helper functions for SCR Tables.
A plugin for the SDF domain.
SDFConverter |
This actor is a base class for SDF converters.
SDFDirector |
Code generator adapter associated with the SDFDirector class.
SDFDirector |
Code generator adapter associated with the SDFDirector class.
SDFDirector |
Adapter for the SDFDirector, targeted to the Luminary platform.
SDFDirector |
Code generator adapter associated with the SDFDirector class.
SDFDirector |
Class for modular code generator.
SDFDirector |
Director for the synchronous dataflow (SDF) model of computation.
SDFFactory |
A factory that creates SDF s.
SDFModularScheduler |
An SDF scheduler for modular code generation.
SDFReceiver |
The adapter for SDF receiver.
SDFReceiver |
The adapter for SDF receiver.
SDFReceiver |
A first-in, first-out (FIFO) queue receiver with variable capacity and
optional history.
SDFScheduler |
A scheduler that implements basic scheduling of SDF graphs.
SDFTestConsumer |
This actor will consume all tokens on its input port and write their
values to a string.
SDFTestDelay |
This actor copies one token from its input to its output when fired.
SDFTestJoin |
A deterministic merge of two token streams.
SDFTestRamp |
Create an increasing sequence of integer tokens,
starting with value zero, and incrementing by one.
SDFTestScheduler |
A scheduler that exposes the rate variable of SDFScheduler.
SDFTestSplit |
This actor deterministically splits its input token stream into two
SDFTestZeroRate1 |
A test actor for HDF/SDF.
SDFTestZeroRate2 |
A test actor for HDF.
SDFTransformer |
This is an abstract base class for actors that transform an input
stream into an output stream.
SearchResultsDialog |
This class is a non-modal dialog for displaying search results.
SearchTest |
Name: Purpose: The purpose of this actor is
to prove that we can use it's output as input for the Loop Actor
input : String "Search #Loop Number"
output : "No Data" or "Results Found"
SecretKey |
Create a secret key and send it on the output.
SecretKeyReader |
Open a keystore from a FileParameter and output a SecretKey.
Select |
A polymorphic select, which routes specified input channels to the
SelectionDragger |
A class that implements rubber-banding on a canvas.
SelectionEvent |
An event representing a change in the graph selection
SelectionInteractor |
A SelectionInteractor is attached to an object that can be put
into and out of a selection.
SelectionListener |
A model for graph selections which can be listened to.
SelectionModel |
A model for graph selections.
SelectionRenderer |
An interface that defines rendering for selections.
SelfLoopAnalysis |
Computation of self-loops in a graph.
SelfLoopAnalyzer |
Base interface for the computation of self-loops in a graph.
SelfLoopStrategy |
Computation of self-loops in a graph.
SemanticObjectContainer |
An object which is annotated with a single
"semantic object" which is its semantic equivalent
in an application.
SendMail |
Upon firing, send email to the specified recipient.
Sensor |
This is a wireless sensor node that senses evaders in the sensor
SensorDataCalibration |
This actor receives values from the bend sensors and
accelerometer/gyroscope of a data glove and outputs
corrected and filtered data.
SensorDataCalibration |
An adapter class for
SensorHandler |
A code generation adapter class for
SensorHandler |
Generate code for the Renesas board for a Ptides SensorHandler.
SensorHandler |
Generate code for the Xmos board for a Ptides SensorHandler.
SensorHandler |
Deprecated. |
Separator |
A GUI property that encloses a JSeparator component.
Sequence |
This actor produces a sequence of values, optionally periodically repeating
Sequence |
A helper class for
Sequence |
A adapter class for
Sequence |
A adapter class for
SequenceActor |
This is a marker interface for actors that operate on sequences.
SequenceAttribute |
The sequence number for actor in the sequence domain.
SequencedIntegrator |
An integrator actor that can be sequenced and share state across multiple
SequenceDirector |
A director that executes actors in a sequence explicitly specified
by the model.
SequencedModelDirector |
An abstract base class for SequenceDirector and ProcessDirector.
SequencedSharedMemoryActor |
A base class for shared memory actors in the sequence domain.
SequencedVariable |
A variable that can share state across multiple instances and
is used in the sequence domain.
SequenceEstimator |
A base class for estimating sequence numbers in the sequence domain.
SequenceFiring |
A schedule element specifically for the SequenceDirector
and ProcessDirector that can optionally contain a reference
to a specific fire method for an actor.
SequencePlotter |
A sequence plotter.
SequencePlotter |
A code generation adapter class for
Sequencer |
This actor takes a sequence of inputs tagged with a sequence number
and produces them on the output port in the order given by the
sequence number.
SequenceSchedule |
An extension of the Schedule class to support sequenced actors.
SequenceScheduler |
The SequenceScheduler is responsible for creating and maintaining a
schedule for the sequence models of computation.
SequenceScope |
A sequence plotter for sequences that are potentially infinitely long.
SequenceSource |
Base class for sequence sources.
SequenceToArray |
This actor bundles a specified number of input tokens into a single array
and broadcasts the resulting array on all output channels.
SequenceToMatrix |
This actor bundles a specified number of input tokens into a matrix.
SequentialClock |
SequentialScheduleEditorPane |
A pane that displays and edits a sequential schedule.
SequentialTwoWayHashMap<K,V> |
A two-way hash map where the keys are sorted.
SerialComm |
Send and receive bytes via the serial port.
SerialHelper |
Helper for the serial module.
SerialPortController |
This class provides a set of functions for use with an
IMUSensor accessor from within Ptolemy II.
SerialPortLockTest |
Test the Serial Port locking
SerialPortReader |
Read in bytes from the serial port connection and provide them to
the ReaderM class for decoding of the unique packet format used by
the IMU sensors.
SerialTest |
Test the serial port.
Server |
Server that opens a BSD socket for communication with simulation engine.
Server |
This actor models a preemptive server with a fixed or variable service time.
SetProperties |
On each firing, this actor reads at most one token from the payload
and properties input ports, outputs the payload on the
output port, and set the outsideTransmitProperties of the
wireless output port connected to the output port with the specified
transmit properties received from the properties input port.
Settable |
This is an interface for attributes that can have their values
externally set.
Settable.Visibility |
Inner class used for the static enumeration of indicators of
SetTableau |
An event to set the state of a tableau.
SetTableau.TableauState |
The iconified, maximized or normal state of the tableau.
SettableQueryChooser |
Interface for custom query chooser boxes.
SetVariable |
Set the value of a variable.
ShadeFilter |
ShadowFilter |
A filter which draws a drop shadow based on the alpha channel of the image.
ShadowHighlighter |
A decorator figure that displays a shadow behind the
ShadowRenderer |
Provide a shadow for icons.
ShallowModelTransformer |
Read in a MoML model and generate a Java class that creates the
same model.
ShapeAttribute |
This is an abstract attribute that is rendered as a shape.
ShapedFigure |
An interface that defines the setShape() method.
ShapeFilter |
ShapeIcon |
An icon that displays a specified java.awt.Shape.
ShapeUtilities |
A set of utilities on Java2D shapes.
ShapeUtilitiesTest |
A test suite for ShapeUtilities.
SharedBufferTransformer |
An abstract ancestor class to be used for filters
using references to shared data frames.
SharedParameter |
This parameter is shared throughout a model.
SharedParameterJUnitTest |
Tests for SharedParameter.
SharedQueue |
A queue that outputs the next token to an output channel that is ready to
receive it.
SharpenFilter |
A filter which performs a simple 3x3 sharpening operation.
ShatterFilter |
ShearFilter |
ShellHelper |
A helper class for the shell accessor module.
ShellInterpreter |
An interface for interpreters that work with the ShellTextArea.
ShellTextArea |
A text area supporting shell-style interactions.
ShineFilter |
ShortToken |
A token that contains a signed 16-bit integer number.
ShowTypes |
This attribute, when inserted into a model causes types to be
displayed on all ports at the same level of the hierarchy as
this attribute.
SIBaseDimensionRepresentativeConcept |
A representative concept in the unitSystem ontology for a set of units for
a specific physical dimension that is one of the 7 SI specified base dimensions.
SideEffectAnalysis |
An analysis that determines which methods in a given call graph
have no side effects.
SideEffectFreeInvocationRemover |
Remove any calls to other methods from the given method that
have no side effects and whose return value is dead.
SIDerivedDimensionRepresentativeConcept |
A representative concept in the unitSystem ontology for a set of units for
a specific physical dimension that is one of the 7 SI specified base dimensions.
SignalProcessing |
This class provides signal processing functions.
SignalProcessing.GaussianSampleGenerator |
This class generates samples of a Gaussian function with the
specified mean and standard deviation.
SignalProcessing.PolynomialSampleGenerator |
This class generates samples of a polynomial.
SignalProcessing.RaisedCosineSampleGenerator |
This class generates samples of a raised cosine pulse, or if the
excess is zero, a modified sinc function.
SignalProcessing.SawtoothSampleGenerator |
This class generates samples of a sawtooth wave with the specified
period and phase.
SignalProcessing.SincSampleGenerator |
This class generates samples of a sinc wave with the specified
first zero crossing.
SignalProcessing.SinusoidSampleGenerator |
This class generates samples of a sinusoidal wave.
SignalProcessing.SqrtRaisedCosineSampleGenerator |
This class generates samples of a square-root raised cosine pulse.
SignatureActor |
A common base class for actors that use cryptographic signatures.
SignatureSigner |
Sign the input data using a private key.
SignatureVerifier |
Verify the signature of the input data.
SimpleALU |
A simple integer arithmetic logic unit.
SimpleCharStream |
An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to
contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing).
SimpleCharStream |
An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to
contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing).
SimpleClassLoadingStrategy |
As the name says...
SimpleDelay |
SimpleErrorHandler |
Simple error handler for the MoMLParser class.
SimpleGraphController |
A simple graph controller, which works well if all nodes have the same
interaction, and all edges have the same interaction.
SimpleMessageHandler |
This is a message handler that reports errors in a graphical dialog box.
SimpleNode |
SimplePane |
A pane containing instances of some basic figures.
SimpleTableau |
A simple tableau.
SimpleTableau.Factory |
A factory that creates run control panel tableaux for Ptolemy models.
SimpleTableau.TopFactory |
A factory that creates run control panel tableaux for the model
associated with a top-level effigy (one that has a file
SimpleTutorial |
This tutorial shows how to construct a JCanvas and place
figures on it.
SimpleTutorial |
This is the most basic tutorial, popping up an empty graph
editing window.
Simulator |
Actor that calls a simulation program of a dynamic system
that is coupled to Ptolemy II.
Sines |
A simple application that demonstrates the use of SoundPlayback.
SingleEvent |
This actor produces an event with the specified value at the
specified time.
SingleEvent |
A adapter class for
SingleSourceLongestPathAnalysis |
An analysis to find the longest path from a single source to all the other
nodes in a directed graph.
SingleSourceLongestPathAnalyzer |
A common interface for all the single source longest path analyzers.
SingleTokenCommutator |
The SingleTokenCommutator has a multiport input port and an output
SingleTokenDistributor |
A distributor that splits an input stream into a set of output
Singleton |
This interface is used to indicate that an attribute is a singleton,
meaning that when setContainer() is called, if there is a previous
instance of the attribute, then that previous instance is removed.
SingletonAttribute |
This class is an attribute that replaces any previously
existing attribute in the container that has the same name.
SingletonConfigurableAttribute |
This class is a configurable attribute that replaces any previously
existing attribute in the container that has the same name.
SingletonParameter |
This subclass of Parameter is identical to Parameter except that it
is a singleton, meaning that when its container is set, if the container
already contains an attribute with the same name, then that attribute
is first removed.
Sink |
Base class for simple data sinks.
SinkNodeAnalysis |
Computation of sink nodes in a graph.
SinkNodeAnalyzer |
Base interface for the computation of sink nodes in a graph.
SinkNodeStrategy |
Computation of sink nodes in a graph.
SIPrefixUnitConversionInfo |
A parameter that holds a record describing unit conversion information for
a UnitConcept in a unit system ontology that specifies units with SI prefixes
Site |
A site represents a point on a figure.
SiteDecorator |
This is an abstract decorator for sites.
SIUnitPrefixes |
An enumeration class that specifies all the valid prefixes
(e.g, kilo-, centi-, milli-) for SI units.
Size |
An interface that describes sizes as used by the FormLayout :
component measuring sizes, constant sizes with value and unit,
and bounded sizes that provide lower and upper bounds for a size.
SizeAttribute |
This attribute stores the width and height of a graphical component.
Sizes |
Consists only of static methods that create and convert sizes
as required by the FormLayout.
SkeletonFilter |
A filter which reduces a binary image to a skeleton.
SketchApplet |
This applet demonstrates the use of the SketchSource actor,
and in particular, how to share the same plot display between
an instance of SketchedSource and an instance of SequencePlotter.
SketchedSource |
This actor is a plotter that also produces as its output a
signal that has been sketched by the user on the screen.
SkyFilter |
Sleep |
On each firing, read at most one token from each input channel, sleep
by the specified amount of real time, and then produce the same input
tokens on the respective output channels.
Sleep |
An event to delay the execution for some real time.
SleepFireTwice |
Call twice so as to illustrate a bug.
Slice |
Produce an output token on each firing with a FixPoint value that is
equal to the slicing of the bits of the input token value.
Slicer |
The Slicer functions as a decoder of the LineCoder.
SliderSource |
The output of this actor is controlled by a slider in the run window.
SliderSource.SliderFrame |
The frame for the slider.
SmallWorldRouter |
This actor implements a routing algorithm to route a message to the
destination via a short path based only on local information.
SmartBlurFilter |
A filter which performs a "smart blur".
SmartSender |
This actor adaptively establishes connections by searching for an
unused input port in the model and connecting to it.
SmearFilter |
SmoothSignal |
Given inputs that are either doubles or SmoothToken s, construct
a SmoothToken output.
SmoothToDouble |
Convert a SmoothToken (one that has a double value and an array of
derivatives) to a DoubleToken, discarding the derivative information.
SmoothToken |
A double-valued token that contains zero or more derivatives, representing
the value of a function of time at a particular time.
SmoothZeroCrossingDetector |
A zero-crossing detector designed for use with quantized-state systems.
SMVLegacyCodeActor |
An actor of this class contains pure SMV codes.
SMVUtility |
SnapConstraint |
This constraint ensures that a point is a multiple of a constant
that defaults to 5.0.
SocketHelper |
A helper class for the socket module in JavaScript.
SocketHelper.ByteArrayBackedInputStream |
Input stream backed by a list of byte arrays.
SoftClip |
A simple application that demonstrates the use of LiveSound by
performing soft clipping in real-time.
SoftLightComposite |
SolarizeFilter |
A filter which solarizes an image.
Solution |
An instance of this class contains a "solution" of Unit constraints.
SongWrapper |
A adapter class for
SongWrapper |
This is an dummy wrapper for song class for GPIO pins on the Luminary Micro.
SootUtilities |
This class consists of static utility methods for use with Soot
SoundActor |
This actor forms a base class for actors that interact with real-time
sound through sampled data.
SoundCapture |
A buffer supporting the capturing of audio samples from a file or
from the computer's audio input port.
SoundPlayback |
A buffer supporting the playback of audio data and the the
writing of audio data to a sound file.
SoundPlayer |
This actor plays audio samples provided on the input port.
SoundReader |
This class is a buffer that supports the reading of audio samples
from a sound file that is specified as a URL.
SoundWriter |
This class is a buffer that supports the writing of audio samples
to a sound file.
Source |
Base for simple data sources.
SourceMatrix |
This class defines a large matrix containing 500 real measured data
from an array of 16 antenna's.
SourceNodeAnalysis |
Computation of source nodes in a graph.
SourceNodeAnalyzer |
Base interface for the computation of source nodes in a graph.
SourceNodeStrategy |
Computation of source nodes in a graph.
SourceStation |
This actor extends AbstractSourceStation.
SpaceApplication |
A wrapper class that calls eventually calls
ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication for use with Java Network Launching
Protocol (JNLP) aka Web Start to run the Office Space application
SparkleFilter |
SpeakerOutputDevice |
A code generation adapter class for
SpeakerOutputDevice |
This is a class for GPIO pins on the Luminary Micro.
Spectrum |
A class for calulating the colors of the spectrum.
SpectrumColormap |
A colormap with the colors of the spectrum.
SpeechRecognitionHelper |
A helper class for speech recognition.
Sphere3D |
This actor contains the geometry and appearance specifications for a
SphereFilter |
A filter which simulates a lens placed over an image.
SplineColormap |
A Colormap implemented using Catmull-Rom colour splines.
SplitReader |
Read a file a file or URL, one line at a time, and output each line
as a string.
SQLStatement |
Issue a database statement via the specified
database manager.
SRDirector |
A director for the Synchronous Reactive (SR) model of computation.
SROptimizedScheduler |
A scheduler the Synchronous Reactive (SR) domain.
SRRandomizedScheduler |
A scheduler the Synchronous Reactive (SR) domain.
SSMTest |
Iterate through the attributes of a StateSpaceModel.
StampFilter |
A filter which produces a rubber-stamp type of effect by performing a thresholded blur.
StartOrResumable |
StartOrResumable defines the interface of an actor to MetroIIDirector.
Starver |
On each firing, read at most one input token and send it
to the output port.
State |
Code generator helper for modal controller.
State |
A State has two ports: one for linking incoming transitions, the other for
outgoing transitions.
StateBubble |
A Figure that is customized for representing state bubbles.
StateController |
This class provides interaction with nodes that represent states in an
FSM graph.
StateController.StateRenderer |
Render the state as a circle, unless it has a custom icon.
StateEvent |
An event indicating a state change.
StateIcon |
An icon that displays the name of the container in an appropriately
sized rounded box.
StateMatcher |
A matcher to match a state in an FSM controller or an event in a Ptera
StateMatcherController |
StateMatcherController.Factory |
StateMatcherIcon |
StatePair |
A pair of states.
StatePredictorWithAccControl |
Implementation of StatePredictor witch uses acceleration control input.
StatePredictorWithControl |
Implementation of StatePredictor witch uses control input.
StateReceiver |
This is a marker interface for receivers that have state semantics.
StateSpaceActor |
An interface for the actors that can be decorated by the state
space model.
StateSpaceModel |
A decorator that implements a State Space Model.
StateSpaceSimulator |
An actor that simulates a state space model that decorates itself.
StateTypeCriterion |
A criterion to constrain the type of a state in an FSM or Ptera controller.
StaticALU |
A static integer arithmetic logic unit.
StaticSchedulingDirector |
A director that uses static scheduling to govern the execution of the
CompositeActor it belongs to.
StaticSchedulingDirector |
Code generator adapter associated with the StaticSchedulingDirector class.
StaticSchedulingDirectorAttributes |
Container for decorator attributes that are provided to actors.
Station |
This actor models a Station.
StationWriter |
This actor writes records,
one line at a time, to a specified file, as tab-separated list.
StatusBar |
A status bar with a message and a progress bar, for putting at the
bottom of application windows.
StatusHandler |
Interface for objects that can display status messages.
Stop |
An actor that stops execution of a model when it receives a true
token on any input channel.
Stop |
An event to stop execution of the whole model.
StoragePolicy |
StoragePolicy captures the notion of how an application
deals with persistent storage.
Store |
An actor that stores tokens into a memory.
StormHandling |
Handle a storm.
StraightConnector |
A Connector that draws itself in a straight line.
StraightTerminal |
A terminal that consists of a straight line plus an additional
decoration at the connection end of the terminal.
StreamChangeListener |
A change listener that describes the changes on the standard output.
StreamDemo |
Demonstration application showing Æfred's event stream from a stream.
StreamErrorHandler |
Basic error handler for the MoMLParser class.
StreamExec |
Execute commands in a subprocess and send the results to stderr and stdout.
StreamExecutionListener |
A default implementation of the ExecutionListener interface.
StreamListener |
A debug listener that sends messages to a stream or to the standard output.
StreamLoader |
Load a datasource from a URL.
StreamToMatrix |
Convert a stream of Double Tokens into a Matrix.
StreamValueListener |
A value listener that describes value changes on the standard output
when the value of an object implementing Settable changes.
StringAttribute |
An attribute that has a string value.
StringBufferExec |
Execute commands in a subprocess and accumulate the output in a
StringCompare |
Compare two strings specified either as inputs or parameters.
StringCompare |
A code generation helper class for
StringCompare |
A adapter class for
StringCompare |
A adapter class for
StringConst |
Produce a constant output of type string.
StringConst |
An adapter class for
StringConst |
A adapter class for StringConst.
StringConstantParameter |
This class is identical to StringParameter except that its visibility
is set to "NOT_EDITABLE" by default.
StringCriterionElement |
A string element for a criterion.
StringFunction |
Produce the output string generated by applying a user-specified
string function on a provided input string.
StringIndexOf |
Output the index of a searchFor string contained in a given
StringLength |
Output the length of a string provided at the input.
StringLength |
A code generation helper class for
StringLength |
A adapter class for
StringLength |
A adapter class for
StringMatches |
Pattern match a string to a regular expression and output a true if it
matches and a false if it does not.
StringOperationElement |
A string element for an operation.
StringOut |
An abstract class that is used to produce StringTokens on the
output for each token that is consumed on the input.
StringParameter |
This subclass of Parameter is almost identical to Parameter except that it
sets itself to string mode in the constructor.
StringPNListener |
A PNProcessListener that listens for events generated by
PNDirector and converts it to a string.
StringReplace |
On each firing, look for instances of the pattern specified by pattern
in stringToEdit and replace them with the string given by
StringSimpleReplace |
StringSplit |
This actor reads an input string and splits it into an array of
StringSubstring |
Output a substring of the string provided at the input.
StringToBoolean |
Convert a string to a boolean.
StringToDate |
Convert a string to a double.
StringToDouble |
Convert a string to a double.
StringToInt |
Convert a StringToken to an IntToken.
StringToIntArray |
Convert a string to an integer-array.
StringToken |
A token that contains a string, or more specifically, a reference
to an instance of String.
StringToKeyValue |
This actor converts each pair of input string tokens to a key and
value string token.
StringToUnsignedByteArray |
Convert a string to an array of unsigned byte.
StringToXML |
Convert a string token to an xml token.
StringUtilities |
A collection of utilities for manipulating strings.
StructuredType |
Base class for structured type.
StuckAtFaultGenerator |
StyleConfigurer |
This class is an editor for the styles of the parameters of an object.
SubclassCriterion |
A criterion to constrain the class of an object in the host model.
SubMatrix |
This actor extract a submatrix from an input matrix.
Subscriber |
This actor subscribes to tokens on a named channel.
Subscriber |
Generate C code for an actor that produces an output token on
on each firing with a value that is equal to the absolute value of
the input.
Subscriber |
Generate C code for an actor that produces an output token on
on each firing with a value that is equal to the absolute value of
the input.
Subscriber |
Generate C code for an actor that produces an output token on
on each firing with a value that is equal to the absolute value of
the input.
SubscriberPort |
This is a specialized input port that subscribes to data sent
to it on the specified named channel.
SubscriptionAggregator |
Aggregate data produced by multiple publishers.
SubscriptionAggregator |
An adapter class for
SubscriptionAggregator |
A adapter class for SubscriptionAggregator.
SubscriptionAggregatorPort |
Aggregate data produced by multiple publishers.
SubtractComposite |
SubtractConceptFunctionDefinition |
Concept function definition attribute specifically for arithmetic subtraction.
SumofAbsoluteDifferences |
Calculate the sum of absolute difference(SAD) between two blocks.
SuperdenseDependency |
This dependency represents causal relationships that have a real value
and a superdense time index.
SuperdenseTime |
This class defines the structure of superdense time used in domains having
time involved in computation.
SuperdenseTimeDirector |
This is an interface for directors that use a superdense model of time.
SuperdenseTimeTest |
A test actor illustrating a potential bug in DE in its
handling of superdense time.
SuppressSimultaneousEvents |
Output the first token received on the input port, and suppress any other
inputs received with the same physical time index.
SVGIcon |
This class is intended to eventually replace XMLIcon, however,
the current version doesn't work very well, so it isn't used.
SVGParser |
A collection of utilities to help parse graphics out of SVG files.
SVGUtilities |
A collection of utility functions to aid in figures from SVG,
the Scalable Vector Graphics language.
SwimFilter |
A filter which distorts an image as if it were underwater.
SwingWrapper |
A figure that embeds swing components in canvas drawings.
Switch |
A polymorphic switch, which routes inputs to specified output channels.
SwizzleFilter |
A filter which allows channels to be swapped.
SymmetricCrypto |
Encrypt or decrypt an unsigned byte array using a symmetric cryptography.
SymmetricDecryption |
Decrypt an unsigned byte array using a symmetric algorithm.
SymmetricEncryption |
Encrypt an unsigned byte array using a symmetric algorithm.
Synchronizer |
This actor implements a token synchronizer.
Synchronizer |
A code generation adapter class for
SynchronizeToRealtime |
This parameter sets whether execution of a Ptera model is synchronized to real
SynchronizeToRealTime |
Attribute that regulates the passage of time to wait for real time to catch up.
SynchronousFixTransformer |
This is an abstract base class for actors that transform
an input stream into an output stream with a specified latency
SyntacticCodeGenerator |
Generate a syntactic representation of a ptolemy model.
SyntacticCodeGeneratorAdapter |
Base class for a syntactic representation generator adapter.
SyntacticColumn |
Represent parallel composition in the context of Syntax terms.
SyntacticContraction |
This class represents a contraction operator in the SyntacticTerm
SyntacticGraph |
Represent ptolemy networks with Syntactic Graphs.
SyntacticName |
This class represents a named SyntacticTerm.
SyntacticNode |
Represent nodes in the context of SyntacticGraphs.
SyntacticNode.NodeType |
Internal enum representing the types of nodes and
how they are ordered, compared, and categorized.
SyntacticPort |
Represent ComponentPorts syntactically in SyntacticNodes.
SyntacticPort.IOType |
Represent IO type for ports.
SyntacticRank |
This class represents the rank of a SyntacticTerm.
SyntacticSeries |
This class represents a series composition over a sequence of SyntacticTerms.
SyntacticTerm |
Represent terms in combinator expressions for Ptolemy models.
SyntacticTermList |
This class is the base class for SyntacticTerms that are formed from
operations on lists of other terms.
SyntaxTextEditor |
A top-level window containing a text editor or viewer that understands
the syntax of various languages.
SyntaxTextEditorForStringAttributes |
A text editor to edit a specified string attribute using a syntax-directed editor.
SysMLADirector |
SysMLConcurrentDirector |
Concurrent version of a SysML director.
SysMLSequentialDirector |
Sequential version of a SysML director.
SysMLSequentialDirector.SuperdenseTime |
Data structure for storing a superdense time.
SystemCommand |
Actor that calls a system command.
Tableau |
A tableau is a visual representation of a Ptolemy II model in a top-level
TableauFactory |
This class is an attribute that creates a tableau to view a specified effigy.
TableauFrame |
This is a top-level window associated with a tableau that has
a menubar and status bar.
TableauFrame.MenuItemListener |
A Listener for menu items.
TableauParameter |
A parameter to encapsulate a tableau.
TableIcon |
An icon that displays the value of a variable of the container in a
Tag |
A timestamp and a microstamp that represent a Tag.
Task |
A task in the taskpt domain.
TaskDirector |
A director for controlling a task in the taskpt domain.
TaskPtDirector |
A director for controlling tasks and threads in the taskpt domain.
TclShellEffigy |
A representative of an Tcl expression shell.
TclShellEffigy.ShellFactory |
A factory for creating new Ptolemy effigies.
TclShellTableau |
A tableau that provides a Tcl Shell for interacting with Ptjacl,
a 100% Java implementation of Tcl.
TclShellTableau.Factory |
A factory that creates a control panel to display a Tcl Shell.
TclShellTableau.TclShellFrame |
The frame that is created by an instance of TclShellTableau.
TclTests |
Run the Tcl tests under JUnit.
TCPPacketReceiver |
This actor receives RecordTokens from a network input port and decomposes the
packet into several tokens that are contained within the packet.
TCPPacketTransmitter |
Build a TCP Packet containing a user-defined number of PTIDES events.
TCSDirector |
A director for modeling Train control systems.
TCSReceiver |
A receiver for modeling train control systems.
TDLAction |
A TDL action.
TDLAction.TDLActionComparator |
A class that compares two TDL actions.
TDLActionsGraph |
A representation of the schedule of all actions in a TDL module in
a graph.
TDLActor |
A TDL Actor used in the TDL domain.
TDLCausalityInterface |
This class gives a specialized causality interface for TDL.
TDLCodeGenerator |
Generates the TDL code for a given TDL module.
TDLCodeGeneratorUtilities |
Utilities for generating TDL code.
TDLController |
Controller for the TDL module.
TDLMode |
A TDL mode is a collection of TDL tasks.
TDLModule |
A TDL module forms a unit that consists of sensors, actuators, and modes.
TDLModuleDirector |
Director for a TDL (= Timing Definition Language) module.
TDLReceiver |
A TDL receiver stores a token until it gets a new token.
TDLRefinement |
A TDL refinement is used to define the implementation of a TDL mode.
TDLRefinementPort |
The TDL refinement port represents an actuator and has some TDL specific
parameters: - frequency: update frequency - initialValue: at time 0, this
initial value is used - fast: if the actuator is connected to a fast task,
this parameter is true - slots: string that supports TDL slot selection.
TdlTableauFactory |
An attribute that creates a tableau to view a Timing Description
Language (TDL) model.
TDLTask |
A TDL task is an SDF actor with TDL specific parameters.
TDLTaskPort |
A TDL task output port has some TDL specific parameters.
TdlTaskTableauFactory |
An attribute that creates a tableau to view a Timing Description
Language (TDL) task.
TDLTransition |
A TDL transition has some specific TDL parameters.
TemplateParser |
A class that allows to parse macros of templates in a code generator
TemporaryVariable |
This is identical to a Variable except that creating it does not
increment the workspace version.
Terminal |
A Terminal is a figure that provides a visible place for connectors
to connect to.
TerminalFigure |
A TerminalFigure decorates a figure to be a terminal as well.
TerminalTutorial |
This tutorial illustrates how to use Terminals.
TerminateProcessException |
This exception is thrown to terminate a process.
TerrainProperty |
This actor models an obstacle that attenuates signals that
traverse it.
Test |
Test class.
Test |
This actor compares the inputs against the value specified by the
correctValues parameter.
Test |
A adapter class for
Test |
A adapter class for Test.
Test |
A adapter class for Test.
Test |
An event that usually does not perform any action but merely has outgoing
scheduling relations to test conditions.
Testable |
Interface for attributes that implement tests.
TestAbstractReceiver |
Test AbstractReceiver.
TestActor |
A TestActor is a simple atomic actor that is used for testing the actor
TestActorPortDepth |
An actor supporting regression tests for DEDirector.
TestCase |
An abstract superclass for all test cases.
TestComplexBinaryOperation |
A operation taking one argument of type Complex, and producing a value of
type Complex.
TestComplexUnaryOperation |
A operation taking one argument of type complex, and producing a value of
type complex.
TestComponentPort |
This class is used to test protected method(s) in ComponentPort
TestComponentRelation |
This class is used to test protected method(s) in ComponentRelation
TestCompositeEntity |
This class is used to test protected method(s) in
TestConstant |
A constant InequalityTerm.
TestDE |
Test for ChangeRequest in the DE domain.
TestDebugEvent |
Class used to test DebugEvent
TestDirector |
This object implements a thread that obtains read permission to
a workspace three times sequentially, then calls workspace.wait(obj) on an
object and exits.
TestDoubleBinaryOperation |
A operation taking two operands of type double, and producing a value of
type double.
TestDoubleUnaryOperation |
A operation taking one argument of type double, and producing a value of
type double.
TestEngine |
Provides a simple demo of capabilities.
Tester |
Test driver for ptalon.
TesterDirector |
This director does not execute a model, but instead looks for
attributes contained by the model at the same level of the
hierarchy as this director that implement the Testable
TestExceptionAttribute |
This actor tests for exceptions that are expected to occur when
running a test model.
TestExceptionHandler |
TestFailedException |
An exception that is thrown when a test produces an
incorrect result.
TestFloatBinaryOperation |
A operation taking two operands of type float, and producing a value of
type float.
TestFloatUnaryOperation |
A operation taking one argument of type float, and producing a value of
type float.
TestGenericCodeGenerator |
Base class for code generator.
TestGraphReader |
An application for testing the conversion of Ptolemy models into
weighted graphs.
TestHarness |
A test harness.
TestIcon |
A test icon for a Ptera model.
TestIconLoader |
Test class for ptolemy.moml.IconLoader.
TestInstantiableAttribute |
TestInstantiableNamedObj |
TestIntegerBinaryOperation |
A operation taking two operands of type int, and producing a value of
type int.
TestIntegerUnaryOperation |
A operation taking one argument of type int, and producing a value of
type int.
TestJNI |
Test float arrays in Java Native Interface (JNI).
TestLibraryBuilder |
Test class for ptolemy.moml.LibraryBuilder.
TestLongBinaryOperation |
A operation taking two operands of type long, and producing a value of
type long.
TestLongUnaryOperation |
A operation taking one argument of type long, and producing a value of
type long.
TestModel |
An event to compare the model in the model parameter with a known good result.
TestModel |
A model for testing.
TestNullNamedObj |
TestNullNamedObj is like NamedObj, except that null names are permissible.
TestOrderedMerge |
Test OrderedMerged by covering _getNextPort().
TestProcessActor |
A TestProcessActor is a simple atomic actor that is used for testing the
actor package constructs for Processes.
TestPtolemyThread |
This class is used to test the protected _debug() method in
TestRamp |
Test out icon handling by the filters.
TestScheduleListener |
This dummy schedule listener implements the ScheduleListener interface.
TestSerializable |
This class constructs a system from the Ptolemy II design document, Figure 8,
saves it to a file and then reloads it.
TestSharedParameter |
A test suite parameter that is shared globally in a model.
TestSink |
TestSink |
TestSource |
This actor fires itself five times at each time instant,
then repeats the cycle one time unit later.
TestSuite |
The abstract superclass of test suites.
TestToken |
This is a new type of token.
TestToken.TestType |
The class of this token.
TestTypedIORelation |
Class for testing TypedIORelation
TestTypeLattice |
Test multiple threads on a TypeLattice.
TestTypeListener |
This dummy type listener implements the TypeListener interface.
TestUtilities |
Utility functions to make tests easier to write.
TestVariable |
A variable InequalityTerm.
TestWorkspace |
This object implements a thread that obtains read permission to
a workspace three times sequentially, then obtains write permission.
TestWorkspace2 |
This object implements a thread that obtains read permission to
a workspace three times sequentially, then calls workspace.wait(obj) on an
object and exits.
TestWorkspace3 |
Test the following scenario: thread T1 gets read access; thread T2 gets
read access; T1 waits for write access; T2 releases read access; T1 wakes
up and gets write access.
TestWorkspace4 |
Test the following scenario: thread T1 gets write access; T2 waits
for read access and is interrupted, then waits for read access again;
T1 releases write access; T2 gets/releases read access; another thread
T3 gets write access; T2 handles failure (being interrupted) in getting
read access.
TestWorkspace5 |
Test the following scenario: thread T1 gets read access; T2 waits
for write access and is interrupted, then waits for write access again;
T1 releases read access; T2 gets/releases write access; another thread
T3 gets read access; T2 handles failure (being interrupted) in getting
write access.
TestWorkspace6 |
Test the following scenario: thread T1 gets read access twice, then waits
on a lock object (and in doing so, releases the read access); T2 gets/releases
write access; T1 is interrupted, and reacquires read access.
TestWorkspaceBase |
A base class for creating tests on the workspace synchronization features.
TextAttribute |
This is an attribute that is rendered as text annotation.
TextDisplayHelper |
Helper for the textDisplay JavaScript module.
TextDocument |
A example document that contains plain boring old text
and saves it to ascii files.
TextDocument.Factory |
TextDocument.Factory is a factory for Text Documents
TextEditor |
A top-level window containing a simple text editor or viewer.
TextEditorConfigureFactory |
If this class is contained by a actor, then double clicking on that
actor will invoke a text editor that edits the value of a specified
string attribute.
TextEditorFactory |
An interface for objects with a clear() method.
TextEditorForStringAttributes |
A text editor to edit a specified string attribute or parameter.
TextEditorTableau |
A tableau representing a text window.
TextEditorTableau.Factory |
A factory that creates text editor tableaux for Ptolemy models.
TextEditorTableauFactory |
This class is an attribute that creates a text editor to edit a specified
string attribute in the container of this attribute.
TextEffigy |
An effigy for a text file.
TextEffigy.Factory |
A factory for creating new effigies.
TextFieldContainerInterface |
The instance of this class would be able to visualize the value of a token
within a text field that is placed into a container.
TextFieldContainerJavaSE |
JavaSE implementation of the TextFieldContainerInterface.
TextIcon |
An icon that displays specified text.
TextString3D |
An actor that encapsulates 3D text shapes in the GR domain.
TextStyle |
This attribute annotates user settable attributes to specify an
arbitrary multi-line text area style for configuring the containing
TextureFilter |
TextView |
A simple MDI text editor view.
ThreadDirector |
A director for controlling a thread in the taskpt domain.
ThreadedComposite |
A container for another actor that executes that other actor
in a separate thread called the inside thread.
ThreadedComposite.TokenFrame |
Bundle data associated with ports and a time stamp.
ThreadStreamExec |
Wrap StreamExec in a thread.
ThreadSynchronizer |
Synchronizes the access to the commandsMap.
ThreeDigitVersionSpecification |
A simple implementation of a version specification, based on a
merge of OSGi-conventions and Ptolemy (which in turn seems to be
based on JNLP).
ThresholdFilter |
A filter which performs a threshold operation on an image.
ThrottleAttributes |
Container for decorator attributes that are provided to local sources and
other actors that schedule their own firings by
a PtidesDirector .
ThrowException |
An actor that throws an IllegalActionException when it receives a true token
on any input channel.
ThrowModelError |
An actor that throws a model error when it receives a true token
on any input channel.
TileImageFilter |
A filter which tiles an image into a lerger one.
Time |
An object of the Time class represents time in a model.
Time |
Time |
TimeAdvanceEvent |
An interface for an event that has time advance, such as ReceiveInput in GT.
TimeAdvanceEventIcon |
An icon for a Ptera time advance event.
TimeCompare |
A adapter class for
TimeCompare |
A DE actor to compare the time stamps of events at its two input ports, and
output the difference.
TimedActor |
This is a marker interface for actors that operate on time-based signals.
TimedDelay |
TimedDisplay |
Display the model time and the input.
TimeDelay |
This actor delays the input by a specified amount of time given by
the delay port or parameter, which defaults to 1.0.
TimeDelay |
A adapter class for
TimeDelay |
A adapter class for
TimeDelay |
A adapter class for
TimeDelay.PendingEvent |
Data structure to store pending events.
TimedEvent |
This class aggregates an instance of Time and an Object, and provides a CQComparator
as an inner class.
TimedEvent.TimeComparator |
This class implements the CQComparator interface.
TimedMonitorValue |
Monitor inputs by setting the value parameter equal
to each arriving token.
TimedPlotter |
A signal plotter.
TimedPNDirector |
A TimedPNDirector governs the execution of a CompositeActor with
Kahn-MacQueen process networks (PN) semantics extended by introduction of a
notion of global time.
TimedScope |
A signal plotter that plots in an oscilloscope style, meaning that the
horizontal axis is wrapped and that there is finite persistence.
TimedSource |
Base class for time-based sources.
TimeGap |
A adapter class for
TimeGap |
A adapter class for
TimeGap |
A adapter class for
TimeGap |
This actor measures the time interval between arrivals of successive
input tokens.
TimeKeeper |
A TimeKeeper manages an actor's local value of time in the DDE domain.
Timer |
TimerDemo |
Demonstration application showing time elapsed for parse.
TimeRegulator |
This interface is implemented by attributes that wish to be consulted
when a director advances time.
TimeScheduler |
TimeScheduler is a ConstraintSolver that handles the time quantity for
TimeTriggeredEncoderHandler |
A code generation adapter class for
TimeTriggeredEncoderHandler |
A class for TimeTriggeredEncoderInputDevice that uses GPIO pins on the Luminary board.
Title |
Attribute specifying a title for a model or a component in a model.
TMActor |
An interface that adds a method getExecutionTime() to the Actor interface.
TMCompositeFacade |
A facade for a composite actor that creates and executes its internal
model a background process
TMDirector |
A director that implements a priority-driven multitasking
model of computation.
TMEvent |
A TM event is an event that triggers the execution of a TM actor
TMEventComparator |
A comparator for TM events.
TMReceiver |
The receiver for the TM domain.
ToDoubleMapMapping |
A ToDoubleMapping that is based on a Map.
ToDoubleMapping |
A mapping from objects into multiple double values.
ToIntMapMapping |
A ToIntMapping that is based on a Map.
ToIntMapping |
A mapping from objects into int values.
Token |
Describes the input token stream.
Token |
Token is the base class for data capsules.
Token |
Describes the input token stream.
TokenEffigy |
An effigy for a file that contains one or more tokens, one per line,
represented as text in the expression language.
TokenEffigy.Factory |
A factory for creating new effigies.
TokenGotEvent |
TokenGotListener |
TokenMgrError |
Token Manager Error.
TokenMgrError |
Token Manager Error.
TokenReader |
TokenSentEvent |
TokenSentListener |
TokenTableau |
A tableau representing one or more tokens in a top-level window with
a text editor.
TokenTableau.Factory |
A factory that creates a token tableau.
TokenToExpression |
This actor reads a token from the input port and outputs a string token
whose value is an expression that can be parsed to yield the input token.
TokenToExpression |
A helper class for
TokenToExpression |
A adapter class for
TokenToExpression |
A adapter class for
TokenToJSON |
An actor that converts a Token into a StringToken containing JSON-formatted
TokenUtilities |
Various methods and fields that are used from within the various token
TokenUtilitiesTest |
Multiply two doubles to exercise the exponentialFormat field.
ToolBar |
A GUI property that encloses a JToolBar component.
Top |
This is a top-level window with a menubar and an optional status bar.
TopLevelCurrentTime |
TopLevelCurrentTime |
An adapter class for
TopPack |
An interface that allows alternate pack() methods to be called from
TableauFrame which allows for functionality such as alternate menu systems
in Vergil.
TopTest |
Test driver for ptolemy.gui.Top.
Torus3D |
This actor contains the geometry and appearance specifications for
a GR torus.
TotallyOrderedSet |
An object of this class is a totally ordered set with an increasing order.
Track |
A model of a track in air traffic control systems.
Track |
A model of a track in Train control systems.
Tracker |
Begin Tracking a Trackable object using VRPN.
TrackWriter |
Write track records, one line at a time.
TrainableGaussianModel |
An interface to define a trainable Gaussian model.
TransferFilter |
Transform |
An event to transform the model in the model parameter with the encapsulated
transformation rule.
Transform |
Transform an image by either rotating or scaling it.
Transform.EmbeddedConfigurer |
The configurer to be embedded in the transform event.
TransformationAttribute |
An attribute encapsulating a model transformation with the Ptera controller.
TransformationAttributeController |
TransformationAttributeController.Factory |
TransformationAttributeEditorFactory |
TransformationAttributeEditorFactory.ExecutionThread |
TransformationAttributeEditorFactory.TransformationListener |
TransformationAttributeIcon |
TransformationEditor |
A graph editor frame for ptolemy graph transformation models.
TransformationEvaluator |
Parse transformation actor or values and set parameters of actors.
TransformationException |
An exception to be thrown in model transformation.
TransformationListener |
A listener interface for changes caused in a model transformation.
TransformationMode |
A parameter that determines the transformation mode.
TransformationMode.Mode |
The enumeration of accepted modes.
TransformationRule |
A transformation rule that contains a pattern and a replacement.
TransformationRule.TransformationDirector |
A director to be associated with this actor, which does nothing.
TransformContext |
A transform context defines a transformed coordinate system.
TransformedFigureTutorial |
This tutorial shows how to make custom figures that contain
their own TransformContext.
TransformedFigureTutorial.CloudFigure |
CloudFigure is a class that paints itself as a
translucent "cloud."
This example figure class illustrates the use of different
paints and strokes to create the required image, and the use
of TransformContext to position that image.
Transformer |
This is an abstract base class for actors that transform
an input stream into an output stream.
Transformer |
A base interface for transformers.
TransformerAdapter |
An adapter that turns a body transformer into a scene transformer.
TransformEventController |
TransformEventController.Factory |
TransformFilter |
An abstract superclass for filters which distort images in some way.
TransientSingletonConfigurableAttribute |
TransientState |
A state that is passed through in a firing of the FSM.
Transition |
A Transition has a source state and a destination state.
Transition |
A Transition to be used as part of a Petri Net and in
conjunction with the PetriNetDirector.
TransitionController |
This class provides interaction techniques for transitions in an FSM.
TransitionController.LinkRenderer |
Render a link.
TransitionController.LinkTarget |
A Link target.
TransitionEditorPaneFactory |
An editor for a transition.
TransitionFilter |
A filter which uses another filter to perform a transition.
TransitionMatcher |
A matcher to match any transition in an FSM controller or scheduling relation
in a Ptera controller.
TransitionRefinement |
Transition refinements provide a way to use composite actors which are run
whenever a transition is taken in an FSM modal, much in the same way
that State refinements are run every time an FSM is in a particular state.
TransitionRefinementPort |
A port for transition refinements in modal models.
TransitiveClosureAnalysis |
An analysis for the computation of transitive closure of a directed graph.
TransitiveClosureAnalyzer |
An interface to the analyzers for the computation of transitive closure
of a directed graph.
Translate2D |
This actor represents a translation of a two-dimensional GR scene.
Translate3D |
Conceptually, this actor takes 3D geometry in its input and
produces a translated version in its output.
TransmitPropertyTransformer |
This actor reads input tokens and sends them unmodified to the output;
its role is not to operate on input tokens, but rather to modify the
properties of a transmission.
TreeEditor |
An application that shows the elements of a Ptolemy II model in a JTree.
TreeEditorPanel |
A panel that displays a Ptolemy II model in a JTree.
TreeTableau |
A tree view for ptolemy models.
TreeTableau.Factory |
This is a factory that creates tree-view tableaux for Ptolemy models.
TreeTableau.TreeFrame |
This is a top-level window containing a tree-view of a composite
TrellisDecoder |
The TrellisDecoder is a generalization of the ViterbiDecoder.
Triangular |
Produce a random sequence with a triangular distribution.
Triangulator |
Given inputs that represent the location of a sensor and the time at
which those sensors detect an event, this actor outputs the location
of the source of the event.
TrigFunction |
Produce an output token on each firing with a value that is
equal to the specified trigonometric function of the input.
TrigFunction |
An adapter class for
TrigFunction |
A adapter class for TrigFunction.
TrigFunction |
A adapter class for TrigFunction.
TriggeredClock |
TritoneFilter |
A filter which performs a tritone conversion on an image.
TrueGate |
On each firing, output true if the input is present and true.
TrueGate |
A code generation adapter class for
TTESwitch |
Tuple<E> |
Generic tuple data structure.
Tuple3f |
Vector math package, converted to look similar to javax.vecmath.
Tuple4f |
Vector math package, converted to look similar to javax.vecmath.
TupleToken |
A token that contains an ordered set of tokens.
TupleType |
A class representing the type of a FunctionToken.
TurbulenceFunction |
TwirlFilter |
A Filter which distorts an image by twisting it from the centre out.
TwoPlotExample |
TwoPlotExample is a simple example that uses displays two plots side by side.
TwoPort |
TwoPut |
TwoPut is a test class with two output ports used to test token
production AND consumption.
TwoWayHashMap<K,V> |
A hash map that has one-to-one relationship between keys and values.
TxCoordination |
TXCoordination class is responsible for initiating a session.
Type |
An interface representing the type of a Token.
Typeable |
Interface for objects with types.
TypeAnimatorApplet |
An applet that demonstrates the Ptolemy II type system.
TypeAttribute |
An attribute for defining a data type for a port.
TypeConflictException |
Thrown on detecting type conflicts.
TypeConstant |
An InequalityTerm that encapsulates a constant type.
TypedActor |
A TypedActor is an actor whose ports have types.
TypedAtomicActor |
A TypedAtomicActor is an AtomicActor whose ports and parameters have types.
TypedCompositeActor |
A TypedCompositeActor is an aggregation of typed actors.
TypedCompositeActor |
JavaScript Code generator adapter for typed composite actor.
TypedCompositeActor |
Code generator adapter for typed composite actor.
TypedCompositeActor |
Code generator adapter for typed composite actor.
TypedCompositeActor |
Code generator adapter for typed composite actor.
TypedCompositeActor |
A C adapter class for
TypedCompositeActor |
Code generator adapter for typed composite actor.
TypedCompositeActor |
Code generator adapter for typed composite actor.
TypedCompositeActor |
Test class for codegen.kernel.ActorCodeGenerator.
TypedDecorator |
A FigureDecorator implementation which simply acts as a
set of prototypes which can be instantiated according to
the type of object the decorator is applied to.
TypedIOPort |
An IOPort with a type.
TypedIOPort.RunTimeTypeCheckException |
Exception class for run-time type errors.
TypedIORelation |
This class overrides some of the methods in IORelation to ensure that
TypedIOPorts are only connected to TypedIOPorts.
TypedNodeRenderer |
A NodeRenderer implementation which allows a user to add different
specialized node renderers which are called selectively, based on
the type of the user object that is contained in the node that is
being rendered.
TypedTestActor |
A TypedTestActor is a simple atomic actor that is used for testing the actor
TypedTestProcessActor |
A TypedTestProcessActor is a simple atomic actor that is used for
testing the actor package constructs for Processes.
TypeEvent |
A TypeEvent represents a type change on a Typeable object.
TypeLattice |
Type hierarchy for token classes.
TypeListener |
An interface implemented by objects that are interested in being kept
informed about type changes in a Typeable object.
TypeOpaqueCompositeActor |
A composite actor whose ports have types, but the actors inside are
not required to be typed.
TypeOpaqueCompositeActorTableauFactory |
A factory that creates graph editing tableaux for untyped models.
TypeTest |
An actor that can be used for regression test of the type resolution
UnaryMathFunction |
Produce an output token on each firing with a value that is
equal to the specified math function of the input.
UnaryMathFunction |
An adapter class for
UnaryOperationMonotonicFunctionDefinition |
Concept function definition attribute for any unary operation.
UndeferredGraphicalMessageHandler |
This is a message handler that reports errors in a graphical dialog box.
Undefined |
UndefinedConstantOrIdentifierException |
Thrown on an attempt to evaluate an expression that contains an
unknown constant or identifier.
UndoAction |
This interface represents an undo or redo action that is
maintained on an undo/redo stack, such as that maintained by
UndoActionsList |
This class contains a sequential list of UndoAction instances that
can be executed in order.
UndoActionTest |
Test of UndoActin, an interface represents an undo or redo action that is
maintained on an undo/redo stack, such as that maintained by
UndoChangeRequest |
A change request to undo.
UndoContext |
Holds information about the current undo context.
UndoLayoutAction |
An undo action that is able to revert the changes made by automatic layout, or to
repeat them in the case of redo.
UndoListener |
An Undo/Redo listener for use with a JTextComponent.
UndoStackAttribute |
This attribute holds the undo/redo information for a model.
Uniform |
Produce a random sequence with a uniform distribution.
Uniform |
An adapter class for
UnionDisassembler |
On each firing, read one UnionToken from the input port and send out
the value to the output port that matches the label name of the
input token.
UnionMerge |
On each firing, read all tokens from every input port and wrap each token
into a UnionToken of which the label matches the name of the originating
input port.
UnionToken |
A token that contains a label/token pairs.
UnionType |
A class representing the type of a UnionToken.
Unit |
Class that contains the internal representation of a Unit.
UnitAttribute |
This class is used to implement the Unit Attribute.
UnitCategory |
A property that specifies the category of a base unit.
UnitConcept |
The abstract base class for the unitSystem ontology base and derived unit
UnitConstraint |
UnitConstraints |
UnitConstraints represents a group, with duplicates allowed, of
UnitConstraintsDialog |
Unit Constraints Dialog.
UnitConversionInfo |
A parameter that holds a record describing unit conversion information for
a UnitConcept in a unit system ontology.
UnitConverter |
An interface that describes how to convert general sizes to pixel sizes.
UnitEquation |
A Unit equation is a particular type of Unit constraint, another
type being a Unit inequality.
UnitExpr |
A UnitExpr contains UnitTerms.
UnitInEquality |
A place holder for the day there is a UnitInEquality
UnitIterator |
An iterator over a single object.
UnitLibrary |
A Library containing definitions of commonly used units.
UnitPresentation |
The methods necessary to present Units, UnitConstraints, UnitExprs, etc.
UnitsConverter |
The ontology adapter class for
UnitsConverter |
An actor that outputs a scaled and offset version of the input based on a
unit conversion factor specified in the unitSystem ontology.
UnitSolverDialog |
Dialog for the Unit Solver.
UnitSolverDialog.SolutionListModel |
List of solutions.
UnitSystem |
A unit system as defined by a set of base and derived units.
UnitTerm |
UnitTerm represents a term in a Unit Expression.
UnitUtilities |
A set of manipulation routines that are useful for factoring most of
the difficulty of dealing with units out of individual token classes.
UnknownResultException |
Thrown on an attempt to evaluate an expression that can not be determined
because some variables are unknown.
UnknownToken |
This is a token that reports its type as "unknown."
Otherwise, this class is identical to its parent class.
UnloadModelTest |
Test unloading a model.
UnpremultiplyFilter |
A filter which unpremultiplies an image's alpha.
UnscentedKalmanFilterSSM |
An Unscented Kalman filter implementation that expects a state-space model
and several measurements to be tied with itself via decorators.
UnsharpFilter |
A filter which subtracts Gaussian blur from an image, sharpening it.
UnsignedByteArrayToString |
Convert an array of bytes into a string.
UnsignedByteToken |
A token that contains a byte number in the range 0 through 255.
UnsizedArrayToken |
A token that represents an array.
UnsizedFixToken |
A token that contains an instance of FixPoint.
UnusedFieldRemover |
A Transformer that removes any private fields from a class that are
never read.
UParser |
This file implements a Unit parser for Ptolemy II using the
JavaCC parser generator.
UParserConstants |
Token literal values and constants.
UParserTokenManager |
Token Manager.
UpdateAnnotations |
Update the annotations.
UpdatedArrayToken |
A token that contains an array of tokens that is equal to another
specified ArrayToken except at one location, where it has a new
UpdatedValueIcon |
An icon that displays the value of an attribute of the container,
updating it as the value of the value of the attribute is updated.
UpSample |
A code generation adapter class for
UpSample |
A code generation adapter class for
UpSample |
This actor upsamples an input stream by an integer factor by inserting
tokens with value zero.
URIAttribute |
An attribute that identifies the URI from which the container was read.
URLDirectoryReader |
URLReader |
This actor reads tokens from an URL, and output them.
URLToImage |
An actor that reads a String input token naming a URL and outputs an
Object Token that contains a java.awt.Image
UserActorLibrary |
Access the User Actor Library.
UserDialog |
A panel with two text areas, one for user input, and one in which
to display responses.
UserObjectContainer |
An object which is annotated with a single
"user object" which is its semantic equivalent
in an application.
UsesInvokeAndWait |
A marker interface indicating that the class calls
Utilities |
Consists only of static utility methods.
Utilities |
Utilities for testing graphs.
UtilityFunctions |
This class provides additional functions for use in the Ptolemy II
expression language.
ValidateMpdu |
ValidateMpdu class checks the status field of the RxEnd message.
ValidatingXMLParser |
A validating XML parser.
ValidatingXMLParser.MoMLEntityResolver |
Resolve an entity by checking for
and, if found, return the value of MoMLParser.MoML_1.dtd.
ValidationException |
An exception to be thrown when the string representation of GT ingredients
cannot be validated.
ValueComposite |
ValueIcon |
An icon that displays a bullet, the name, and, if the container is
an instance of settable, its value.
ValueIterator |
An interface for parameters whose accepted values can be iterated from the
initial value with the next method.
ValueListener |
This is an interface for listeners that are notified when the value
of an object implementing Settable changes.
Variable |
A Variable is an Attribute that contains a token, and can be set by an
expression that can refer to other variables.
Variable.CircularDependencyError |
Subclass of IllegalActionException for use in reporting
circular dependency errors.
VariableBlurFilter |
A filter which performs a box blur with a different blur radius at each pixel.
VariableClock |
VariableDelay |
VariableDelay |
VariableDelaySwitch |
A CommunicationAspect actor that applies packet-size and priority
dependent delay to incoming packets.
VariableFIR |
This actor implements a type polymorphic finite-impulse response
filter with multirate capability, where the impulse response
of the filter is provided by an input.
VariableLattice |
This actor implements an FIR filter with a lattice structure where
the reflection coefficients are supplied at an input port.
VariableRecursiveLattice |
This actor implements a recursive (all-pole) filter with a lattice
structure where the reflection coefficients are supplied at an input port.
VariableScope |
The parser scope that resolves names as attributes of a given container and
those of a superscope.
VariableScope |
VariableScope class.
VariableSleep |
An actor that calls Thread.sleep() on the current thread the first
time fire() is called.
Vector3f |
Vector math package, converted to look similar to javax.vecmath.
Vector4f |
Vector math package, converted to look similar to javax.vecmath.
VectorAssembler |
On each firing, read exactly one token from each channel of the
input port and assemble the tokens into a DoubleMatrixToken
with one column.
VectorAssembler |
A adapter class for
VectorAssembler |
A adapter class for VectorAssembler.
VectorDisassembler |
An actor that disassembles a DoubleMatrixToken to a multiport output.
VectorDisassembler |
A adapter class for VectorDisassembler.
VectorDisassembler |
A adapter class for VectorDisassembler.
VectorFigure |
A VectorFigure is a figure containing a list of objects that
are drawn to produce the figure.
VectorFigureTutorial |
An example showing how to use VectorFigure.
VergilApplet |
An applet that bring up a toplevel, standalone Vergil frame.
VergilApplication |
An application for editing ptolemy models visually.
VergilErrorHandler |
This error handler attempts to replace any failed MoML elements with
generic versions so that the parsing of the MoML can continue.
VergilGraphicalMessageHandler |
A message handler that optionally includes a button that opens the model
that contains the actor that caused the exception and zooms into the actor.
VergilInitializer |
Initialize Vergil.
VergilUtilities |
Utilities used by Vergil.
VersionAttribute |
A nonpersistent attribute that identifies the version of an object.
VersionSpecification |
Abstract base class for version specifications.
Vertex |
Nodes of a graph in DijkstraAlgorithm.
Vertex |
This attribute represents a waypoint in a relation.
VertxBrowserHelper |
VertxHelperBase |
A base class for helper classes that use an embedded Vert.x core.
VideoCamera |
An actor that produces a sequence of frames from a video camera.
VideoPlayer |
An actor that displays a AVI, Quicktime or MPEG video file.
View |
View is an interface that captures the notion of a view on a
document in a graphical application.
View |
An event to view the model in the model parameter in a separate window.
ViewAdapter |
An adapter for view listener, containing empty method
ViewEvent |
A view event is generated when a view of a Document is
iconified, selected, closed, and so on.
ViewLayers3D |
A sink actor that renders layered structure for High Speed Sintering (HSS)
3D printing simulation.
ViewListener |
A listener interface for receiving events on views.
ViewScreen2D |
A sink actor that renders a two-dimensional scene into a display
ViewScreen3D |
A sink actor that renders the 3D GR geometry into a display screen.
ViewScreenInterface |
A marker interface for GR view screen classes.
VirtualTinyOS |
Provide a virtual enviorment to run tinyOS code directly...
VisibleAttribute |
Base class for attributes that are shown in vergil with their own icons.
VisibleComponent |
A visible component is a canvas component that is painted onto a
graphics context.
VisibleParameterEditorFactory |
If this class is contained by a settable attribute, then double
clicking on that attribute will invoke an editor for only that
VisibleTreeModel |
A tree model for the Vergil library panel.
VisualModelReference |
This is an atomic actor that can execute and/or open a model specified by
a file or URL.
VisualSenseApplication |
A wrapper class that calls eventually calls
ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication for use with Java Network Launching
Protocol (JNLP) aka Web Start.
VisualSequenceDirector |
A director that executes actors in a sequence explicitly specified
by the model.
ViterbiDecoder |
The Viterbi algorithm is an optimal way to decode convolutional and
trellis codes.
VLNoise |
Vowels |
A demo actor that outputs a StringToken for each real token
that it consumes.
VQDecode |
This actor decompresses a vector quantized signal.
WaitingTime |
This actor measures the time that events at one input have to wait for
events at another.
WallClockTime |
Upon firing, this actor outputs the elapsed real time in seconds
since the start time of the model, as reported by the director.
WarningWindow |
Class to create a warning window in a new thread.
WarpFilter |
A filter for warping images using the gridwarp algorithm.
WarpGrid |
A warp grid.
WatchDog |
This class creates a Timer that calls System.exit() after
a certain amount of time.
WatchDogTimer |
A transformer that calls System.exit() after a certain amount of time.
WaterFilter |
A filter which produces a water ripple distortion.
Waveform |
This actor produces a periodic continuous-time signal defined by a
periodic sequence of samples and an interpolation method.
WeaveFilter |
WebAttribute |
Class containing information and methods for properties for web content,
for example, an HTML attribute that is part of an HTML element, as in the
"href" attribute of <a href="">This is a link</a>
The _elementName is used as the name of the attribute, e.g.
WebContent |
Base class for attributes defining content for export to web.
WebElement |
Attribute containing information and methods for web elements,
for example, HTML tags and content, as in
<div> This is some HTML content </div>
The full name including the _elementName is used as WebElement's web id.
WebExportable |
Interface for parameters that provide web export content.
WebExporter |
Interface for an object that provides a web exporting service
for a Ptolemy II model.
WebExportParameters |
Container for parameters that customize web export.
WebSocketHelper |
A helper class for the webSocket module in JavaScript.
WebSocketServerHelper |
A helper class for the webSocketServer and browser modules' Server object in JavaScript.
WelcomeWindow |
A toplevel frame that can view HTML documents, but has no menus.
WelcomeWindowTableau |
A tableau representing a rendered HTML view in a toplevel window that
has no menu choices.
When |
When the control input is true, copy the input to the
While |
A While actor for the sequence domain.
WholeImageFilter |
A filter which acts as a superclass for filters which need to have the whole image in memory
to do their stuff.
WindowPropertiesAttribute |
This attribute stores properties of a window, including the width,
height, and location.
Wire |
Wire is a simple DDE actor with an input and output multiport.
Wire |
WiredToWireless |
On each firing, this actor reads at most one token from the payload
and properties input ports, and outputs the payload on the wireless
output port with the specified transmit properties.
WirelessChannel |
Interface for wireless channels in the wireless domain.
WirelessComposite |
This is a composite actor for use in the wireless domain.
WirelessDirector |
Director for the wireless model of computation.
WirelessIOPort |
This port communicates via channels without wired connections.
WirelessReceiver |
A receiver for use in the wireless domain.
WirelessToWired |
On each firing, this actor reads at most one token from the input
port and output the payload on the payload port and the properties
on the properties port.
WithIconGraphController |
A base class for Ptolemy II graph controllers for objects that can have
WoodFilter |
A filter which produces a simulated wood texture.
WordCount |
Word Count.
Workspace |
An instance of Workspace is used for synchronization and version tracking
of interdependent groups of objects.
WriteModel |
An event to output the model in the model parameter into a file.
Writer |
XBeeHello |
Generate "Hello XBee World!" on a XBee radio connected to a serial port.
XBeeHelper |
Helper for XBee radio modules.
This provides static methods to convert an XML text into a JSONObject,
and to covert a JSONObject into an XML text.
XmlApp |
Base class for Ælfred demonstration applications.
XmlApplet |
Base class for Ælfred demonstration applications.
XmlBuilder |
An XmlBuilder is an interface that can be implemented by classes
that convert between XmlElements and some internal
data representation.
XmlDemo |
A simple program that you can run to illustrate the operation
of the files in this package.
XmlDocument |
An XMLDocument is an in-memory representation of an XML document.
XmlElement |
An XmlElement is a node of a tree representing an XML file.
XMLElementTest |
A test suite for XmlElement
XmlException |
Convenience exception class for reporting XML parsing errors.
XmlHandler |
XML Processing Interface.
XMLIcon |
An icon is a visual representation of an entity.
XMLInclusion |
Combine multiple XMLTokens into one XMLToken.
XmlParser |
Parse XML documents and return parse events through call-backs.
XMLParser |
This class parses a XML string token to a DOM document.
XMLParser.EntityResolver |
The entity resolver that tries to first load a DTD file locally, and if
it is not found, looks for it on the Internet using the DTD file's
system ID.
XMLParserTest |
A test suite for XMLParser and XMLPrinter
XmlReader |
An XmlReader reads a character stream and constructs the internal
data of an XmlDocument.
XMLToken |
A token that contains a xml document.
XMLTokener |
The XMLTokener extends the JSONTokener to provide additional methods
for the parsing of XML texts.
XmlUtilities |
A collection of utility methods for XML-related
XmlWriter |
Given a tree of XmlElements, an object of this class generates
the equivalent XML into an output stream.
XMLWriter |
Class for writing xml documents.
XSLTransformer |
This actor reads an XSLT file and apply it to a dom tree.
XSLTUtilities |
A collection of utilities for manipulating strings using XSLT.
XYPlotter |
An XY plotter.
XYScope |
An X-Y plotter that plots with finite persistence.
ZenoDelay |
ZenoDelay is an extension of ListenFeedBackDelay with an overridden
getDelay() method that approximates a Zeno condition.
ZeroLengthCycleAnalysis |
Analysis to check if a cyclic directed graph has a zero-length cycle.
ZeroLengthCycleAnalyzer |
A common interface for all the zero length cycle detection analyzers.
ZeroOneSource |
This actor produces the sequence 011101011011000...
ZeroOrderHold |
Convert discrete events at the input to a continuous-time
signal at the output by holding the value of the discrete
event until the next discrete event arrives.
ZList |
A ZList is an interface for objects that contain an ordered list
of figures in z-order.